20 tips in a difficult moment of Sergei Dovlatov

Sergei Dovlatov - not only one of the most widely read Russian writers of the late twentieth century - beginning of the XXI century, but also a man who knew how to look even at the saddest aspects of life with a special, quiet and a little sad humor. In his books there is righteous, because I do not have them and villains. The writer knew and heaven and hell - within ourselves.

Therefore, if you suddenly became dark and bleak, Website prompt, whose advice can help. Here they are.

Weak people overcome life, courageous - master. Most people think intractable the problems the solution of which little suits them. Remember, you can escape from the knife. You can block an ax. You can select a gun. Everything is allowed! But if you can run away - run! Run, son, and do not look back ... irreparable only death. All my life I blew through a telescope and was surprised that there is no music. And then she is looking carefully at the trombone and was surprised that a damn sight. Good to go when called. Awful - when not called. However, it is best when the name, and you do not go ... Whether it is temporary or is valid. The best way to overcome the inherent uncertainty - is to stay as confident. Before we were born - an abyss. And after we die - the abyss. Our life is but a speck in the ocean of indifference infinity. So at least try not to spoil this moment of sadness and boredom! Let's try to scratch the earth's crust. I have long ceased to divide people into positive and negative. A literary heroes - even more so. Also, I'm not sure that in the life of crime will inevitably be repentance, but for the feat - bliss. We have what to feel. Takeaway I somehow trash can. Frozen. I threw him three meters to the garbage. Fifteen minutes later, we came to the janitor. Scandal. It turned out that it is easy to establish debris tenant and apartment number. in any creative work has a place!

Do not ask God supplements. It is easy not to steal. The more - not to kill ... Where difficult - not to judge ... Just think - do not judge! Meanwhile, "do not judge" - it is a whole philosophy. - What could be more important than justice?
- More important than justice? At least - mercy for the fallen. Alas, the defeat in a fight does not mean the end. You will be beaten regularly. Finally destroy you in person ... a horrible death - cowardice, pusillanimity and inevitable after that - slavery. I have no regrets about their experiences of poverty. If you believe Hemingway, poverty - an irreplaceable school for the writer. Poverty makes people keen. And so on. It is curious that Hemingway knew it as soon as the rich ... Life goes on, even when it is, in fact, not. Man is capable of everything - good and bad.
I am sad that it is so.
Therefore God give us fortitude and courage.
And even better - the circumstances of time and place, has to goodness. Do not be like everyone else because we have everything. The only honest road - a path error, frustration and hope. Life is the identification of the boundaries of their own experience of good and evil ... there is no other ways.

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