Day conscious people
Eighty one million eight hundred ninety five thousand two hundred four
Sir, the situation is out of control!
— People started to laugh...
— It's impossible!
— It really is! They have lifted the mood.
— Have you double-checked the results?
— Yes, sir.
— What about the media? There's only bad news?
— Yes! It's the worst.
— And still in a good mood?
— Gradually increases.
— And the war?
— Tell about her as I can.
— And the prices?
— Raise constantly.
— And the salary?
— The minimum.
— What? People smile?
Yeah, imagine.
— Incredible!
— Besides, they start to do something!
There was an awkward silence. The speaker shifted from foot to foot. He was confused.
They create their school.
What??? School? I want to change education, which for thousands of years?
— Do not change, and create a new one.
— What they don't like our?
— Freedom is not enough.
Again an awkward pause. The situation is approaching critical.
— Maybe to reduce wages?
— Before helped.
Or all sent to war.
— Also an option.
— Let everyone write papers.
— Not everyone hears.
— What is happening?
Came a second reporter.
— Sir, we're losing people. They start to smile directly in front of us. Their good mood is contagious and affects the overall condition of the Earth as a whole.
— What consequences?
— Increases efficiency, people are discovering their hidden abilities.
— For example?
They can create your life.
— Life... to create...
— They started to think about it.
What is it now? Report everything without reserve.
In our area there suspicious signs of awareness. People began to join together and to create something new.
Again new! a fist slammed down on the table. – What about old gray? It is so beautiful!
Grey old not popular.
Entered the third speaker.
— We have a problem, sir.
— What, kids started flying?
— Almost. People learned how to heal without drugs.
— Oh-Oh-Oh...
— They also began to monitor their diet and pay more attention to a vegetable diet.
— Is it still natural food? I asked particularly to ensure that.
— For all will not follow, sir.
— What else?
— Kids learn to read minds and teleport.
— Oh-Oh-Oh...
— Who teaches it?
— They. Somehow imagines himself the Creator.
— What about kindergarten?
— They are in it do not go. Rather, go to another.
— Don't say "new".
There was a pause. Entered the fourth panellist.
— Sir...
— Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah... Say it like it is.
— People gradually off the ground.
— The meat no longer holds?
— Don't want to eat it.
— And the movies? Propaganda?
— Nobody is watching.
And Schwarzenegger?
He was already vegetarian.
— What's going on...
The Secretary came and brought a salad. When she left, the leader gained the power of speech:
— You need to increase the number of cigarettes.
— No one smokes.
— Like how not cool already.
— How so?
All the work was done.
— No cigarettes and creativity? And alcohol?
— Don't drink already. Prefer water.
— So-so.
Crunched cabbage. The leader methodically chewed fresh salad.
— Why are we here? Now on the street?
— Feast, sir.
Gray or colorful?
— Maybe it's time for us to celebrate?
— Day conscious people.
— What about our work?
— These people are not so bad.
— I think they began to Shine!
In the office on the Earth:
— Sir, the joy that fills the hearts of the people!
— Maybe it's all the same fear? Are you sure?
Fear and joy are hard to mix up, sir.
If they stop being afraid, then we will cease to exist!
Their hearts Shine with joy!
— So you work out: "happy"... Where did it come from then?
— From co-creation... of change... I don't know, not familiar with that feeling, sir. They unite.
The leader nervously pacing the office.
Conscious people so much, and faithful servants of permanence so little.
— Do they understand that can create your reality?
— I guess not.
And now don't want to create terrible things? Well, horror movies? Huh?
— Empty cinemas, sir. And who is watching them, the night shies at every sound. Due to this we still exist.
— So-so. So all is not lost. And you sponsor the movies where the evil of the strong and first attack "good"?
— Of course, sir. All the money to pour in.
It first wins, right?
— Yes, sir!
— And in the end you overdid it with the victory of "good". The need to act more boldly.
The leader suddenly stopped and exclaimed:
— Will passarim them together?
— And how?
— Well, for example, some people eat oranges, and others believe that oranges are bad! Or, say that there is only one truth, and who does not accept the "bad" man! Here alone and will attack others!
Great idea, sir! But it is not working...
The Primate nervous:
— It's worked for thousands of years! And now it should work!
— People have learned to rejoice in any situation, sir. They have nothing to lose. They have learned tolerance.
— It's impossible!
— But it is.
The glow becomes brighter.
— A new star is born!
And who is she?
In his thoughts the Man introduced as the rays of light spread around. They waves fill the space and envelop the whole world. The sun shines brighter inside. The light cleanses every cell of the body. First filled the room, then street, city, country. All of the fields and forests are filled with light!
Where there is love, there is no place for fear. The man took a paintbrush and decided to paint joy. He realized that he loves to draw. And then began to dance. And I realized that loves to dance. And the stars danced along with him.
People began to make their own choices, listening to the light within. But without aggression. And the right to be yourself. Everyone has that right.
They realized that fear attracts?
They realized that they themselves create their own reality.
But it will take years before they learn possess!
— Just select them.
What was it?
To reveal himself, play his game and to help others benefit all.
In the office began to fade shell. The room emptied. It was filled with light that flowed from the hearts of the people.
"Day of conscious people"
Vladimir Kuznetsov.
Sir, the situation is out of control!
