Sir Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity

Sir Ken Robinson is a leading expert in the field of development of creative thinking, education and innovation. A knighthood Ken Robinson has received over the reform of British schools. He has so many other merits that makes no sense to give here (see Wikipedia article)
He is also the author of the book "Calling. How to find what you created and live in your element."
In the video, Ken Robinson talks about modern education system, stating that it is built on obsolete principles, which originated in the early days of the industrial revolution. To treat a person as to the standardized factory product, students are grouped by "date of production" classes, the classes begin and finish on the bell, i.e. the education of children occurs on the model of production in the factory.
Therefore, almost missing the basic principle of human development — the principle of the disclosure of his identity! It is replaced by the need to obtain a diploma in order to get a "good job". So there are poor people, who became hostages to hard public views about what they need and what is not, cannot realize themselves. And this is the main reason the spiritual world and, as a consequence of the economic crisis.
In order to the people from childhood not lose the abilities they need to discover for themselves the direction of development, Ken Robinson offers in the early stages of schooling focus on strengthening the children in their creative abilities, the ability to search for innovative independent decisions, to think freely stereotypes, not obeying them, but using them if needed.
This approach to education to replace all those technical knowledge, which are stuffed with children from childhood, trying to turn them into "standard products" as an example "Professor of mathematics".
About changing the paradigm of education
Source: vseedino.ru/ken-robinson-o-transformacii-sistemy-obrazovaniya
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