Zone Zakharyin-Ged: projection of internal organs to the skin
In General, one of the most long-lasting misconceptions of medicine was the belief that the skin performs the simple role of the protective shell. Moreover, the role of passive, being merely a kind of cover (leatherette) for the muscles and blood vessels.
Only in our century became known emitting, depositing, antimicrobial function.As an important gland of internal secretion, the skin is closely connected with all internal organs. Extracts from the skin can act as a stimulant, vasoconstrictor and antiseptic. German scientist Schmitz has announced the skin "the largest endocrine gland".
A sensitive area?One square centimeter of skin have 2 heat, cold 12, 25 tactile and 150 pain points. Folk healers of the Ancient East believed that using the skin illness come in and out of the body. The largest ancient doctors quite successfully tried to treat disease of the internal organs through the skin.
In the canons of Tibetan medicine "Judse" neck to appear as the most important part of the body. In Japan developed a special technique of resuscitation AMC-HQ. It is the most effective techniques are carried out through the neck.
In the 70-ies it was shown that the centers of the regulation of cardiovascular activities are located in the cervical spinal cord, but not in the medulla, as previously thought. "Irritated neck" extends its influence in many neighboring and distant organs. Only 25-30 years ago, scientists discovered that the centers that regulate cardiovascular activity, are not in the medulla (one of the parts of the brain) and cervical spinal cord.
A lot of attention given in the Japanese system of "shiatsu" massage pressure fingers. N. Tokuhiro, writes that the fingers are integrally connected with the brain centers and internal organs, therefore, giving strength and elasticity of the fingers has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
He argues, based on empirical evidence that regular physical exercise of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, the second — stomach third — of the intestine, the fourth — the liver, the fifth heart. Experts say that people with heart disease often have weak little fingers, especially on the left.
Dermatoglyphics — the study of the pattern of lines of the skin
With the help of dermatoglyphics, find a separate hereditary diseases long before they begin to appear. The folds of the palm of identify tuberculosis, diabetes, acute leukemia, glaucoma, duodenal ulcers, etc. the pattern of the skin, rheumatism visible long before symptoms of the disease. In the 30 years of the German scientists published the first map projection zones of the internal organs on the skin of the palms.
Hands and palms are like the final part of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord. Refer to VII and VIII cervical segments, short neck thickening.
The soles of the feet
Japanese scientist Y. Hirasawa for 30 years, the study surveyed 600 thousand (!) stop. He believes that all of the information about the physical and mental state of the person can be read in his soles. Well, well. Many are truly passionate about people, confident that their science or field of knowledge will bring universal joy and grandeur. Time will tell how right Japanese.
According to Chinese sources on the plantar surface of the foot forms the channel of the kidneys, and in the center of the sole is the point of Yun-Chuan, which has long been used in acute tonsillitis (angina), jaundice and insomnia. Use this point is especially indicated to provide immediate relief and to relieve convulsions in children.
Some scientists believe that walking barefoot on hot sand, cold pavement, sharp stones and pine needles excites the nervous system (wow! Still as exciting! Walk-ka through the sharp pebbles!). Conversely, walking on warm sand, soft grass, road dust and indoor rugs — calms her. The conclusion in the morning, before work, to run barefoot on the street, and before going to sleep, on the contrary — like the house on the carpet.
Zone Zakharyin-Ged
In 1883 G.'in, and after 15 years, Ged has found that in the pathology of a particular organ, certain areas of the skin became highly sensitive and sometimes painful. These points were later nicknamed zones Zakharyin-Ged.
These zones are constantly trying to adapt to diagnose and treat, but stumbled on the fact that different authors had defined the boundaries of the same area. Some authors in their 30's, others 120.
Chinese experts are now talking about the existence of 1000 or more points and zones.
The founders themselves have identified 25 cutaneous projection areas. They are very inaccurate in size and in the information sense.
In modern times it was found that the size of the points varies depending on the condition of the person.
