Golden collection of useful exercises for varicose veins, hemorrhoids, diastasis, and more!
1. Anyone have a sore neck, headaches, you can try this method.
Take 2 tennis balls and put them in a sock or stocking, tight binding, lie on a hard surface, put the design under the base of the skull perpendicular to the spine. Lie down until until you feel muscle relaxation, a feeling of pleasant warmth. The cause of the pain so we don't get the pain for a while will be able to remove.
Three million two hundred seven thousand two hundred twenty nine
2. Sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve), cinematica is characterized by a often pain in the back of the thigh, buttocks, calf, pain when stretching leg, limitation of flexion movements of the spine, possible lumbar scoliosis.
How to provide first aid to yourself?
After the pain subsides, seek medical advice. Usually recommended, helps, sessions, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, hirudotherapy.
3. Talk about low back pain?
Simptomy manifold is a pain in the lower back and heart pain, causeless headaches, dizziness, numbness of the hands. They can be prevented.
Sixty seven million two hundred forty nine thousand two hundred twenty six
The spine requires two things: move correctly and correctly to relax.
To move means not moving the body in space (the walk), and the movement of the actual spine and numerous joints. In everyday life we almost do not make movements that involve the locomotor process the joints of the spine.
In addition, during the day we doom our spine to the enormous vertical thrust.
How to fix the situation? Entirely simple.
Here are some simple tips:
If you occupation is necessary to sit in one position, there is a feeling of tension and pain in the neck and shoulder girdle. Use a simple technique aimed at relaxing the upper part of the trapezius muscle.
As Regards proper rest it is equally important for spine movement than. First of all the bed should be comfortable. The most important thing. It is not necessary that the bed was hard. It is desirable to sleep on the back, placing (if needed) small cushions under the neck and back, in accordance with the natural curves of the spine. This allows the spinal muscles to relax.
And, getting up from bed in the morning, you will feel ease in the back.
4. There is one delicate disease. In the old days it was called pochechuynaya from the same plant. And now I call hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum). There is a very simple and effective way to relieve pain, spasms. Unless, of course, You're not bleeding.
In addition, such exercises eliminates congestion of the small pelvis in men and women, increases blood circulation, enhances sexual function.
5. Felt pain, discomfort in the thoracic spine? Lie on your back on a hard flat surface and put it under the problem place tightly rolled bath towel. Lie down until you feel relaxation, you can sometimes hear a click. The clicking happens only when the muscles are relaxed, and there was "independent" of the removal of muscle and ligament blocks.
6. Mothers when holding the baby, sometimes starts to hurt the shoulders. Why is this happening? When the mother keeps the baby, puts the pelvis forward, as if putting a baby into your pelvis. The shoulders are back and compensatory begin to strain. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain the hygiene of posture (stand possibly even).
Even if the "correct" position, the shoulders continue to hurt, swipe this test.
If in a sitting position the pain goes away, then we have to work on the pelvic region.
If pain persists, and in fact, in another position, means, it is desirable to examine the pancreas and spleen, i.e. there it is possible to the pathological process.
7. Exercise for uterine prolapse. Inhale, inhale and clench your abs and try how to draw crotch inside. 7 seconds to try to be in this position. How can so many and it is desirable to repeat, as you have a spare minute.
8. Many problems arise when the pelvic bones shift from their normal physiological state. How to define most, if not oblique pelvis?
If not on the same level, You have the so-called "muscle pelvis», we have to work on the abdominal organs.
Ask someone to put the fingers in right and left corner of the sacrum (where the dimples usually), if not on the same level, this is a "joint pelvis», we have to work on the Sacro-coccygeal joint.
There are other violations, but You yourself will be difficult to determine.
9. A little about reflexology. Iglorefleksoterapiya different from the methods of treatment of external irritating means, and physical therapy that irritation applied to the very small area of sensory nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles, tendons, perivascular plexus, the nerve sheaths, periosteum. At the same time develop a complex reflex reactions that alter the functional state of the Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system, and have a marked effect on tissue trophism and.
Seventy seven million four hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred thirty five
How to apply reflexology at home, without needles, sophisticated equipment, without knowing the location of active points? It would seem that way. But it is possible.
