Proper nutrition for varicose veins
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Varicose veins is very important to pay attention to the presence in a patient of overweight. First and foremost, it is recommended to get rid of excess weight, bring it to normal display. With the normalization of weight, reducing the load on the vessels of the legs, which in itself removes many of the manifestations of the disease. It is necessary to achieve not only weight loss, but and weight stabilization.
Diet for varicose veins is aimed at both weight loss and strengthening blood vessels. You need to change your diet, avoid fried, fatty, salty foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body.
And extra fluid increases the load on blood vessels in the legs can cause swelling.
Recommended products on varicose veins
It is recommended to eat products, which have a large number of proteins. Fish and seafood are preferable to meat in them, in addition to proteins, contains copper and other trace elements. Especially useful for seafood, which includes shrimp and squid, which help our body to establish the production of elastin, strengthens blood vessels and improves their elasticity.
In addition to seafood, elastin contains in a more accessible product — seaweed. It is rich in copper, bioflavonoids. Even if you're not a fan of seaweed, she should be a frequent dish on your table. Bioflavonoids promote healing of damaged blood vessels and increase their elasticity, allowing them to transfer changes in pressure of blood in the legs during exercise. Seaweed is useful as a salad, and dry.
The next useful substance in varicose disease is rutin, which is also called vitamin p. the Human body cannot produce it, so you need to take care of regular intake of this vitamin with food. Consider which of the many products routine. It is citrus — lemon, orange, grapefruit. Rich in vitamin P is the Aronia berry, sea buckthorn, black currant, black cherry. With a diet for varicose veins, it is recommended to eat not the Aronia berry and its juice. Also hazelnuts, lettuce, apples is able to refill routine in the body.
Let's talk more about the lemon. Of the citrus it is most rich in rutin, vitamin P more in the peel than in the pulp. Therefore, it is recommended to do the slice of lemon with peel in the morning and evening every day. This amount is sufficient to fill the content of rutin in the body.
Do not forget about vitamin C is also very useful in varicose veins. Vitamin C is rich in many fruits and berries that were mentioned, talking about the routine. Ascorbic acid and rutin are contained often in the same products, increasing the absorption of each other. Extremely healthy juices and fruit drinks of cranberry and cowberry are rich in ascorbic acid.
It is not recommended when the varicose veins
Following a diet for varicose veins, the first step is to stop eating flour, sweet, foods rich in simple glucose. Because such foods will lead to weight gain and exacerbate the disease due to the increased load on the vessels of the legs. Also harmful to the elasticity of blood vessels marinated and smoked products, meat broth.
Alcoholic drinks and beer delay fluid in the body, which can lead to edema and excessive load on the vessels. Coffee is allowed in a limited number, preferably with milk.
Cleaning of the vessels with juices
Juice diet Indian doctors recommend people suffering from varicose veins. In the future you must go for a balanced diet, eating more nuts, fresh fruit.
First course of treatment is necessary during the week to eat the juices of fruits and vegetables. Then gradually move to a balanced diet. Later juice diet for two to three days repeat every month. If varicose veins complications thrombophlebitis, additionally you need to add in the diet of blueberries, cranberries, figs, and sea buckthorn.
There is another plant belonging to the weeds that have healing properties for varicose veins. This nettle. From a young nettle soups and green borscht. Older people are recommended to prepare the infusion of nettle and drink as a tea. Before using diet varicose veins, you should consult with your doctor.
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