During extreme fatigue and the sleep time point localized on the area with diameter less than one millimeter. When a person wakes up, their diameter gradually increases like a blooming flower. Up to an inch. In a state of emotional recovery and in the disease area separate points so increase, that they begin to overlap each other, form patches of skin with increased conductivity.
So a tiny spot projection as if moving to zones Zakharyin-Ged.
From a practical point of view useful the projection points of the Abrams. They are small sections on both sides of the spine.
In the 19th century, Pushkin described the dance of the attendant Tiflis baths at the back of the client. It is precisely the stimulation of points of the Abrams.
In American — along the spine rolled billiard balls. A. Abrams has researched many cases of healing patients chiropractor and came to the conclusion that the therapeutic effect is mechanical irritation of the spinal projection areas.
In practice the projection area detected in the human body by Professor A. Podshibyakin. They are characterized by high electrical conductivity, so the author called them active points of a skin. Now often use the term "biologically active points" (BAP).
Acute pain
Acute pain is characterized by the increase points to a considerable size. In such cases, there is no need to simply find points of impact. Becoming an effective impact on any relevant point. You do not need to insert needles, apply enough pressure to the point with a pencil or pen. But first you need to find the corresponding points. During an attack of pain experienced by find the point with the highest pain sensitivity and, setting her pencil tip, press down and ' s slightly from side to side.
For a thousand years, one cannot solve one Eastern mystery. The mystery about the alleged 14 - life channels on the skin, which contain a series of points of impact.
More precisely, the channels 14, and 26: twelve pairs on the left and right sides of the trunk, extremities, head and face, and two unpaired, the front and rear medial lines of the body surface. As the channels and their constituent dots are invisible, but really exist. The theory of channels has not been studied. In recent years, many scientists, even the Chinese have become critical channels, some even deny their value.
And a paradox: the existence of channels acknowledged by the majority of acupuncturists and practitioners and is not recognized by most theorists. Although, "Medical newspaper" (the official organ, by the way) 22 APR 1990 published that the circulation of energy via a complex system of channels established as a scientific fact the team of the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences people's Republic of China under the control of Professor Zhu Zong Xiang.
In an Egyptian papyrus dated 1550 BC, there are references to the book the doctrine of "vessels" that can match a wonderful meridians. Some Arab nationalities cauterize the part of the ear with a hot iron. The Inuit practiced a puncture by sharp stones.
According to Chinese authors, the definition should be based on the ancient rule of interaction of basic elements and internal organs. And implemented by mnogozonovaya circle. Clockwise the stimulation of bodies, against the suppression.
Attention of modern researchers is drawing an ancient therapeutic method of Oriental medicine — acupuncture (acupuncture). This method is also spreading in work of medical institutions. Lack of knowledge of its possibilities leads to the fact that some impose on him too much faith, others reject it completely.
Acupuncture is characterized by the following two important points — shot in the point of biological activity and reflex response of the body. Therefore, quite rightly in the medical literature this technique is called acupuncture.
Therapy acupuncture, developed in ancient times as a method of Oriental medicine, is the heritage of many nationalities. It is impossible to consider acupuncture a universal method, but the efficiency it deserves serious attention, with which many prominent representatives of scientific medicine are of this ancient, carefully preserved the experience of the people.
The basis of acupuncture is the neuro-reflex mechanism of action consisting of three consecutive reactions: local, segmental and General. In medicine of the East (Japan, Korea, China, etc.) there is a direction, which is also one of a kind method of reflex therapy. This so-called "jeou", or moxibustion (in Japanese, "mine bites", or "mogusa" in the international pronunciation of "Moxa", which means "burning herb").
IMPORTANT! It is necessary to know in order not to die from breast cancerTips chiropractor: 2 exercises that straighten the spine
The mechanism of action of this method due to the fact that the heat generated from the Moxa, by acting on reflex zones and points of biological activity, causes a reaction in the internal organs.
