Basic alchemy or how to be in 3 different colors?
Sixty nine million two hundred eighty five thousand nineteen
Speaking about the monochrome palette and understated way, will not remember the little black dress is unbeatable Coco Chanel come to mind the words of Karl Lagerfeld: "In a little black dress is impossible to look too elegant or too modest." Of course, at first glance, it may seem that black simplifies the way. But if you don't have the time and desire to load yourself with finding your color palette, then, as shown single social experiment – it is possible to do one color, diluting the image of different parts.
Indian girl Bus Matacan a whole year passed by in a black dress and look differently with different accessories. The purpose of the experiment was to show that, in fact, man does not need so many things in my wardrobe, and it is possible to do a limited set, while being different and stylish. By the way, while Elle chose a Tire woman of the year.
But still, if we broaden the boundaries of the black color and return to the concept of base colors, in addition to the many faces of black, in the achromatic closet includes noble white and elegant grey. With this basic color scheme, especially if you work in a office or by themselves lean more to the classic style, you can create a layered and interesting look. Despite the fact that these colors are considered achromaticity, that is not "bearing the colors", in fact, they have a great range of styles and psychological promises. Black color is associated primarily with formality, power, strength, confidence and... sexuality. This color really carries a very powerful energy charge. Total look black almost always looks advantageous. White is purity of intent, renewal, openness and tenderness. No wonder, the bride's wedding gown is classic in white. Gray color stands for tranquility, elegance, seriousness and professionalism. No wonder most business dress codes it is in grey color. And now on the examples see how to use these 3 colors can create very different images and present themselves.
As you can see, even within the same style, can be quite different, due to the placing of accents and accessories. If you are not ready for bright colors in your wardrobe or requirements to the dress code in your company is quite strict, do not be afraid to experiment in the "basic" triangle and make your "bows" interesting and memorable. Finish, perhaps, again to quote the great Coco Chanel: "Dress bad and remember your clothes; dress impeccably, and remember the woman."
Natalia Osetrova, female psychologist, consultant in professional and personal crises.
Speaking about the monochrome palette and understated way, will not remember the little black dress is unbeatable Coco Chanel come to mind the words of Karl Lagerfeld: "In a little black dress is impossible to look too elegant or too modest." Of course, at first glance, it may seem that black simplifies the way. But if you don't have the time and desire to load yourself with finding your color palette, then, as shown single social experiment – it is possible to do one color, diluting the image of different parts.
Indian girl Bus Matacan a whole year passed by in a black dress and look differently with different accessories. The purpose of the experiment was to show that, in fact, man does not need so many things in my wardrobe, and it is possible to do a limited set, while being different and stylish. By the way, while Elle chose a Tire woman of the year.
But still, if we broaden the boundaries of the black color and return to the concept of base colors, in addition to the many faces of black, in the achromatic closet includes noble white and elegant grey. With this basic color scheme, especially if you work in a office or by themselves lean more to the classic style, you can create a layered and interesting look. Despite the fact that these colors are considered achromaticity, that is not "bearing the colors", in fact, they have a great range of styles and psychological promises. Black color is associated primarily with formality, power, strength, confidence and... sexuality. This color really carries a very powerful energy charge. Total look black almost always looks advantageous. White is purity of intent, renewal, openness and tenderness. No wonder, the bride's wedding gown is classic in white. Gray color stands for tranquility, elegance, seriousness and professionalism. No wonder most business dress codes it is in grey color. And now on the examples see how to use these 3 colors can create very different images and present themselves.
As you can see, even within the same style, can be quite different, due to the placing of accents and accessories. If you are not ready for bright colors in your wardrobe or requirements to the dress code in your company is quite strict, do not be afraid to experiment in the "basic" triangle and make your "bows" interesting and memorable. Finish, perhaps, again to quote the great Coco Chanel: "Dress bad and remember your clothes; dress impeccably, and remember the woman."
Natalia Osetrova, female psychologist, consultant in professional and personal crises.