15 channels on YouTube for English

In today's world invented so many ways to learn a foreign language: teach - I do not. For example, you can include a video every day with one of the educational channel on YouTube, and job opportunities for free lay the shelves of all, it is not clear.
Website gathered for you some of the channels in Russian and English languages.
The channels in Russian: Puzzle English - contains a set of video tutorials on various topics: analysis of grammar, secrets and tips on language learning, interesting expression of the popular TV series, pronunciation and much more. Albert Kakhnovskiy - learning English on the famous Raymond Murphy. English as the notes - quite funny and entertaining channel. Learning English is going on with music, games, movies and humor. Irina Channel Shipilova - considering a lot of grammatical aspects. Many lessons on listening. By the way, in addition to the English language on its channel Irina teaches three. English School Jobs - informative entertainment channel about learning English fun and effective. Oxana Dolinka - the study of the living Modern English. Many materials for beginners.
Learn English with Ronnie - most of the video is devoted to grammar. The explanation is quite understandable, cheerfully and humorously. English with Jennifer - here you will find tips on how to improve the pronunciation, grammar and learn more. It is useful both for students and for teachers of English. Rachel's English - channel will be especially useful to those who are experiencing difficulty with the pronunciation. Anglo-Link - a variety of materials is impressive. Most lessons devoted to the consideration of grammar. EnglishClass101 - about the simple things in English. The channel will be useful for those who have more or less versed in grammar, but has problems in communicating. BBC Learning English - a large number of interesting and informative videos on a variety of topics. Learn English with Steve Ford - author - a professional teacher of English with twenty years. A useful material here will find both beginners and advanced students. AlexESLvid's Free English Lessons - popular channel with interesting podcasts, and almost daily updates. Learn English with Let's Talk - good lessons a variety of themes based on modern principles of learning.
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