To be rich and to bathe in happiness, on the day of Boris and Gleb do it
Holy Princes Boris and Gleb help all believersWho's talking to them? Most often they are asked for help for healing from ailments and for the salvation of the soul and the preservation of peace on earth. On August 6, the entire Orthodox world will celebrate the day of remembrance of these saints.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what to do. on the day of Boris and Glebto live in prosperity for the rest of his life. We pray all the time!
Princes Boris and Gleb Prince Boris and Gleb were the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. The younger sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir were distinguished by mercy and hearty kindness, imitating the example of their father.
In their memory, thousands of churches and hundreds of monasteries were built throughout Russia. The city of Borisoglebsk in the Voronezh region was also named. Every year on this day, the oldest procession on the Vyatka is made. By the way, the first procession in memory of Saints Boris and Gleb was held in 1015!
Boris and Gleb did not want to participate in an internecine war with their older brother Svyatopolk, nicknamed by the people “Cursed”, who sent them to the other world.
Our ancestors venerated the holy brothers Boris and Gleb as defenders of the Slavic land from external and internal enemies and glorified them as martyrs who fulfilled the main role of the Slavic people. commandment"Love each other."
Not wanting enmity with his brother, Boris and Gleb voluntarily renounced the legitimate right to power and preferred the Kingdom of Heaven to the earthly princely lot.
After leaving for another world, the relics of the saints were transferred to Vyshgorod, to the church of Basil the Great. Many miracles and healings took place at the shrine, which became the reason for the solemn raising and transfer of the holy relics. Yaroslav the Wise built a temple in Vyshgorod in honor of the holy brothers, where he put a vessel with their relics.
Princes Boris and Gleb taught their descendants by their own lives that any enmity, especially among relatives, should be extinguished in the bud with a good disposition of souls.
For the meek and humble disposition that the brothers preserved until the last seconds of their lives, the Lord sent the saints the gift of miracle-working: people who came to prayer received healing from their relics.
Interestingly, the names of Boris and Gleb, who were born shortly before the Baptism of Russia, were changed to others at baptism. Boris was given the name Roman and Gleb David.
How to spend the day of memory of Boris and Gleb
August 6, on the day of memory of Boris and Gleb, it is better to do household chores, take time to prepare blanks for the winter. Not only will it be successful, but it will also help to attract prosperity. It is also good to cook jams and compotes, they will make your life sweeter and happier. Even on this day, the collection of cherry begins.
According to legend, women should not walk with their hair loose on Boris and Gleb. Also earlier in Russia, people tried not to work in the field and go to meadows – so that there was no fire.
On the day of memory of Boris and Gleb, our ancestors tried to talk to a loved one with whom it was difficult to find a common language in other days.
Well, if you need to contact your superiors, it is better to do it on August 6, then you can not be afraid of rejection.
We also celebrate Boris and Gleb Day on May 15. By the way, this holiday is also called Buckday. And all because St. Boris was often called a lady. Boris and Gleb Day was especially revered among merchants and merchants, because they believed that if today they have good revenue, success will accompany the whole year in a row.
I also suggest you find out how to spend the day of the healer Panteleimon, which will be held on August 9. The gift of God allowed the physician to heal the needy free of charge. He was able to convince people to believe in Christ.
Princes Boris and Gleb were sent to earth by the Lord as saints. Through their lives, deeds, prayers, labors, words and help to instruct, instruct, save, help, heal and, most importantly, to show us, sinners, the right path to the Heavenly Father.
Personally, I'm going this day. temple and pray. How do you plan to celebrate this holiday?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what to do. on the day of Boris and Glebto live in prosperity for the rest of his life. We pray all the time!

Princes Boris and Gleb Prince Boris and Gleb were the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. The younger sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir were distinguished by mercy and hearty kindness, imitating the example of their father.
In their memory, thousands of churches and hundreds of monasteries were built throughout Russia. The city of Borisoglebsk in the Voronezh region was also named. Every year on this day, the oldest procession on the Vyatka is made. By the way, the first procession in memory of Saints Boris and Gleb was held in 1015!

Boris and Gleb did not want to participate in an internecine war with their older brother Svyatopolk, nicknamed by the people “Cursed”, who sent them to the other world.
Our ancestors venerated the holy brothers Boris and Gleb as defenders of the Slavic land from external and internal enemies and glorified them as martyrs who fulfilled the main role of the Slavic people. commandment"Love each other."

Not wanting enmity with his brother, Boris and Gleb voluntarily renounced the legitimate right to power and preferred the Kingdom of Heaven to the earthly princely lot.
After leaving for another world, the relics of the saints were transferred to Vyshgorod, to the church of Basil the Great. Many miracles and healings took place at the shrine, which became the reason for the solemn raising and transfer of the holy relics. Yaroslav the Wise built a temple in Vyshgorod in honor of the holy brothers, where he put a vessel with their relics.
Princes Boris and Gleb taught their descendants by their own lives that any enmity, especially among relatives, should be extinguished in the bud with a good disposition of souls.

For the meek and humble disposition that the brothers preserved until the last seconds of their lives, the Lord sent the saints the gift of miracle-working: people who came to prayer received healing from their relics.
Interestingly, the names of Boris and Gleb, who were born shortly before the Baptism of Russia, were changed to others at baptism. Boris was given the name Roman and Gleb David.

How to spend the day of memory of Boris and Gleb
August 6, on the day of memory of Boris and Gleb, it is better to do household chores, take time to prepare blanks for the winter. Not only will it be successful, but it will also help to attract prosperity. It is also good to cook jams and compotes, they will make your life sweeter and happier. Even on this day, the collection of cherry begins.

According to legend, women should not walk with their hair loose on Boris and Gleb. Also earlier in Russia, people tried not to work in the field and go to meadows – so that there was no fire.
On the day of memory of Boris and Gleb, our ancestors tried to talk to a loved one with whom it was difficult to find a common language in other days.
Well, if you need to contact your superiors, it is better to do it on August 6, then you can not be afraid of rejection.

We also celebrate Boris and Gleb Day on May 15. By the way, this holiday is also called Buckday. And all because St. Boris was often called a lady. Boris and Gleb Day was especially revered among merchants and merchants, because they believed that if today they have good revenue, success will accompany the whole year in a row.
I also suggest you find out how to spend the day of the healer Panteleimon, which will be held on August 9. The gift of God allowed the physician to heal the needy free of charge. He was able to convince people to believe in Christ.

Princes Boris and Gleb were sent to earth by the Lord as saints. Through their lives, deeds, prayers, labors, words and help to instruct, instruct, save, help, heal and, most importantly, to show us, sinners, the right path to the Heavenly Father.
Personally, I'm going this day. temple and pray. How do you plan to celebrate this holiday?
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