Mikroart (20 photos)
1. Willard Wigan.
Using a hair flies as a brush, a resident of Birmingham Willard Wigan paints microscopic sculptures that he cut from grains of rice and sugar. Each brush stroke must be made between heartbeats, and Wigan said that a surge in one of the fingers can destroy all the work.
Titanic on the pin.
This year he sold a collection of 70 works, and the new owner has insured her 11, 2 million pounds cterlingov.
2. Jin Yin Hua.
This subtle picture applied to the 1, 5-inch human hair. It depicts the portraits of 42 US presidents. Upper portrait you can see below - this version is a one million-fold increase in the original.
Chinese Jin Yin Hua huodzhnik created more than 100 micro-Arts and sculptures for the past 10 years.
3. Her Jin Theo.
Her artist Jin Theo picture on risinke think big. He went above and created what he called a "quantum art", reproducing the painting of William Blake's "Great Architect" on the nanocrystals. It is Blake's photoluminescence version of the picture is created from porous silicon treated directed helium beam and sequential electrochemical etched in hydrofluoric acid. By the way, 1μm is one thousandth of a millimeter.
4. Mykola Syadristy.
Unbelievable but true - the tube that contains the Rose - a hollow human hair, polished inside and outside. Rose diameter - 0 as much as 05 mm. Here's another job Ukrainian - golden mosquito life-size.
5. Eduard Ghazaryan.
85-year-old Ghazaryan mikroskulptor created more than 600 works, one of which - the world's smallest violin acting. The base 7 mm violin made of gold, bow out of hair, and it really plays! Competing with a well-known conductor, Edward performed the famous "Dance with sablinmi" Aram Khachaturian.
And the violin in the hands of the violinist, standing in the eye of a needle, and even less cut from the pellets of gold dust.
A source
Using a hair flies as a brush, a resident of Birmingham Willard Wigan paints microscopic sculptures that he cut from grains of rice and sugar. Each brush stroke must be made between heartbeats, and Wigan said that a surge in one of the fingers can destroy all the work.
Titanic on the pin.
This year he sold a collection of 70 works, and the new owner has insured her 11, 2 million pounds cterlingov.
2. Jin Yin Hua.
This subtle picture applied to the 1, 5-inch human hair. It depicts the portraits of 42 US presidents. Upper portrait you can see below - this version is a one million-fold increase in the original.
Chinese Jin Yin Hua huodzhnik created more than 100 micro-Arts and sculptures for the past 10 years.
3. Her Jin Theo.
Her artist Jin Theo picture on risinke think big. He went above and created what he called a "quantum art", reproducing the painting of William Blake's "Great Architect" on the nanocrystals. It is Blake's photoluminescence version of the picture is created from porous silicon treated directed helium beam and sequential electrochemical etched in hydrofluoric acid. By the way, 1μm is one thousandth of a millimeter.
4. Mykola Syadristy.
Unbelievable but true - the tube that contains the Rose - a hollow human hair, polished inside and outside. Rose diameter - 0 as much as 05 mm. Here's another job Ukrainian - golden mosquito life-size.
5. Eduard Ghazaryan.
85-year-old Ghazaryan mikroskulptor created more than 600 works, one of which - the world's smallest violin acting. The base 7 mm violin made of gold, bow out of hair, and it really plays! Competing with a well-known conductor, Edward performed the famous "Dance with sablinmi" Aram Khachaturian.
And the violin in the hands of the violinist, standing in the eye of a needle, and even less cut from the pellets of gold dust.
A source