Varicose veins will recede! Unload the veins standing, then lying on your back, and at the end...
The endless craving of women for beauty (footwear with high heels, narrow trousers), hormone jumps, heredity and childbirth play a cruel joke with the fair sex. Step to the right, step to the left - and hello, varicose veins. And no matter how serious the course of the disease, many women can do without surgery.
Doctors say that the correct, carefully performed and constant gymnastics Not only will save from ill-fated disease, but also significantly reduce its consequences.
And let varicose veins be considered a purely female disease, no one is immune from it. "Site" shares an effective set of exercises for men and women of all ages, which will help restore and stimulate blood circulation in the veins, relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and also become an excellent prevention for those who are prone to the disease. Just 15 minutes a day and you feel so much better.
Therapeutic gymnastics for vessels includes 15 exercises that are performed standing, lying on your back and on your side. We recommend doing this simple complex 2 times a day, but if you do not have time and effort, do it at least every evening. The main thing is to perform the exercises carefully and correctly. If you do not feel well during this or that exercise, the number of repetitions can be reduced. It's definitely the best. prevention and leg fatigue!
Lying on my back.
Perform this set of exercises first on the left side, then on the right.
Unfortunately, few women can boast of a healthy venous system. To avoid illness, watch your weight, wear only comfortable shoes and clothes, walk more and make a habit of visiting the pool. Remember: the first signs of varicose veins are tiny vascular stars on the thighs, calves and other parts of the legs. And although they seem only a cosmetic problem, we recommend that you immediately consult a phlebologist.
Be sure to share this useful gymnastics for vessels with friends in social networks!
Doctors say that the correct, carefully performed and constant gymnastics Not only will save from ill-fated disease, but also significantly reduce its consequences.

And let varicose veins be considered a purely female disease, no one is immune from it. "Site" shares an effective set of exercises for men and women of all ages, which will help restore and stimulate blood circulation in the veins, relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and also become an excellent prevention for those who are prone to the disease. Just 15 minutes a day and you feel so much better.
Therapeutic gymnastics for vessels includes 15 exercises that are performed standing, lying on your back and on your side. We recommend doing this simple complex 2 times a day, but if you do not have time and effort, do it at least every evening. The main thing is to perform the exercises carefully and correctly. If you do not feel well during this or that exercise, the number of repetitions can be reduced. It's definitely the best. prevention and leg fatigue!

- Stand up straight, legs together, hands at the seams. Breathe slowly and take your shoulders back. Relax them and tilt your head forward. Repeat 5 times.
- Same starting point. On inhale, smoothly raise your hands up and stretch out on your socks. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times.
- The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Put your hands up and stand on your socks. Exhale, raise your foot up, taking the swallow position. Do the same with the other leg and return to the starting position. Perform 5-6 unhurried repetitions.
- Keep walking, but don’t take your socks off the floor. It is enough 2-3 minutes of such a walk.
- Stand up straight, the feet are parallel to each other. Get on your socks and go down 20-30 times. Now spread your socks in different directions and leave your heels in place. Do 20 to 30 sock lifts again. Repeat the same with reduced socks and diluted heels.

Lying on my back.
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and pedal an imaginary bike. 2-3 minutes, no more.
- The next exercise will require a chair. Bend your knees and put your feet on a chair. Turn your left and right foot. Perform 15 repetitions for each leg.
- The starting position is the feet on the chair. Turn your feet and legs to the left and right, without tearing them from the chair.
- Put the chair aside. Hands along the body, raise straight legs up, rotate the right foot to the right and left, and then on yourself - away from yourself. Perform 15 repetitions for each leg.
- Stand on the shoulder blades (birch position), open your legs, wave them and return to the original position. Perform 5-6 unhurried repetitions.
- The starting position is lying on your back, the legs are straight. On inhalation, bend the left leg in the knee and pull it to the chest. Exhale your leg vertically up and lower it to the floor. Same thing with your right foot. 5-6 repetitions are enough for each leg.
- Bend your knees, feet on the floor, hands on your hips. On inhale, raise your head and body, and with your hands reach for your knees. Return to your starting position smoothly.
- Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, arms along the body. Slowly exhaling, draw in the stomach, inhale - inflate. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.

Perform this set of exercises first on the left side, then on the right.
- Lie on your side, legs straight. Relying on the left hand, bend the right leg in the knee and place the foot on the floor in front of the left knee. Grab the tibia with your right hand. Bend your left foot and raise your left leg. Lower it slowly. Perform 10-15 smooth repetitions for each leg.
- Lean on your left elbow, legs straight, palms of both hands on the floor. Without tearing from the floor, bend the left leg in the knee. Extend your right leg forward, pointing your foot toward you. Raise your right leg vertically up, then gently lower down, but do not touch the floor. Repeat 10-15 times for each leg.

Unfortunately, few women can boast of a healthy venous system. To avoid illness, watch your weight, wear only comfortable shoes and clothes, walk more and make a habit of visiting the pool. Remember: the first signs of varicose veins are tiny vascular stars on the thighs, calves and other parts of the legs. And although they seem only a cosmetic problem, we recommend that you immediately consult a phlebologist.
Be sure to share this useful gymnastics for vessels with friends in social networks!
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