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10 Japanese secrets of youth and beauty from Cheese Saeki

Japanese women lead the world to surprise their well-groomed and longevity. Graceful and restrained, in thirty years they look to seventeen and fifty to thirty. Some believe that the perfect porcelain skin of Japanese women is a gift of nature, others that it is the result of special care.

We can lift this veil, referring to the book by the leading Japanese beautician Cheese Saeki "Revolutionary Japanese skincare how to make skin beautiful at any age".

Cheese Saeki 68 years old, she has more than 40 years of experience in cosmetology. Take a look at appearance and perfect skin this woman, and you believe in the effectiveness of its system of skin care. Cheese Saeki who runs her own beauty school, participates in television programs, organizes seminars and trainings, including for the specialists of the leading European cosmetic companies.

The first book of Cheese Saeki about beauty secrets was released in Japan in 2004 and immediately became a bestseller, and the subsequent of more than 30 books.

The main beauty secrets of Cheese Saeki

According to Saeki Cheese, only cosmetics can't make a woman beautiful, if she doesn't take responsibility for their health and appearance. To help in this, the beautician has developed 10 main recommendations, using a century of experience in the personal care Japanese women and latest achievements of cosmetology.

1. Earnestly desire to be beautiful

This is the main condition for the effectiveness of your work on your appearance. Cheese Saeki remembers that at age 13 she first saw the film with Audrey Hepburn in the title role, and was literally stunned by her beauty. Starting to copy the appearance and demeanor of the actress, the girl realized how good it feels to be beautiful. This influenced her desire to work in the beauty industry and help others become great.

Every woman may have their own reasons to strive for external beauty. No matter what motivation will you have, the main thing – to help you in this endeavor, and do not regret for this effort and time. As soon as you feel yourself beautiful, this feeling will transmitted to others.

2. Find out closer yourself and your skin

To start Cheese Saeki invites all to look in the mirror. What do you see? Of course, yourself such what you are today. Now slightly lift your chin. Remember? Yeah, so you were ten years ago. Now slightly lower the chin and look in the mirror. Here's what you'll look like in another 10 years. If the last reflection you do not like, it is urgent to work.

The first step should be a careful study of the properties of your skin, and it needs a large and beautiful mirror in which you will be pleased to look. This will have to do often to thoroughly know not only all faults, but with all the advantages and needs of your skin. "Learn how to work with the mirror every day, make it your ally," advises the master.

To start, determine their weaknesses. As a rule, the face aging is not symmetrical: one side of the face grows old and fades more than the other. To define it, Cheese Saeki offers test. Smile with your mouth closed, clenched lips and lifting the corners of the mouth. On one side of the wrinkle to produce more, it is more vulnerable. In order to strengthen, need to sleep on this side of the face and more to chew on that side.

In General, according to Cheese Saeki, wrinkles have no fear, they are still inevitable. Not wrinkles old us, dull and loose skin, withered look, sullen expression on his face. And younger than us is not the absence of wrinkles and a smile, live view and, of course, well-groomed skin.

3. Choose the individual that suits your skin

To determine your skin type and to choose care based on it, for starters it is better to consult a specialist who will help to identify the main problems. And then to take care of her, watching and wondering every day from her skin, how she likes you care about her, and whether it is necessary to change something.

Cheese Saeki offers every morning to visually assess the overall appearance of the skin and to check its moisture should use the following method. For a few seconds, Cup your palms tightly to her cheeks, his thumbs behind the earlobe, and then subtract them. If the skin is sufficiently hydrated, the hands needs a little "stick" to the face. If there is no such effect, the skin requires intensive moisturizing.

To check the density of the skin, you need to just attach the hands to the cheeks and slightly stretching the skin to the ears, to see whether there are vertical wrinkles around the eyes and do not get any deeper than existing ones.

The elasticity of the skin can be checked, if you pinch a little cheeks and then to observe how quickly the skin returns to its original state.

Observe your skin in the morning and especially after cosmetic procedures and modify care based on their observations, not common age-related recommendations of the fashion magazines.

4. Transfer the pursuit of beauty in their hands

No wonder they say: "God has no other hands but your" our hands are the main instrument of care. Therefore hands should always be warm, carry tenderness and care. Before applying a skin cream, lotion, serum is any care remedy carefully warm it in his hands. And then forget for a while about all their problems and relax, feeling every inch of skin, apply the cream, getting pleasure from it, admiring his aroma, texture and believing in it.

5. Thoroughly clean your skin

Cleansing and hydration are the key words of Japanese skin care. First of all it concerns make – up- never leave on overnight and simply without the need of even a minimum set of cosmetics. Cheese Inc offers several ways to clean your face.

Basic clean-up, incorporating elements of massage:

1. The cleanser should be a good warm up in hands and apply five dots on the face: cheeks, forehead, nose and chin.

2. Then fingers of both hands to distribute the first portion from the chin to the ears.

3. Palms to spread the product from the nose across the cheeks to the ears and from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples.

4. Fingers apply from tip of nose to nose, then the palms from the middle of the forehead in both directions.

5. Then clean the nose with the fingers, swipe from the nose to the tip of the nose, carefully clean the nose and around the nostrils.

6. Down from nose to mouth and clean around the mouth and then pull your fingers from the corners of the mouth to the ears and clean the outside shell of the ears.