The human body there are areas of increased sensitivity — reflexogenic zone. One of them – foot.
Massaging the feet, we provide a positive stimulating effect on the whole body.
The proverb says, to keep feet warm. Reflexotherapist will add not only warmth, in the movement.
The most simple at home — a simple plastic Mat that is sold for hallways. Put needles up, that is, on the contrary, and a 2-3 minute leisurely walk to the place.
You will be surprised how fast the result will be. You can use iplikator Kuznetsova (but in socks), they are sold in pharmacies, can sew or paste on a cloth or a basin to pour the dried peas and rest.
10. Spin and emotions.The tension of the upper back is directly related to mood. Frustrated people involuntarily stooped that requires extra effort, loading and tiring the muscles of the interscapular region and neck. The longer depression lasts, the harder the muscles. Worse, the muscles of the anterior surface of the chest start to shrink, even stronger bending the back.
Seventy six million nine hundred seventy one thousand four hundred fifty nine
In this "preloaded" condition is spasm of the diaphragm that deteriorates the blood flow to connected neighboring organs. It is very important to get rid from the painful tension of the upper back.
Often arising in this area, the problems are rarely confined to it. An ache spreads closer to the pelvis, restricting steps, comes to the skull, raises the classic tension-type headache, shooting pain down into the hands. Muscle You don't obey, You need to relax them by force. Fortunately, it is quite possible.
Feeling the tension in the upper back, you need to stretch this area. The main principle of the lessons that you need to understand that muscles work in pairs. When one contracts and shortens, its antagonist relaxes and lengthens. So, if "freezing to death" upper back, then her overstretched extensors.
1. To relax them, it is necessary to stretch the antagonists of the front of the case, i.e., large pectoral muscles. In other words, to reduce their shoulders.
2. Following exercise. The rotation of the shoulders. Move the shoulders forward, up, back, down. Get them up on the inhale, lower on exhale. Keep your back straight. The head is raised.
3. Stretching the back. To sit on a chair, head on one vertical line with the spine. The palm of your hand to throw behind your head, elbows out to the sides. As much as possible to turn the body to the side.
To do so 3 times, trying to increase the amplitude. This is a warming stage.
Then, turn the body to the side, bend it down, aiming the elbow between the knees. After 2 sec. to return to the starting position.
To do 10 turns, slopes.
4. When a person is disturbed, upset, it is very important to breathe deeply, saturating the blood with oxygen. Mechanical ventilation of the lungs helps the body to release tension. Breathe only a nose. Inhale for 4 accounts left nostril, holding the right. Hold your breath count to seven, then exhaling slowly for a count of eight.
The same is done with the right nostril. Enough 4 breaths each.
Imagine that with the exhalation goes into the body of fresh energy, and the muscle fibers relax.
11. Varicose veins, one of the most common diseases. A disease in which the veins lose their elasticity, stretch, expand. There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, then the feet start to swell. It comes to cramps in the calf muscles.
Varicose veins comes to the formation of hypodermic nodes that can rupture, causing cause bleeding, life-threatening.
Expectant mothers at risk to acquire varicose veins, because in this period the body increases the amount of hormones that weaken the collagen and connective tissue, increasing the vein walls.
What can you do to prevent or alleviate this disease?
Only 3 simple exercises.
If you have a spare minute, lie down and "ride up" the legs, in this case, the force of gravity allows blood flow from the legs to the heart, reducing swelling and strain on the veins.
Very good results when the disease were observed after application of hirudotherapy.
12. There is such a situation that suddenly got sick neckon the one hand and to limit the rotation in either direction. Some believe that "blew" the draft, some sleeping uncomfortable. Of course, all of these factors can influence the occurrence of pain. But initially it is connected with blood circulation disorders in the cervical spine. Often suffer from muscle, levator scapulae.
Yourself in this situation to help?
Autorelease — in the sitting position. Opposite arm (from the place of pain) the head is tilted forward and in the opposite direction (from the place of pain), take a breath, the pupils of the eyes to guide in the direction of the source of pain. On the exhale, the pupils move in the opposite direction, and the hand on the head tilts his head to the side to prestressing.
Make 3-4 passes, each time increasing the amplitude of stretch.
