Hernia in the cervical spine? Learn the truth about the disease!
Intervertebral hernia is considered a very common phenomenon faced by many people. To the separate group includes the cases, when there is a hernia in the cervical spine. The reason lies in the specifics of this Department, and which will be the focus of this article. Because of this specificity, the possible emergence of serious complications, influencing the patient's life, and the struggle with the disease.
This disease takes the second place in prevalence among all the existing types of hernias of the spine, however, is not very common. Mostly affected in the age range 30-50 years. As shown by American statistics, every two thousand persons of the population today is exposed to this severe pathology. The total number of patients who asked for medical help, the majority are males.
Hernia in the cervical spine. What difficulties arise?The main problem is that a hernia in the cervical spine reveals not just because it is the Department small enough. It can be compared to "a bottleneck", only in the human body, is the most vulnerable spot.
The volume of the neck is obviously small, the same can be said about the diameter of the spinal canal in the spine. However, using such a small amount is constantly going through many blood vessels, and of course of the nerve channels. Their high density can be explained by the fact that the brain requires a good supply of oxygen and obtaining all necessary signals from the nerve endings.
In normal condition, this high density of the most important vessels and channels will not be a problem. Cervical has a high mobility, even a person who is an adherent of a sedentary lifestyle, neck almost continuously receives the load. So the human body is trying to "insure" themselves against possible problems.
It is in this constant load and a hidden "downside". The reason for more diseases of the spine – a violation of metabolism. This is often dependent on age, but today, if we consider not the best environmental situation and not the right power system, these problems can occur even in young people.
The result, as has been said, is the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, in particular a hernia in the neck. Worst of all intervertebral discs.
What are the symptoms of the disease?Among the symptoms of a hernia the neck is usually identified acute or chronic pain, the so-called "shooting" in the neck, pains that give in the shoulder joint, in the hand, as well as bouts of numbness of hands, frequent crawling "chills", the reduction of sensitivity of the fingers.
In addition, irritability, tearfulness, headache, dizziness, spikes in blood pressure, noises in the ears, slight cough and feeling sore, which is quite difficult to get rid of – it is also the symptoms of the disease such as hernia of cervical Department.
It is worth noting the following feature: at the initial stage of the disease pain back vertebrae neck fickle, they are often aching in nature. In addition, there are also headaches and dizziness due to disorders in the circulatory system (income of blood to the brain).
During further development of the pathology being of the patient is deteriorating. Pain become permanent, often truly intolerable. There is a partial numbness of the upper extremities, the gait is disturbed, different vegetative disorders, muscle atrophy, and may even develop respiratory paralysis.
All the above are signs of herniation of the cervical spine that is able to tell You about the appearance of the disease at an early stage.
What is dangerous is the disease?If You notice any of these described above symptoms, please note that it is important timely access to a doctor, as there is a risk that the hernia in the cervical spine passing one of the arteries that feeds the brain and passes through the spine. This means that the disturbed circulation of the brain that, over time, is fraught with stroke.
In addition, over time, around the hernia is inflammation of the muscles or ligaments. Thus, sometimes begins to develop cervical radiculitis, which is considered very painful and intractable disease. You can avoid it, starting to treat a herniated disc in time, for she often causes of sciatica neck.
As already mentioned, the cervical spine is very mobile and always is under load, as it holds the head. In this disease such as herniated disc of the cervical pozvonochnikom crowding or sharp turns of the head are very dangerous. Anything even a little wrong move can cause not only pain, but the squeezing of nerves or arteries. But it could face the loss of sensitivity of any part of the body and even worse, paralysis or stroke.
If You have symptoms of the disease such as cervical hernia, remember that late referral to a specialist will only complicate the situation and the treatment will be longer, in addition, do not forget about the possibility of dangerous complications in advanced stage of disease.
How to overcome disease?With this diagnosis the treatment process start as soon as ran a full diagnostic. It should be noted that the attending physician should conduct many different studies, to correctly identify the size and location of intervertebral hernia, and pick up the necessary treatment methods. We don't dwell on the question of diagnosis, and it is better to consider all kinds of treatment of such diseases as spinal disc herniation in the cervical spine.
In General there are two main methods of treatment – traditional (or conservative) and surgical.
How to avoid surgery?Conservative methods of treatment suggest that the recovery will occur without surgical intervention. In this case, before the specialist have two main tasks:
In the case if pain medications only mask pain, thanks to anti-inflammatory drugs do eliminate inflammation. Is reduced or disappears altogether, the process of compression of nerve endings, which in the end leads to a decrease in pain.
In many cases, this is enough for the initial stage of treatment and getting rid of pain.
The next stage is the prevention of progression of hernia in the cervical spine and its prevention. This need for medicine is eliminated (mostly), the main methods at this stage are massage and special gymnastics.
