Braces and hernia of the spine: what is the connection?
French doctors conducted a study and found that 95% of people, who as a child wore braces 20 years there is a hernia of the spine. Why is this happening? And what now for those who need orthodontic treatment?
Says CEO of the Medical center "OSTMED," the osteopath Olga Jasina.
— Is that so – and now all who wore or going to wear braces will have problems with the spine?
— Of course not. But it was a warning signal that there is a relationship between orthodontic treatment and diseases of the spine.
May just be the treatment was wrong? Or have people pre-existed health problems?
— "Wrong" – not quite the right word. All necessary manipulations were performed by dentists correct – they did their job professionally. Perhaps among the patients were those who initially predisposed to these diseases. I don't think there were many of them, however, hernias are found in almost all. Agree, ninety-five percent is a convincing figure.
Moreover, French doctors went on, they began to analyze the status of other people visiting dental clinics. It turned out that some patients after the installation of dentures began to disturb headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, balance disorder, high blood pressure, asymmetry of the face and even depression.
Most people perceive the human body as a set of different organs and systems. And accordingly, cure what ails at this time. For example, with a headache a person goes to a neurologist, with a heart – a cardiologist, with the tooth – to the dentist.
Now in the world, and in particular, there has been another tendency is to perceive the person as a whole. In our complex organism everything is interconnected, and if it hurts something, so we should look for failure in the whole huge system. And a study by French doctors, is a Prime example. As it turned out, most patients had problems with the structure of the skull, or rather with the displacement of some bones. In this case, any impact on the teeth and jaws only exacerbates the problem, causing all those painful sensations. It is now proven that if blocked temporal bone, any manipulation of the upper jaw will have negative consequences. Until otitis.
But if a teenager with displacement of the cranial bones to put the braces, then after a while, he may receive scoliosis.
— What to do now is to refuse the services of dentist? That's impossible!
— Of course not! Just before dental treatment, especially long and complex, you need to visit an osteopath. It specialist without pills and injections, working only with his hands, will be able to determine the problem and fix it.
We in Russia are only starting to develop practice and culture of osteopathy, in European countries it has been long enough. For them is the norm for regular visits to a doctor, and joint treatment of patients. For example, the tandem osteopath-dentist has been known for almost 30 years.
— All of it necessary?
— Say softer – desirable. But there are special categories to which you want to visit an osteopath is necessary. People with hereditary diseases, those who were born with the legs forward and as a result of complicated childbirth. In adults the problems can be of different origin, in children and adolescents is mainly congenital.
And if there is a problem, what to do then?
— For prevention, usually enough one-two sessions. For the solution of the existing problems should undergo a course of treatments.
— What is the procedure?
— From the actions of the doctor resemble massage, but in fact is somewhat different. Osteopath also "works" with muscles, but does so more precisely and intensively.
So do not be afraid of dentists, you just need a competent and reasonable approach to the treatment of teeth.published
Interviewed by Oleg Zheltov Also wondering: How would be lived back, if it was head Who are threatened by osteoporosis P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitya.ru/articles/l-r.html
Says CEO of the Medical center "OSTMED," the osteopath Olga Jasina.

— Is that so – and now all who wore or going to wear braces will have problems with the spine?
— Of course not. But it was a warning signal that there is a relationship between orthodontic treatment and diseases of the spine.
May just be the treatment was wrong? Or have people pre-existed health problems?
— "Wrong" – not quite the right word. All necessary manipulations were performed by dentists correct – they did their job professionally. Perhaps among the patients were those who initially predisposed to these diseases. I don't think there were many of them, however, hernias are found in almost all. Agree, ninety-five percent is a convincing figure.
Moreover, French doctors went on, they began to analyze the status of other people visiting dental clinics. It turned out that some patients after the installation of dentures began to disturb headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, balance disorder, high blood pressure, asymmetry of the face and even depression.
Most people perceive the human body as a set of different organs and systems. And accordingly, cure what ails at this time. For example, with a headache a person goes to a neurologist, with a heart – a cardiologist, with the tooth – to the dentist.
Now in the world, and in particular, there has been another tendency is to perceive the person as a whole. In our complex organism everything is interconnected, and if it hurts something, so we should look for failure in the whole huge system. And a study by French doctors, is a Prime example. As it turned out, most patients had problems with the structure of the skull, or rather with the displacement of some bones. In this case, any impact on the teeth and jaws only exacerbates the problem, causing all those painful sensations. It is now proven that if blocked temporal bone, any manipulation of the upper jaw will have negative consequences. Until otitis.
But if a teenager with displacement of the cranial bones to put the braces, then after a while, he may receive scoliosis.
— What to do now is to refuse the services of dentist? That's impossible!
— Of course not! Just before dental treatment, especially long and complex, you need to visit an osteopath. It specialist without pills and injections, working only with his hands, will be able to determine the problem and fix it.
We in Russia are only starting to develop practice and culture of osteopathy, in European countries it has been long enough. For them is the norm for regular visits to a doctor, and joint treatment of patients. For example, the tandem osteopath-dentist has been known for almost 30 years.
— All of it necessary?
— Say softer – desirable. But there are special categories to which you want to visit an osteopath is necessary. People with hereditary diseases, those who were born with the legs forward and as a result of complicated childbirth. In adults the problems can be of different origin, in children and adolescents is mainly congenital.
And if there is a problem, what to do then?
— For prevention, usually enough one-two sessions. For the solution of the existing problems should undergo a course of treatments.
— What is the procedure?
— From the actions of the doctor resemble massage, but in fact is somewhat different. Osteopath also "works" with muscles, but does so more precisely and intensively.
So do not be afraid of dentists, you just need a competent and reasonable approach to the treatment of teeth.published
Interviewed by Oleg Zheltov Also wondering: How would be lived back, if it was head Who are threatened by osteoporosis P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitya.ru/articles/l-r.html