All these manipulations, in addition to applying the cream, it is advisable to repeat 3 times.

Deep cleansing facial.

After cleansing, apply to face dampened with hot water towel, hold it for a bit to steam the skin and then apply your normal exfoliation. On top of peeling on the face, put on a shower cap, in which pre make a hole for breathing. Hold the peel on your face for 10-15 minutes, then massage your face and wash with lukewarm water. This procedure can be carried out for all types of peels, however, caution must be exercised in the case of aggressive acid peels.

Contrast compresses.

They are used to improve blood circulation and revitalize the face. After washing the face you need to put a towel soaked in warm water, leave to cool and then replace it with a towel soaked in cool water.

Repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

Water massage of the face.

This massage improves blood circulation, tones facial muscles, helps to maintain the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It requires a bottle or tube with a small hole in the tube, which will help to make a subtle, but noticeable stream of water. Into the bottle pour the mineral water and massage the face with a thin stream of water, directing it along the massage lines. The power of the jet can be controlled by squeezing and releasing the plastic bottle.

By the way, mechanical scrubs do not have the popularity among Japanese women, traditionally, well-hydrated and well-groomed skin does not require them.

Regularly apply a lotion mask.

Lotion mask deserve a separate discussion because they are one of the know-how to Cheese the Saeki; their implementation is available to every woman in the home, and the result is comparable to results from expensive cosmetic procedures.

Here we should clarify. Lotion or how to say it in Japanese "beauty water" differs from the usual lotions and tonics. It does not contain alcohol (this underlines Cheese Saeki), does not contain oils, emulsifiers, silicone and wax. In our understanding, it is rather liquid sheer, lightweight moisturizer, and for Japanese women, this lotion is a basic care.

Japanese women apply lotions and any other skin care products cotton (cotton) cloths or discs, considering that the cotton helps to distributed evenly. In Japan today you can buy a special multi-layer cotton wipes are designed for cosmetic purposes. However, we can replace them with any other cloths made from natural fabrics, it is important that they do not present synthetic threads.

Method moisturizer masks, writes about the Cheese Saeki, is that small cotton wipes wetted with water, wrung out, then soaked with lotion and put on the face as a compress, which is held from 3 to 15 minutes. Has the value of the priority overlay napkins: first on the nose and nasolabial area, then on the forehead, cheeks, including the area under the eyes and finally on her chin, capturing the scope of the "second" chin.

This procedure significantly enhances the effect of cosmetics on the skin, and therefore needs to be complete confidence that this tool will not cause allergic reactions. Even if you have already wipe face this lotion, oily and combination or cream, preferably prior to applying the mask on the face to make a trial of the mask on the bend of the elbow.

The action of this procedure can be strengthened if to wear a face cap to take a shower, as you have read above. Cheese Saeki advises to do such procedures while taking a bath.

If you're over 30, use a cosmetic serum, and pin their effect cream

You need to explain that to care for skin up to 30 years in the Japanese range is only cleansers and moisturizing lotions. Cheese Saeki recommends young people not to abuse the makeup, because at this age the skin condition balanced. Cleansing, sun protection and hydration – this should be limited to the care of healthy skin of up to 30 years.

After 30 years in the Arsenal of skin funds are administered serum and creams. Serum is known to possess much greater activity than creams, faster penetrate the skin and begin to act. However, the effect of serum is necessary to solidify the cream. Why? We should not forget that in addition to saturation, the skin needs more protection. Here comes to the aid of the cream, which is staying on your face all day long, protects from dust and germs, prevents evaporation and provides the Foundation for applying makeup. The cream's active ingredients progressively throughout the day absorbed by the skin, creating a long "recharge".

Year-round protect your face from UV rays

With ultraviolet light of Japanese women and all Asian women relationship special. In Japan beautiful skin means, first and foremost, white, pearl skin, so before Japanese women covered the face with rice powder diluted with water. Now this exotic in the past, however, components that suppress excess melanin synthesis are included in almost all Japanese cosmetic products: lotions, serums, creams. Cheese Saeki recommends to use UV protection for the face, not only in summer but in winter, as winter sunlight, though, and will not harm our health, but will leave a mark on the skin.

Once a week arrange a "fasting day" for your skin

During the day it is advisable not to apply on face no care or cosmetics so that the skin a rest from exposure to any foreign substances. The only necessary care on a day – cleansing. But at the same time take a good look at your skin, discharge day is ideal for observing the changes that it occurs.

Watch your diet, take vitamins, get plenty of sleep

Cheese Saeki believes that the consumption of food should occur consciously and be fun, we should understand what we eat and why. The basis of food in Japan is fish and seafood, vegetables, rice, soya, tea. The paucity of fauna and flora have long taught the Japanese to respect food and not to overeat. Japanese women eat several times less fat than American or inhabitant of Europe.

Of course, we should not immediately start cooking Japanese dishes, each region – its food. But think about your diet is better to exclude from your daily diet those foods that cause aging and sagging of the skin and body as a whole: sweets, meats, flour products. Include in your menu more vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils, fish, whole grains. And, of course, you need adequate sleep, which does wonders with our looks.

And finally a quote from the master. When Cheese Saeki asked what care should be in the Arsenal of any woman, she said, "Your desire and your hands." published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2723