What are the characteristics of disc herniation C5-C6? Than it is especially dangerous?Ruptures of the fibrous ring of the discs between 5m and 6m vertebra neck physicians called the term "herniated disc C5-C6". This is one of the most common locations of hernias the neck, which is often combined with the protrusion, instability, segmental insufficiency, uncountable in vertebrae C4-C5, C6-C7.
This disease is often preceded by chronic pain, osteoarthritis, stiffness of the neck, protrusion of the disc at the initial stage, most often circular.
Uncovertebral arthritis in the vertebrae C6-C7 indicate the existence of degenerative disc disease with complications: osteophytosis and the formation of abnormal joints.
In medical practice, plays an important role only the rear (it is also called dorsalis) is a kind of hernia which can contribute to narrowing of the intervertebral canals and channels of the spinal cord.
If the infringement of the nerve root, you may experience vertebrogenic radiculopathy vertebrae 5-6.
Before you get the disease, preceded by his degenerative disc disease of the neck region of the vertebrae 4-5, 5-6. Because of such properties of the intervertebral disc, like fragility, the occurrence of microtraumatic and the formation of protrusions. After some time, there is a protrusion.
What are the most common symptoms of hernia C5-C6?
Hernia taking place infringement of the sixth nerve root or stenosis of the channels of the spinal cord (this depends on the type of hernia).
In this disease as a hernia of the cervical vertebrae may experience completely different symptoms. We are talking about a herniated C5-C6.
First, it is the pain and numbness of big and index fingers, the side of the arms, hands, neck, and headache. Second, this reduction in reflex two-headed muscle, the possible appearance of weakness in the abduction and turns the hand inwards. Third, a slight weakening in extension of the hands and reduction of mobility in the neck Department.
How to treat intervertebral hernia in the vertebrae C5-C6?First of all, note that treatment should begin only after a complete diagnosis and thorough examination. You need to analyze the symptoms, various additional tests. Taken to conduct cervical MRI, if they identified a serious enough problem, you need to conduct a full diagnosis of the thoracic and lumbar.
We hope that this article helped You to understand the mechanism of development and symptoms of the disease such as disc herniation of the cervical, which is a lot. To struggle with the illness to be effective, in time be sure to consult with your doctor. published
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Source: pozvonkoff.ru/gryizha-v-sheynom-otdele-pozvonochnika-ne-dayte-sebya-obmanut-uznayte-vsyu-pravdu-o-svoem-zabolevanii
This disease takes the second place in prevalence among all the existing types of hernias of the spine, however, is not very common. Mostly affected in the age range 30-50 years. As shown by American statistics, every two thousand persons of the population today is exposed to this severe pathology. The total number of patients who asked for medical help, the majority are males.

Hernia in the cervical spine. What difficulties arise?The main problem is that a hernia in the cervical spine reveals not just because it is the Department small enough. It can be compared to "a bottleneck", only in the human body, is the most vulnerable spot.
The volume of the neck is obviously small, the same can be said about the diameter of the spinal canal in the spine. However, using such a small amount is constantly going through many blood vessels, and of course of the nerve channels. Their high density can be explained by the fact that the brain requires a good supply of oxygen and obtaining all necessary signals from the nerve endings.
In normal condition, this high density of the most important vessels and channels will not be a problem. Cervical has a high mobility, even a person who is an adherent of a sedentary lifestyle, neck almost continuously receives the load. So the human body is trying to "insure" themselves against possible problems.
It is in this constant load and a hidden "downside". The reason for more diseases of the spine – a violation of metabolism. This is often dependent on age, but today, if we consider not the best environmental situation and not the right power system, these problems can occur even in young people.
The result, as has been said, is the development of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, in particular a hernia in the neck. Worst of all intervertebral discs.
What are the symptoms of the disease?Among the symptoms of a hernia the neck is usually identified acute or chronic pain, the so-called "shooting" in the neck, pains that give in the shoulder joint, in the hand, as well as bouts of numbness of hands, frequent crawling "chills", the reduction of sensitivity of the fingers.
In addition, irritability, tearfulness, headache, dizziness, spikes in blood pressure, noises in the ears, slight cough and feeling sore, which is quite difficult to get rid of – it is also the symptoms of the disease such as hernia of cervical Department.
It is worth noting the following feature: at the initial stage of the disease pain back vertebrae neck fickle, they are often aching in nature. In addition, there are also headaches and dizziness due to disorders in the circulatory system (income of blood to the brain).
During further development of the pathology being of the patient is deteriorating. Pain become permanent, often truly intolerable. There is a partial numbness of the upper extremities, the gait is disturbed, different vegetative disorders, muscle atrophy, and may even develop respiratory paralysis.