The term "agreement" shall mean not only burning, but warming up influence points (in ancient times to certain places of the skin of the patient applied lumps of any rapidly combustible substances, such as wormwood). Don't know if this is possible actually, but the fact that this method has a desensitizing, stimulating, tonic effect and can be used with a preventive purpose — has been proven. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: menzyrka.ru/publ/vostochnaja_medicina/zony_tela/97-1-0-24#.WIzRDVOLTIW
Only in our century became known emitting, depositing, antimicrobial function.As an important gland of internal secretion, the skin is closely connected with all internal organs. Extracts from the skin can act as a stimulant, vasoconstrictor and antiseptic. German scientist Schmitz has announced the skin "the largest endocrine gland".
A sensitive area?One square centimeter of skin have 2 heat, cold 12, 25 tactile and 150 pain points. Folk healers of the Ancient East believed that using the skin illness come in and out of the body. The largest ancient doctors quite successfully tried to treat disease of the internal organs through the skin.

In the canons of Tibetan medicine "Judse" neck to appear as the most important part of the body. In Japan developed a special technique of resuscitation AMC-HQ. It is the most effective techniques are carried out through the neck.
In the 70-ies it was shown that the centers of the regulation of cardiovascular activities are located in the cervical spinal cord, but not in the medulla, as previously thought. "Irritated neck" extends its influence in many neighboring and distant organs. Only 25-30 years ago, scientists discovered that the centers that regulate cardiovascular activity, are not in the medulla (one of the parts of the brain) and cervical spinal cord.

A lot of attention given in the Japanese system of "shiatsu" massage pressure fingers. N. Tokuhiro, writes that the fingers are integrally connected with the brain centers and internal organs, therefore, giving strength and elasticity of the fingers has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
He argues, based on empirical evidence that regular physical exercise of the thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, the second — stomach third — of the intestine, the fourth — the liver, the fifth heart. Experts say that people with heart disease often have weak little fingers, especially on the left.

Dermatoglyphics — the study of the pattern of lines of the skin
With the help of dermatoglyphics, find a separate hereditary diseases long before they begin to appear. The folds of the palm of identify tuberculosis, diabetes, acute leukemia, glaucoma, duodenal ulcers, etc. the pattern of the skin, rheumatism visible long before symptoms of the disease. In the 30 years of the German scientists published the first map projection zones of the internal organs on the skin of the palms.
Hands and palms are like the final part of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord. Refer to VII and VIII cervical segments, short neck thickening.

The soles of the feet
Japanese scientist Y. Hirasawa for 30 years, the study surveyed 600 thousand (!) stop. He believes that all of the information about the physical and mental state of the person can be read in his soles. Well, well. Many are truly passionate about people, confident that their science or field of knowledge will bring universal joy and grandeur. Time will tell how right Japanese.
According to Chinese sources on the plantar surface of the foot forms the channel of the kidneys, and in the center of the sole is the point of Yun-Chuan, which has long been used in acute tonsillitis (angina), jaundice and insomnia. Use this point is especially indicated to provide immediate relief and to relieve convulsions in children.
Some scientists believe that walking barefoot on hot sand, cold pavement, sharp stones and pine needles excites the nervous system (wow! Still as exciting! Walk-ka through the sharp pebbles!). Conversely, walking on warm sand, soft grass, road dust and indoor rugs — calms her. The conclusion in the morning, before work, to run barefoot on the street, and before going to sleep, on the contrary — like the house on the carpet.

Zone Zakharyin-Ged
In 1883 G.'in, and after 15 years, Ged has found that in the pathology of a particular organ, certain areas of the skin became highly sensitive and sometimes painful. These points were later nicknamed zones Zakharyin-Ged.
These zones are constantly trying to adapt to diagnose and treat, but stumbled on the fact that different authors had defined the boundaries of the same area. Some authors in their 30's, others 120.
Chinese experts are now talking about the existence of 1000 or more points and zones.
The founders themselves have identified 25 cutaneous projection areas. They are very inaccurate in size and in the information sense.
In modern times it was found that the size of the points varies depending on the condition of the person.
