Stretching that helps to age beautifully. Exercises its weight in gold!
Perhaps each of the fair sex dreams about women's happiness simple recipe is all known for a popular song: "It would be pretty close." However, to find a man with whom you want to live life quite difficult. Even more difficult - to keep him. Surely you've matured a question: "Why do I stretch? I have two honors, apartment in the city center, and a prestigious job. My favorite though from me is not going anywhere! "Unfortunately, men go from even the most faithful, smart, rich and business women. Therefore we offer to your attention a complex stretching exercises, which certainly does not hurt your relationship. And before you know - and the marriage will call!
The only thing you need - to carry out all the exercises with minimal interruptions or better yet - absolutely without them. And do not think that if you feel pain, it means that there is an effect of the exercise. The main thing is the complex of regularly (at least every other day), and then the result will not take long!
The complex stretches
Exercise 1
Starting position: Put your feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. Perform tilts from side to side 12 times.
Exercise 2
The starting position is the same. Perform a circular rotation of the body 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 3
From the starting position, perform a circular motion pelvis 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 4
Put your feet together, hands on your knees. Perform a circular rotation of the knees for 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 5.
Bend one leg in front of you, put your hands on the belt. Do circular rotation of the leg bent at the knee. 8 times one foot, then the other foot 8 times.
Exercise 6
Put your legs together and fulfill 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 7
Put your feet on the double shoulder-width apart and repeat 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 8
Lunged in the direction of moving the weight on his right leg. Stretch your left leg, then change the position of the feet. Repeat 12 times.
Exercise 9
Perform a lunge to the left - shifted his weight on his left leg and stretch your right. Unfold the torso to the right by 90 degrees, shifted his weight on his right leg, straighten your left, go forward into a lunge position. Repeat 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 10
Perform a lunge to the right side, stretching his left leg. Unfold the torso to the right, go forward in a lunge position. Perform 8 times to the right side, then move the weight on the other foot and do another 8 times.
Exercise 11
Get on your knees, hands grasp the castle. Perform squats right-left, alternately touching the buttocks sex 6 times in each direction.
Exercise 12
Get on your knees, spread them as widely as possible, the foot is also apart. Perform 12 squats, touching the buttocks sex.
Exercise 13
Sit on the floor with your legs together and unite written 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 14
Sit on the floor and spread his legs straight to the side, performing 12 springy slopes.
Exercise 15
Sit on the floor and stretch your left leg, right bend at the knees and push the foot to the left thigh. Perform 8 tilts to the left leg, then change the position of the feet.
Exercise 16
Sit on the floor and stretch your left leg, right leg bend and laid back, written 12 springy leaned forward and change legs.
Exercise 17
Sit down on the floor in a pose "lotus" and written 12 tilts forward.
Exercise 18
Sit on the floor, connecting the feet together, then elbows with legs apart. Repeat 16 times.
Exercise 19
Lie down on your stomach, bend your elbows. Straighten arms, rotted back, raise your head up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 20
Lie down on your stomach, take the hands to the feet. The rotten back, raise your head up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 21
Perform Gymnastic bridge and Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 22
Put your feet together, is inclined forward and hold in this position for 30 seconds.
These exercises at first glance seem very simple, but if you do them regularly, you will be pleasantly surprised with the result. Tell your friends about this effective stretching and wished them good health!
via takprosto cc
The only thing you need - to carry out all the exercises with minimal interruptions or better yet - absolutely without them. And do not think that if you feel pain, it means that there is an effect of the exercise. The main thing is the complex of regularly (at least every other day), and then the result will not take long!
The complex stretches
Exercise 1
Starting position: Put your feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. Perform tilts from side to side 12 times.
Exercise 2
The starting position is the same. Perform a circular rotation of the body 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 3
From the starting position, perform a circular motion pelvis 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 4
Put your feet together, hands on your knees. Perform a circular rotation of the knees for 8 times in each direction.
Exercise 5.
Bend one leg in front of you, put your hands on the belt. Do circular rotation of the leg bent at the knee. 8 times one foot, then the other foot 8 times.
Exercise 6
Put your legs together and fulfill 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 7
Put your feet on the double shoulder-width apart and repeat 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 8
Lunged in the direction of moving the weight on his right leg. Stretch your left leg, then change the position of the feet. Repeat 12 times.
Exercise 9
Perform a lunge to the left - shifted his weight on his left leg and stretch your right. Unfold the torso to the right by 90 degrees, shifted his weight on his right leg, straighten your left, go forward into a lunge position. Repeat 8 times in each direction.

Exercise 10
Perform a lunge to the right side, stretching his left leg. Unfold the torso to the right, go forward in a lunge position. Perform 8 times to the right side, then move the weight on the other foot and do another 8 times.
Exercise 11
Get on your knees, hands grasp the castle. Perform squats right-left, alternately touching the buttocks sex 6 times in each direction.
Exercise 12
Get on your knees, spread them as widely as possible, the foot is also apart. Perform 12 squats, touching the buttocks sex.
Exercise 13
Sit on the floor with your legs together and unite written 12 springy lean forward.
Exercise 14
Sit on the floor and spread his legs straight to the side, performing 12 springy slopes.

Exercise 15
Sit on the floor and stretch your left leg, right bend at the knees and push the foot to the left thigh. Perform 8 tilts to the left leg, then change the position of the feet.
Exercise 16
Sit on the floor and stretch your left leg, right leg bend and laid back, written 12 springy leaned forward and change legs.
Exercise 17
Sit down on the floor in a pose "lotus" and written 12 tilts forward.
Exercise 18
Sit on the floor, connecting the feet together, then elbows with legs apart. Repeat 16 times.
Exercise 19
Lie down on your stomach, bend your elbows. Straighten arms, rotted back, raise your head up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 20
Lie down on your stomach, take the hands to the feet. The rotten back, raise your head up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Exercise 21
Perform Gymnastic bridge and Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Exercise 22
Put your feet together, is inclined forward and hold in this position for 30 seconds.
These exercises at first glance seem very simple, but if you do them regularly, you will be pleasantly surprised with the result. Tell your friends about this effective stretching and wished them good health!
via takprosto cc
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