The Difference Between Spirit, Soul and Ego

Again, welcome, dear creators. We are the Founders working with the Channel Higher Self. Let us delve into the nature of the Self; specifically, let us consider three main aspects. “Soul” and “Spirit” are not the same thing. The soul refers to the individualized spark of Creation or the essence of the Self that dwells within each of you. It is a uniquely tiny aspect of God, and yet from a physical perspective, each individual soul is wider than the entire universe.
Formally, the soul belongs to the level 7 of our 12-dimensional self. Levels below the soul are individualized specific aspects of the self, and levels above the soul level are commonly referred to as collective levels or group soul complexes. Later we will go into the details of the nature of these levels.
You might say that Spirit is the essence or basic energy that pervades all life. It may help to think of Spirit as the intelligent consciousness of everything, but it is more than that. On the one hand, Spirit is energy, matter, and consciousness; on the other, it transcends all of these. It is the movement of God or the outpouring of God’s consciousness into everything. It's what gives life to everything.
The soul is both perfect and imperfect. She enters different incarnations and levels of experience to grow in understanding and awareness. Although she does not know all that the Spirit does, she knows enough not to judge the experience. Judgment is inherent in the ego sphere. Souls want to explore everything without prejudice or preference, and the ego judges everything as good and bad, right and wrong, better or worse.
For example, in one life, a soul may wish to learn what it means to suppress others, so he or she may incarnate in a royal family that completely neglects ordinary people. In another life, she will want to explore the opposite polarity, so she incarnates in a poor, suffering and struggling family, suppressed by the royal family. It is not a punishment for the “sins” of suppressing others in a previous life, but simply the soul’s desire to balance and gain full perspective.
The soul does not distinguish between right and wrong behavior. However, as souls grow and develop, they naturally choose life experiences that teach love, compassion, and service to others, as these values vibrate at a higher level than fear, judgment, or guilt. A simplified way to determine how developed a soul becomes is to observe what percentage of his or her life involves expressions of love and compassion versus fear and guilt.
Humanity’s ego can distort literally any idea, including this one, by portraying God as angry and vindictive, demanding submission and punishing so-called “sinners.” However, the intention of the soul is simply to observe the contrast between opposing ideas.
All “evil” on planet Earth stems from identifying with the lower self or ego. The ego is the part of the soul that believes in separation from God. It is naturally associated with those aspects of the self that seem separate, that is, the physical, emotional, and mental levels of the being. It does not see the existence of many levels sharing energy. So while the ego is convinced that each of you is a separate person, an isolated physical person, the Spirit knows that all people are One Being, expressed as billions of individual living organisms.
Because your souls are multidimensional, the relationships between individuals and groups are characterized by many complexities and complex configurations. Treaties are not limited to physical land. Just as there are small groups of people on Earth, large government organizations, and everything in between, there are similar groups in the higher realms. Souls at different levels of vibration can interact with each other in different ways. Later we will consider souls sharing physical bodies with each other or transmitting and exchanging different levels of being.
There is no adequate terminology in human language to describe all interactions, but in the following chapters we will do our best to convey information. For a better understanding, please consult the dictionary. We hope that by describing interdimensional relationships, we will be able to clarify the confusion surrounding topics such as “substitution” and “partial movement of the soul.”
In the following materials, psychotherapists will find a lot of useful information. A significant percentage of patients suffer from varying levels of soul fragmentation. We will discuss this concept in detail in Chapter 3. In some cases, these patients are fine. At the soul level, they have agreed or made agreements to acquire certain experiences involving partial or total soul transfer (a subject discussed in detail in the following paragraphs). Our goal is to help the doctor see the difference between huge emotional imbalances and voluntary soul agreements, which can manifest as multiple personality or dissociative disorders.
Sal Rachel. "Soul integration."

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