13. The problem of diastasis after giving birth bothers many mothers. And many do not know what to do with it. Rush rock press, and the result or not, or very bad. Why? Because of disturbed innervation of the rectus abdominis muscles. Need to restore impaired innervation, direct and oblique abdominal muscles will be activated in normal operation. And only then it is advisable to give these muscles the load.
If the diastasis 1, 2 stage, a qualified chiropractor can remove the pathology in several sessions.
If the difference is small, up to 4 cm, we can recommend the following exercise:
S0 of exercise a day, but one approach.
14. Another exercise for the cervical chondrosis. Hands to cross to the castle and put on the topmost point of the head, the head slightly tilted forward, inhale, squeezing the head on the back of the hands, eyes raised up to the ceiling, hold for 7 seconds, exhale with a noise through the mouth, eyes lowered to the floor, pressing hands down on his head, tilting it to his chest, feeling the tension in the cervical spine. Not to the pain, and the pleasant stretching.
Gradually you will feel the stretch even ligaments in the back.published
Also interesting: These 6 techniques will improve joint function and restore the elasticity of the ligaments
Tips chiropractor: 2 exercises that straighten the spine
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kinesiolog.tom.ru/?page_id=321
Take 2 tennis balls and put them in a sock or stocking, tight binding, lie on a hard surface, put the design under the base of the skull perpendicular to the spine. Lie down until until you feel muscle relaxation, a feeling of pleasant warmth. The cause of the pain so we don't get the pain for a while will be able to remove.
Three million two hundred seven thousand two hundred twenty nine
2. Sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve), cinematica is characterized by a often pain in the back of the thigh, buttocks, calf, pain when stretching leg, limitation of flexion movements of the spine, possible lumbar scoliosis.
How to provide first aid to yourself?
- Take 2 tightly rolled with a roller towels. 1 cushion to put under the wing of the pelvic bone. The second cushion to keep the hip joint from the opposite side. We would hang the pelvis diagonally.
- If the pain does not subside, then we change the location of the rollers on the opposite. Any of the 2 provisions, the pain definitely subsides.
- At night, lubricate the loins warming cream. Sleeping on the back. With padded Shin under the blanket. The angle between the femur and tibia was 90 %. In this case, it relieves tension of the sciatic nerve.
After the pain subsides, seek medical advice. Usually recommended, helps, sessions, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, hirudotherapy.
3. Talk about low back pain?
Simptomy manifold is a pain in the lower back and heart pain, causeless headaches, dizziness, numbness of the hands. They can be prevented.
Sixty seven million two hundred forty nine thousand two hundred twenty six
The spine requires two things: move correctly and correctly to relax.
To move means not moving the body in space (the walk), and the movement of the actual spine and numerous joints. In everyday life we almost do not make movements that involve the locomotor process the joints of the spine.
In addition, during the day we doom our spine to the enormous vertical thrust.
How to fix the situation? Entirely simple.
Here are some simple tips:
- Follow the posture. Don't slouch. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head. Only one correction of posture you can get rid of many unpleasant sensations in the back.
- Essential daily exercises-warm up for 10-15 minutes With the obligatory inclusion in the set of exercises for the spine (bending right-left, forward (very carefully) and back, torso twists).
- Find 1 min for a very simple exercise. Rotate the head right and left.
If you occupation is necessary to sit in one position, there is a feeling of tension and pain in the neck and shoulder girdle. Use a simple technique aimed at relaxing the upper part of the trapezius muscle.
- Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, pull your shoulders back slightly and lift your shoulders up to the stop. The arms freely hanging down. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then relax for a few seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
- 3 min sit squat, tightly hugging his knees. Head touches knees, the back preferably rounded, and the blades swung to the side.
As Regards proper rest it is equally important for spine movement than. First of all the bed should be comfortable. The most important thing. It is not necessary that the bed was hard. It is desirable to sleep on the back, placing (if needed) small cushions under the neck and back, in accordance with the natural curves of the spine. This allows the spinal muscles to relax.
And, getting up from bed in the morning, you will feel ease in the back.
4. There is one delicate disease. In the old days it was called pochechuynaya from the same plant. And now I call hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the rectum). There is a very simple and effective way to relieve pain, spasms. Unless, of course, You're not bleeding.