All the above are signs of herniation of the cervical spine that is able to tell You about the appearance of the disease at an early stage.
What is dangerous is the disease?If You notice any of these described above symptoms, please note that it is important timely access to a doctor, as there is a risk that the hernia in the cervical spine passing one of the arteries that feeds the brain and passes through the spine. This means that the disturbed circulation of the brain that, over time, is fraught with stroke.
In addition, over time, around the hernia is inflammation of the muscles or ligaments. Thus, sometimes begins to develop cervical radiculitis, which is considered very painful and intractable disease. You can avoid it, starting to treat a herniated disc in time, for she often causes of sciatica neck.
As already mentioned, the cervical spine is very mobile and always is under load, as it holds the head. In this disease such as herniated disc of the cervical pozvonochnikom crowding or sharp turns of the head are very dangerous. Anything even a little wrong move can cause not only pain, but the squeezing of nerves or arteries. But it could face the loss of sensitivity of any part of the body and even worse, paralysis or stroke.
If You have symptoms of the disease such as cervical hernia, remember that late referral to a specialist will only complicate the situation and the treatment will be longer, in addition, do not forget about the possibility of dangerous complications in advanced stage of disease.
How to overcome disease?With this diagnosis the treatment process start as soon as ran a full diagnostic. It should be noted that the attending physician should conduct many different studies, to correctly identify the size and location of intervertebral hernia, and pick up the necessary treatment methods. We don't dwell on the question of diagnosis, and it is better to consider all kinds of treatment of such diseases as spinal disc herniation in the cervical spine.
In General there are two main methods of treatment – traditional (or conservative) and surgical.
How to avoid surgery?Conservative methods of treatment suggest that the recovery will occur without surgical intervention. In this case, before the specialist have two main tasks:
- to save the patient from pain and various neurological syndromes.
- to prevent the disease progression and occurrence of new hernias of the spine.
In the case if pain medications only mask pain, thanks to anti-inflammatory drugs do eliminate inflammation. Is reduced or disappears altogether, the process of compression of nerve endings, which in the end leads to a decrease in pain.
In many cases, this is enough for the initial stage of treatment and getting rid of pain.
The next stage is the prevention of progression of hernia in the cervical spine and its prevention. This need for medicine is eliminated (mostly), the main methods at this stage are massage and special gymnastics.
What are the characteristics of disc herniation C5-C6? Than it is especially dangerous?Ruptures of the fibrous ring of the discs between 5m and 6m vertebra neck physicians called the term "herniated disc C5-C6". This is one of the most common locations of hernias the neck, which is often combined with the protrusion, instability, segmental insufficiency, uncountable in vertebrae C4-C5, C6-C7.
This disease is often preceded by chronic pain, osteoarthritis, stiffness of the neck, protrusion of the disc at the initial stage, most often circular.
Uncovertebral arthritis in the vertebrae C6-C7 indicate the existence of degenerative disc disease with complications: osteophytosis and the formation of abnormal joints.
In medical practice, plays an important role only the rear (it is also called dorsalis) is a kind of hernia which can contribute to narrowing of the intervertebral canals and channels of the spinal cord.
If the infringement of the nerve root, you may experience vertebrogenic radiculopathy vertebrae 5-6.
Before you get the disease, preceded by his degenerative disc disease of the neck region of the vertebrae 4-5, 5-6. Because of such properties of the intervertebral disc, like fragility, the occurrence of microtraumatic and the formation of protrusions. After some time, there is a protrusion.
What are the most common symptoms of hernia C5-C6?
Hernia taking place infringement of the sixth nerve root or stenosis of the channels of the spinal cord (this depends on the type of hernia).
In this disease as a hernia of the cervical vertebrae may experience completely different symptoms. We are talking about a herniated C5-C6.
First, it is the pain and numbness of big and index fingers, the side of the arms, hands, neck, and headache. Second, this reduction in reflex two-headed muscle, the possible appearance of weakness in the abduction and turns the hand inwards. Third, a slight weakening in extension of the hands and reduction of mobility in the neck Department.
How to treat intervertebral hernia in the vertebrae C5-C6?First of all, note that treatment should begin only after a complete diagnosis and thorough examination. You need to analyze the symptoms, various additional tests. Taken to conduct cervical MRI, if they identified a serious enough problem, you need to conduct a full diagnosis of the thoracic and lumbar.
We hope that this article helped You to understand the mechanism of development and symptoms of the disease such as disc herniation of the cervical, which is a lot. To struggle with the illness to be effective, in time be sure to consult with your doctor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: pozvonkoff.ru/gryizha-v-sheynom-otdele-pozvonochnika-ne-dayte-sebya-obmanut-uznayte-vsyu-pravdu-o-svoem-zabolevanii
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