— People started to laugh...
— It's impossible!
— It really is! They have lifted the mood.
— Have you double-checked the results?
— Yes, sir.
— What about the media? There's only bad news?
— Yes! It's the worst.
— And still in a good mood?
— Gradually increases.
— And the war?
— Tell about her as I can.
— And the prices?
— Raise constantly.
— And the salary?
— The minimum.
— What? People smile?
Yeah, imagine.
— Incredible!
— Besides, they start to do something!
There was an awkward silence. The speaker shifted from foot to foot. He was confused.
They create their school.
What??? School? I want to change education, which for thousands of years?
— Do not change, and create a new one.
— What they don't like our?
— Freedom is not enough.
Again an awkward pause. The situation is approaching critical.
— Maybe to reduce wages?
— Before helped.
Or all sent to war.
— Also an option.
— Let everyone write papers.
— Not everyone hears.
— What is happening?
Came a second reporter.
— Sir, we're losing people. They start to smile directly in front of us. Their good mood is contagious and affects the overall condition of the Earth as a whole.
— What consequences?
— Increases efficiency, people are discovering their hidden abilities.
— For example?
They can create your life.
— Life... to create...
— They started to think about it.
What is it now? Report everything without reserve.
In our area there suspicious signs of awareness. People began to join together and to create something new.
Again new! a fist slammed down on the table. – What about old gray? It is so beautiful!
Grey old not popular.
Entered the third speaker.
— We have a problem, sir.
— What, kids started flying?
— Almost. People learned how to heal without drugs.
— Oh-Oh-Oh...
— They also began to monitor their diet and pay more attention to a vegetable diet.
— Is it still natural food? I asked particularly to ensure that.
— For all will not follow, sir.
— What else?
— Kids learn to read minds and teleport.
— Oh-Oh-Oh...
— Who teaches it?
— They. Somehow imagines himself the Creator.
— What about kindergarten?
— They are in it do not go. Rather, go to another.
— Don't say "new".
There was a pause. Entered the fourth panellist.
— Sir...
— Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah... Say it like it is.
— People gradually off the ground.
— The meat no longer holds?
— Don't want to eat it.
— And the movies? Propaganda?
— Nobody is watching.
And Schwarzenegger?
He was already vegetarian.
— What's going on...
The Secretary came and brought a salad. When she left, the leader gained the power of speech:
— You need to increase the number of cigarettes.
— No one smokes.
— Like how not cool already.
— How so?
All the work was done.
— No cigarettes and creativity? And alcohol?
— Don't drink already. Prefer water.
— So-so.
Crunched cabbage. The leader methodically chewed fresh salad.
— Why are we here? Now on the street?
— Feast, sir.
Gray or colorful?
— Maybe it's time for us to celebrate?
— Day conscious people.
— What about our work?
— These people are not so bad.
— I think they began to Shine!
In the office on the Earth:
— Sir, the joy that fills the hearts of the people!
— Maybe it's all the same fear? Are you sure?
Fear and joy are hard to mix up, sir.
If they stop being afraid, then we will cease to exist!
Their hearts Shine with joy!
— So you work out: "happy"... Where did it come from then?
— From co-creation... of change... I don't know, not familiar with that feeling, sir. They unite.
The leader nervously pacing the office.
Conscious people so much, and faithful servants of permanence so little.
— Do they understand that can create your reality?
— I guess not.
And now don't want to create terrible things? Well, horror movies? Huh?
— Empty cinemas, sir. And who is watching them, the night shies at every sound. Due to this we still exist.
— So-so. So all is not lost. And you sponsor the movies where the evil of the strong and first attack "good"?
— Of course, sir. All the money to pour in.
It first wins, right?
— Yes, sir!
— And in the end you overdid it with the victory of "good". The need to act more boldly.
The leader suddenly stopped and exclaimed:
— Will passarim them together?
— And how?
— Well, for example, some people eat oranges, and others believe that oranges are bad! Or, say that there is only one truth, and who does not accept the "bad" man! Here alone and will attack others!
Great idea, sir! But it is not working...
The Primate nervous:
— It's worked for thousands of years! And now it should work!
— People have learned to rejoice in any situation, sir. They have nothing to lose. They have learned tolerance.
— It's impossible!
— But it is.
The glow becomes brighter.
— A new star is born!
And who is she?
In his thoughts the Man introduced as the rays of light spread around. They waves fill the space and envelop the whole world. The sun shines brighter inside. The light cleanses every cell of the body. First filled the room, then street, city, country. All of the fields and forests are filled with light!
Where there is love, there is no place for fear. The man took a paintbrush and decided to paint joy. He realized that he loves to draw. And then began to dance. And I realized that loves to dance. And the stars danced along with him.
People began to make their own choices, listening to the light within. But without aggression. And the right to be yourself. Everyone has that right.
They realized that fear attracts?
They realized that they themselves create their own reality.
But it will take years before they learn possess!
— Just select them.
What was it?
To reveal himself, play his game and to help others benefit all.
In the office began to fade shell. The room emptied. It was filled with light that flowed from the hearts of the people.
"Day of conscious people"
Vladimir Kuznetsov.
The gift shop Sanopt. Souvenirs and fun for every taste!
Basic alchemy or how to be in 3 different colors?