What happens when a person does not reach the required energy of the spiritual body:

If a person gains power of the spiritual body of the negative sign, that is the opposite of the property that he needed to type the program of life, then this energy determines its future program of life, so the individual, having left a big minus, rushes into his movement on the river of life (future incarnation) is in such layers, ie selects or forcibly placed in the conditions of life that will meet the energy power of his spiritual body.
Man with a big minus in my heart falls into such conditions, but rather receives a program, passing that he will have to work not only suffering given to him in advance positive energy, but also to acquire the necessary minimum of positive energy through the suffering on the physical plane.
These sufferings, he does not receive a punishment from God, he thinks, and to atone for his own karma past life, or in other words - for a set of positive spiritual energy quality. That this is the main purpose of the subsequent incarnations of man on earth.
If a person in this life do not want to gain positive energy, that is, walk the righteous path, and will continue to squander their spiritual riches, indulging the basest desires, he was forcibly put in an environment where he can not lead the lifestyle and will forced to embark on the path of correction, or wish to end their shameful way of life, and the program will be stopped, causing the death occurs for any reason.
Conversely, if a person is far advanced on the path of perfection of the soul, has accumulated a hefty supply of positive spiritual energy, he compiled a program of life in view of these qualities, and it is further placed in an environment in which will be more beneficial to work on further improvement, avoiding suffering, consciously making the choices, that is, without the hard pressure from above. This is the main and the most significant difference in the programs of different way of life of people.
Equality in life was not and could not be, since everyone gets what he deserves. Such is the fundamental law of Kosmosa.Energeticheski the law for a person is expressed as follows: Energy spiritual body determines the quality of the program of the future of human life.
Based on the book Seklitova LA, LL Strelnikova "The Secret life of Heavenly Teachers."