Strengthen your spine! This exercise was recommended to me by an osteopath, the back does not bother me anymore.
Anyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle and sits a lot is familiar with pain in the spine. Such pain can overtake you suddenly and ruin your life. Many people have been suffering for years. But pain in the spine cannot be tolerated, it must be fought. And today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you exactly how to do it.
Exercises to strengthen the spine This is a full-fledged complex in which the most effective exercises are collected, spinal. This gymnastics for the spine helps to work out each of its departments. If you exercise for 10 minutes a day, you will forget about back pain.
And in this video, the wonderful man will show 10 more magical exercises for the spine.
A healthy spine - the key to the health of the whole organism. And exercise is a great way to align the spine and keep it in tone. Gymnastics will restore your mobility and allow you to forget what back pain is.
Do you have any special spinal exercises that have helped you? Tell us about it in the comments and don’t forget to share this article with your friends!

Exercises to strengthen the spine This is a full-fledged complex in which the most effective exercises are collected, spinal. This gymnastics for the spine helps to work out each of its departments. If you exercise for 10 minutes a day, you will forget about back pain.
- Strengthening the lumbar muscles
The starting position is lying on your back, hands to the sides, palms down. From this position slowly and smoothly unfold the left thigh to the right. Do not remove the upper part of the body from the floor. Hold in this position for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat the same thing the other way with the other foot. You need to start with 1 approach 8 times in each direction. You can gradually increase the number of repetitions. This exercise is just a godsend for those who suffer from low back pain. It strengthens the longitudinal muscles of the back well. - Strengthening the lateral muscles of the back
In the same position, perform the second exercise. It is important to ensure that during the performance of the legs do not detach from the floor. So, feet together, socks on yourself, hands to the sides, palms down. Without removing the head and shoulders from the floor, move both legs to the left, sliding along the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Say it the other way. As with the previous exercise, perform 1 approach 8 times in each direction.
The exercise helps to work out the lateral muscles of the abdomen and lower back. It's just incredibly effective! - Strengthening the chest
Lie on your back, legs apart, feet on the width of the shoulders, arms crossed on the chest, palms cover the forearms. From this position, make the maximum inclination of the body to the left, without tearing the torso from the floor. You have to stretch well, but your pelvis and legs don't have to move. The number of repetitions is the same. It helps to work out the thoracic department! - Strengthen oblique abdominal muscles
Lie on the left side, the left hand is extended in front of him with the palm down. The right hand is at the top and touches the floor. Pull your right hand and right leg to each other, lifting them at the same time. Head up, look ahead. Hold in this position for 2-3 seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times each way. Helps to work well oblique abdominal muscles, which is very important for healthy spine. - Stretching of the lumbar muscles
Lie down on the floor, hands along your torso. Bend your legs, gently pulling your feet to the buttocks as close as possible. Hold on to that position and return to the original position. Repeat 12 times. - Strengthening the whole back
Standing with your back straight, look in front of you. Slowly make a small slope with a straight back, put your hands down and bend your knees. Hold in an inclination of 2-3 seconds, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times. - Improved flexibility of the spine
It's a yoga asana. It helps to strengthen the back and improve the flexibility of the spine. The starting position - lying on the stomach, arms outstretched. Raise the upper body, bending your back, leaning on your forearms, look forward. Hold in this position, and then carefully stretch back to see the ceiling. Return to the starting position, repeat 10 times.
And in this video, the wonderful man will show 10 more magical exercises for the spine.
A healthy spine - the key to the health of the whole organism. And exercise is a great way to align the spine and keep it in tone. Gymnastics will restore your mobility and allow you to forget what back pain is.
Do you have any special spinal exercises that have helped you? Tell us about it in the comments and don’t forget to share this article with your friends!
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