The difference between the spirit, the soul and the ego:

Once again, welcome to you, dear Creators. We - the founders, working in conjunction with the Higher Self channel. Let's delve into the nature of Self; Specifically, consider three main aspects. "Soul" and "Spirit" - is not the same thing. The soul refers to the individualized spark of creation or substance I, dwelling within each of you. This is a unique tiny aspect of God, and yet the physical perspectives each individual soul is larger than the entire universe.
Formally, the soul belongs to the level of 7-NIL our 12-dimensional Ya level below of the soul, are individualized to specific aspects of the self, and levels above the level of the soul is usually called the collective level or group soul complexes. Later, we will enter the details of the nature of these levels.

You could say that the Spirit - this is the essence or the basic energy that permeates all life. It may help to think of the Spirit as a reasonable mind of everything, but he is more than that. On the one hand, the Spirit - the energy, matter and consciousness, on the other - it is beyond all these. This movement of God or the outpouring of God-consciousness at all. It is what gives life to all.

Soul and perfect and imperfect. It comes in different incarnations and levels of experience, to grow in the understanding and awareness. Although she does not know everything that makes the Spirit, she knows enough not to judge experienced. The judgment is inherent in the sphere of the ego. Souls want to explore all without prejudice or preference, and the ego judges everything as good and bad, right and wrong, better or worse.

For example, in one life, the soul may wish to know what to suppress the others, so he or she can be embodied in the royal family, completely disregards the ordinary people. In another life, she wants to explore the opposite polarity, so it is embodied in the poor, the suffering and struggling with the hardships the family, the vast royal family. This is not a punishment for the "sins" of suppression of others in a previous life, and a desire to soul balance and gain a full perspective.

The soul does not distinguish between right and wrong behavior. However, as the growth and development of souls, they naturally choose life experience, teaching love, compassion and service to others, because these values ​​are vibrating at a higher level than the fear, judgment or guilt. Easy way to determine how much development is the soul, is to observe what percentage of his or her life include the expression of love and compassion than with fear and guilt.

Ego is able to distort humanity just any idea, including that by drawing the image of God as an angry and vengeful, demanding obedience and punish the so-called "sinners" However, the intent of the soul - just observe the contrast between opposing ideas.

All "evil" on planet Earth comes from identification with lower self or ego. Ego - it is part of the soul that believes in separation from God. It is naturally associated with those aspects of me, which seem separated, that is, physical, emotional and mental levels of being. It does not see the existence of many levels together using energy. Therefore, while the ego is convinced that each of you is an individual, isolated physical person, the Spirit knows that all people - one being expressed as billions of individual living organisms.

Because your soul multidimensional relations between individuals and groups are characterized by a variety of difficulties and complex configurations. Contracts are not limited to the physical Earth. Just as on Earth, there are small groups of people, large government organizations, and all that is between them, similar groups exist in the higher realms. Enhancement, at different levels of vibration may interact with each other in various ways. Later we will look at the soul, sharing the physical body with one another or transmit and share with each other the different levels of existence.

The human language is not appropriate language for all interactions, but in the following chapters we will do everything possible to convey information. In order to better understand, please consult with a dictionary. We hope by describing interdimensional relationships we are able to clarify the confusion associated with themes such as "substitution" and "partial movement of the soul».

The following materials therapists will find a lot of useful information. A significant percentage of patients suffering from different levels of fragmentation of the soul. This concept, we will detail in Chapter 3. In some cases, these patients all right. On a soul level, they agreed to or entered into agreements to acquire certain experiments involving partial or total movement of the soul (a topic discussed in detail in the following paragraphs). Our goal - to help the doctor to see the difference between a great emotional imbalance and voluntary agreements of the soul, which can manifest as multiple personality or dissociative disorders.

Sal Rachel. "Integration of the soul."


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