How to overcome feelings of envy

Is there a more foolish feeling than envy when one person is annoyed with the well-being of another? Is there anything more ridiculous? And yet, there is hardly anyone who has never experienced anything like this.

Someone says that envy is a force that pushes us forward, forcing us to develop and strive for the best. But this is good only as long as envy does not go beyond reasonable limits and does not get out of control.

And today's edition. "Site" It will tell about the most terrible feeling on earth - female envy, which is especially striking. Let’s talk about how to protect yourself from jealousy and not become one of them.

Stubborn statistics say that most often girlfriends turn into the worst enemies because of different physical data. There are plenty of reasons for envy: a slim figure, luxurious hair, a toned ass or chest. Especially big breasts.

Sometimes this envy is so sincere that you can not hide it, no matter how you try. And the all-seeing eye of the camera captures footage in which female envy is visible in all its glory.

Yet envy is inherent in everyone, regardless of social status, cultural background or gender. But if this feeling often turns into motivation for guys, then for girls who are inherently more emotional and touchy, everything is different.

Even in adulthood, many women harbor childish grievances. But they may not even try to get what they want, but spend all their energy on it. anger and envyblaming others for their own helplessness.


And the more unhappy the envious, the more urgently she needs to alleviate suffering. Using gossip, intrigue and meanness, she gets satisfaction, warms her wounded soul. However, concentrating all energy not on yourself, but on another person, the envious person wastes time, energy and other resources that she could invest in herself.

It goes to the one who is the object of envy and does not suspect of intrigues behind her back. And when envious people start to spoil her career or relationships with other people, it is too late to fix anything. But you can protect yourself from the destructive effects of envy.


How to deal with envy
  1. Compliment the haters
    These people are very dependent on the opinions of others. That is why they so zealously breed gossip, trying to blacken the object of their envy in the eyes of others. They are trying to make people worse. Compliments and attention will melt the negative power of the envious, and their envy will weaken.
  2. Less brag.
    By teasing others with your achievements, you make them feel envious.
  3. Don't give in to provocations.
    The best thing to do with barbs in your address is to ignore them, emphasizing the insignificance of all the efforts of the ill-wisher. It will not be superfluous to joke about envy, making it clear to gossipers that they present themselves in a stupid light. See the article on how to silence haters with just one sentence.


And How to get rid of envy yourself? Psychologists recommend turning on self-control, analyzing feelings and finding the real causes of your emotions. Figure out why the situation affects you so much and what you can do to achieve what you want.

Know the qualities that make you better than others. Understand that envy inhibits your development and every day distances you from the realization of your innermost desires. While you are jealous, life passes by, bringing only disappointment, bitterness and bad thoughts.

Tell me how you fight envy and envy.


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