- Sit on the floor, on the buttocks, legs extended forward. And with small steps directly into the gluteal muscles, 20 steps forward, 20 back. Repeat 3 times.
In addition, such exercises eliminates congestion of the small pelvis in men and women, increases blood circulation, enhances sexual function.
5. Felt pain, discomfort in the thoracic spine? Lie on your back on a hard flat surface and put it under the problem place tightly rolled bath towel. Lie down until you feel relaxation, you can sometimes hear a click. The clicking happens only when the muscles are relaxed, and there was "independent" of the removal of muscle and ligament blocks.
6. Mothers when holding the baby, sometimes starts to hurt the shoulders. Why is this happening? When the mother keeps the baby, puts the pelvis forward, as if putting a baby into your pelvis. The shoulders are back and compensatory begin to strain. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain the hygiene of posture (stand possibly even).
Even if the "correct" position, the shoulders continue to hurt, swipe this test.
- Let someone else in Your family overwhelm You on the shoulder girdle when standing, then do the same when You sit.
If in a sitting position the pain goes away, then we have to work on the pelvic region.
If pain persists, and in fact, in another position, means, it is desirable to examine the pancreas and spleen, i.e. there it is possible to the pathological process.
7. Exercise for uterine prolapse. Inhale, inhale and clench your abs and try how to draw crotch inside. 7 seconds to try to be in this position. How can so many and it is desirable to repeat, as you have a spare minute.
8. Many problems arise when the pelvic bones shift from their normal physiological state. How to define most, if not oblique pelvis?
- Put your hands on the wings of the pelvic bones, ask someone to watch, on one level they are.
If not on the same level, You have the so-called "muscle pelvis», we have to work on the abdominal organs.
Ask someone to put the fingers in right and left corner of the sacrum (where the dimples usually), if not on the same level, this is a "joint pelvis», we have to work on the Sacro-coccygeal joint.
There are other violations, but You yourself will be difficult to determine.
9. A little about reflexology. Iglorefleksoterapiya different from the methods of treatment of external irritating means, and physical therapy that irritation applied to the very small area of sensory nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles, tendons, perivascular plexus, the nerve sheaths, periosteum. At the same time develop a complex reflex reactions that alter the functional state of the Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system, and have a marked effect on tissue trophism and.
Seventy seven million four hundred fourteen thousand eight hundred thirty five
How to apply reflexology at home, without needles, sophisticated equipment, without knowing the location of active points? It would seem that way. But it is possible.
The human body there are areas of increased sensitivity — reflexogenic zone. One of them – foot.
Massaging the feet, we provide a positive stimulating effect on the whole body.
The proverb says, to keep feet warm. Reflexotherapist will add not only warmth, in the movement.
The most simple at home — a simple plastic Mat that is sold for hallways. Put needles up, that is, on the contrary, and a 2-3 minute leisurely walk to the place.
You will be surprised how fast the result will be. You can use iplikator Kuznetsova (but in socks), they are sold in pharmacies, can sew or paste on a cloth or a basin to pour the dried peas and rest.
10. Spin and emotions.The tension of the upper back is directly related to mood. Frustrated people involuntarily stooped that requires extra effort, loading and tiring the muscles of the interscapular region and neck. The longer depression lasts, the harder the muscles. Worse, the muscles of the anterior surface of the chest start to shrink, even stronger bending the back.
Seventy six million nine hundred seventy one thousand four hundred fifty nine
In this "preloaded" condition is spasm of the diaphragm that deteriorates the blood flow to connected neighboring organs. It is very important to get rid from the painful tension of the upper back.
Often arising in this area, the problems are rarely confined to it. An ache spreads closer to the pelvis, restricting steps, comes to the skull, raises the classic tension-type headache, shooting pain down into the hands. Muscle You don't obey, You need to relax them by force. Fortunately, it is quite possible.
Feeling the tension in the upper back, you need to stretch this area. The main principle of the lessons that you need to understand that muscles work in pairs. When one contracts and shortens, its antagonist relaxes and lengthens. So, if "freezing to death" upper back, then her overstretched extensors.
1. To relax them, it is necessary to stretch the antagonists of the front of the case, i.e., large pectoral muscles. In other words, to reduce their shoulders.
