Lies, empty words, profanity and slander -4 kind of negative energy speech

There are four types of negative karma of speech - false, idle talk, slander and filthy language.
In the beginning - a lie. There are two kinds of lies. The first can be seen active false, that is false words that are pronounced when trying to protect their own interests or himself. In the second case, too, lie to save their own interests, or himself, but remained silent, that is really silent. If you begin to carry out the practice of abstinence from falsehood, it will be possible to see the phenomenon for what they really are.
The inability to adequately perception of phenomena arises from the activation energy Tamas. Tamas hides phenomenon. Because of this power, too, as if the soul is enveloped by something. When a person activates Tamas energy, at first glance, it may seem to others beautiful.
But around him there is a "wall" created by this energy, which does not allow him to see what surrounds it. Because of this, he can not perceive events as they actually exist. And in order to be happy, you need to see things and events as they actually exist, and also open themselves authentic.
It is important to highlight that surrounds you, with the help of light that radiates your inner world. In this case, it will be possible to perceive the events as they actually exist.
Moreover, the more karma accumulated lies, the more delayed the materialization of karma. If the delayed return of karma, it becomes difficult to understand its law. Due to the fact that there is karma and delay the return out of fear that causes misunderstanding of its Act, there is a further accumulation of bad karma.
In this case, at a time when this bad karma destined to return, this process will be very difficult.
When you tell a lie, he gradually cease to understand what is true and what is untrue. And the one who is lying and deceiving. When Tamas energy increases and envelops you, you cease to understand whether it is really what you said was a lie, or such was not, and you think this is for the truth.
Thus, you do not understand what is true and what is false, you do not understand the Law of Karma is accumulated bad karma and eventually transform into the three lower realms.
And the reason for this development - a lie. Thus, you need to repent of the lies which karma has been accumulated, and right from now to tell the truth. It is better to find not ostentatious, but the true beauty of the soul due to the use of only truthful words.
About verbiage. Under verbiage refers to vague, vague or unnecessary words. These vague or frivolous words affect our images and pollute our minds. If sincerely repent of verbiage, it will be possible to gain foresight, anticipation of your future, that will be very clear.
Thus, the commandments associated with the speech, have an important impact on the world of Forms. This universe includes the world of passion, or the phenomenal world, the world of Forms or Astral World and World Without Form, or Causal World.
World's Passion, which includes the human world in which we live - the world of created matter.
World of Form - a world that is created by "subtle matter" with a predominance of vibration, it is a world of images, which can be divided into the Upper World and Lower World Form Form.
World Without Form - is a world that is created with a predominance of light, it is a world of information. It can be divided into the Upper World Without Form, World Without Form Middle and Lower World Without Form. This structure is closely connected with the structure of our consciousness. Information about events and phenomena that exist in the world of forms, and is also transmitted to the World Without Form. All three are interconnected and interdependent world. When information from the World Without Form descends into the world of Forms, it is embodied there in the images that correspond to it. Then, an image is projected onto the world of phenomena, and there is a corresponding phenomenon.
Vibration word refers to the sounds that form the World of Form. If to say a lot of words that do not come from the soul, they will pollute the world of form and the world of forms will be many nenuzhnogo.Togda will occur and the various distortions, something to strive for, will not materialize. If you want to live on their own, then you need to remove from your vocabulary all unnecessary words and say only what is necessary.
The question arises - what to do when you are in the company of friends who have no karmic connection with the truth when these friends verbiage? Try not to rant and not to indulge them. Try to find a theme that has to do with the Law of Karma and try to tell about it.
About profanity. Profanity is the interlocutor antipathy. As a result, you will hurt yourself. In addition, people gather around you, who also will swear, and it will pollute their souls.
Probably not the people who have volunteered to be spit into the sky. Nevertheless, many swearing. Foul language - it's the same thing as to spit in the sky, because profanity necessarily coming back to you.
Firstly, there is no man who would become happier because he cursed. Profanity brings suffering companion. Thus, following the Law of Karma, creates a chain of cause and effect: people who often and a lot of swearing, subjected to abuse by others.
This reason is necessarily embodied, and if you use foul language, make sure the time will come when you will suffer from that curse you. At the core of foul language are such bad manifestations of the soul, as hatred, anger, envy, etc.
And if you look at the Truth Act, which says that everything is a manifestation of the soul, if the bad language, then turns his world, ie the world around us in a world filled with anger, hatred, envy and similar manifestations of the soul.
If this begins to happen, then you will find yourself in a very cruel and harsh human relations. In Buddhist sutras, there are examples of how to go to hell because of bad language. So, should repent of karma accumulated because of bad language, and return to the spiritually rich life.
If someone finds out that you once swore by his subject, it will have a strong sense of suspicion towards you.
If you praise any good of others, it is better to praise in the eye, although it is possible to praise and in the absence of the person, it will be very nice when it is from someone know about your praise.
Fourth negative karma of speech - slander. It is due to feelings of envy, when you are jealous of someone's happiness. It is a manifestation of the soul - the basis of defamation.
The soul that can not enjoy the happiness of others, and she can not be happy. In defamation should repent. In the case of slander in the soul is born of envy, jealousy, and if there is jealousy, then, as a concomitant manifestation of the soul, there is also hatred.
Those who have hatred in my heart, gradually building a wall in his mind and shuts itself off from others. Slander is enmity between people, generates the reason for which will be drawn and you are in this feud. Slander creates a reason for loneliness. To get rid of internal and external conditions that arise due to the karma of slander, it is useful to engage in confession - repentance, meditation immensely state of mind, especially meditation Holy Praise
. When cleansed by repentance bad karma, will be able to wholeheartedly praise the actions, words and thoughts of the interlocutor, around you will be calm and harmony. And your words will contribute to the harmonization of relations between people, your soul will be enriched, and the wall in communication will be destroyed.
Tell the truth, do not say unnecessary words and speak so that your words were gentle and soft. Furthermore, abstaining from words that can lead to hostility between people, it cures diseases of the soul and expands it.