2. Following exercise. The rotation of the shoulders. Move the shoulders forward, up, back, down. Get them up on the inhale, lower on exhale. Keep your back straight. The head is raised.
3. Stretching the back. To sit on a chair, head on one vertical line with the spine. The palm of your hand to throw behind your head, elbows out to the sides. As much as possible to turn the body to the side.
To do so 3 times, trying to increase the amplitude. This is a warming stage.
Then, turn the body to the side, bend it down, aiming the elbow between the knees. After 2 sec. to return to the starting position.
To do 10 turns, slopes.
4. When a person is disturbed, upset, it is very important to breathe deeply, saturating the blood with oxygen. Mechanical ventilation of the lungs helps the body to release tension. Breathe only a nose. Inhale for 4 accounts left nostril, holding the right. Hold your breath count to seven, then exhaling slowly for a count of eight.
The same is done with the right nostril. Enough 4 breaths each.
Imagine that with the exhalation goes into the body of fresh energy, and the muscle fibers relax.
11. Varicose veins, one of the most common diseases. A disease in which the veins lose their elasticity, stretch, expand. There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, then the feet start to swell. It comes to cramps in the calf muscles.
Varicose veins comes to the formation of hypodermic nodes that can rupture, causing cause bleeding, life-threatening.
Expectant mothers at risk to acquire varicose veins, because in this period the body increases the amount of hormones that weaken the collagen and connective tissue, increasing the vein walls.
What can you do to prevent or alleviate this disease?
Only 3 simple exercises.
- Sitting on a chair, lift your socks without taking your heel from the floor, done 15-20 times repeated 3 times during the day.
- While sitting, raise your heels in hand, to do 15-20 times repeated 3 times during the day.
- Standing, rise on toes, then down, 15-20 times repeated 3 times during the day.
If you have a spare minute, lie down and "ride up" the legs, in this case, the force of gravity allows blood flow from the legs to the heart, reducing swelling and strain on the veins.
Very good results when the disease were observed after application of hirudotherapy.
12. There is such a situation that suddenly got sick neckon the one hand and to limit the rotation in either direction. Some believe that "blew" the draft, some sleeping uncomfortable. Of course, all of these factors can influence the occurrence of pain. But initially it is connected with blood circulation disorders in the cervical spine. Often suffer from muscle, levator scapulae.
Yourself in this situation to help?
Autorelease — in the sitting position. Opposite arm (from the place of pain) the head is tilted forward and in the opposite direction (from the place of pain), take a breath, the pupils of the eyes to guide in the direction of the source of pain. On the exhale, the pupils move in the opposite direction, and the hand on the head tilts his head to the side to prestressing.
Make 3-4 passes, each time increasing the amplitude of stretch.
13. The problem of diastasis after giving birth bothers many mothers. And many do not know what to do with it. Rush rock press, and the result or not, or very bad. Why? Because of disturbed innervation of the rectus abdominis muscles. Need to restore impaired innervation, direct and oblique abdominal muscles will be activated in normal operation. And only then it is advisable to give these muscles the load.
If the diastasis 1, 2 stage, a qualified chiropractor can remove the pathology in several sessions.
If the difference is small, up to 4 cm, we can recommend the following exercise:
- Inhale, inhale and clench your abs and try how to draw crotch inside. Pull in your stomach toward your spine. 7 seconds to try to be in this position. Exhale the air with a noise through the mouth with the sound "FFFFFFF", when you exhale relax the muscles.
S0 of exercise a day, but one approach.
14. Another exercise for the cervical chondrosis. Hands to cross to the castle and put on the topmost point of the head, the head slightly tilted forward, inhale, squeezing the head on the back of the hands, eyes raised up to the ceiling, hold for 7 seconds, exhale with a noise through the mouth, eyes lowered to the floor, pressing hands down on his head, tilting it to his chest, feeling the tension in the cervical spine. Not to the pain, and the pleasant stretching.
Gradually you will feel the stretch even ligaments in the back.published
Also interesting: These 6 techniques will improve joint function and restore the elasticity of the ligaments
Tips chiropractor: 2 exercises that straighten the spine
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kinesiolog.tom.ru/?page_id=321