During extreme fatigue and the sleep time point localized on the area with diameter less than one millimeter. When a person wakes up, their diameter gradually increases like a blooming flower. Up to an inch. In a state of emotional recovery and in the disease area separate points so increase, that they begin to overlap each other, form patches of skin with increased conductivity.
So a tiny spot projection as if moving to zones Zakharyin-Ged.
From a practical point of view useful the projection points of the Abrams. They are small sections on both sides of the spine.
In the 19th century, Pushkin described the dance of the attendant Tiflis baths at the back of the client. It is precisely the stimulation of points of the Abrams.
In American — along the spine rolled billiard balls. A. Abrams has researched many cases of healing patients chiropractor and came to the conclusion that the therapeutic effect is mechanical irritation of the spinal projection areas.
In practice the projection area detected in the human body by Professor A. Podshibyakin. They are characterized by high electrical conductivity, so the author called them active points of a skin. Now often use the term "biologically active points" (BAP).
Acute pain
Acute pain is characterized by the increase points to a considerable size. In such cases, there is no need to simply find points of impact. Becoming an effective impact on any relevant point. You do not need to insert needles, apply enough pressure to the point with a pencil or pen. But first you need to find the corresponding points. During an attack of pain experienced by find the point with the highest pain sensitivity and, setting her pencil tip, press down and ' s slightly from side to side.
For a thousand years, one cannot solve one Eastern mystery. The mystery about the alleged 14 - life channels on the skin, which contain a series of points of impact.
More precisely, the channels 14, and 26: twelve pairs on the left and right sides of the trunk, extremities, head and face, and two unpaired, the front and rear medial lines of the body surface. As the channels and their constituent dots are invisible, but really exist. The theory of channels has not been studied. In recent years, many scientists, even the Chinese have become critical channels, some even deny their value.
And a paradox: the existence of channels acknowledged by the majority of acupuncturists and practitioners and is not recognized by most theorists. Although, "Medical newspaper" (the official organ, by the way) 22 APR 1990 published that the circulation of energy via a complex system of channels established as a scientific fact the team of the Institute of Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences people's Republic of China under the control of Professor Zhu Zong Xiang.
In an Egyptian papyrus dated 1550 BC, there are references to the book the doctrine of "vessels" that can match a wonderful meridians. Some Arab nationalities cauterize the part of the ear with a hot iron. The Inuit practiced a puncture by sharp stones.
According to Chinese authors, the definition should be based on the ancient rule of interaction of basic elements and internal organs. And implemented by mnogozonovaya circle. Clockwise the stimulation of bodies, against the suppression.

Attention of modern researchers is drawing an ancient therapeutic method of Oriental medicine — acupuncture (acupuncture). This method is also spreading in work of medical institutions. Lack of knowledge of its possibilities leads to the fact that some impose on him too much faith, others reject it completely.
Acupuncture is characterized by the following two important points — shot in the point of biological activity and reflex response of the body. Therefore, quite rightly in the medical literature this technique is called acupuncture.
Therapy acupuncture, developed in ancient times as a method of Oriental medicine, is the heritage of many nationalities. It is impossible to consider acupuncture a universal method, but the efficiency it deserves serious attention, with which many prominent representatives of scientific medicine are of this ancient, carefully preserved the experience of the people.
The basis of acupuncture is the neuro-reflex mechanism of action consisting of three consecutive reactions: local, segmental and General. In medicine of the East (Japan, Korea, China, etc.) there is a direction, which is also one of a kind method of reflex therapy. This so-called "jeou", or moxibustion (in Japanese, "mine bites", or "mogusa" in the international pronunciation of "Moxa", which means "burning herb").
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The mechanism of action of this method due to the fact that the heat generated from the Moxa, by acting on reflex zones and points of biological activity, causes a reaction in the internal organs.
The term "agreement" shall mean not only burning, but warming up influence points (in ancient times to certain places of the skin of the patient applied lumps of any rapidly combustible substances, such as wormwood). Don't know if this is possible actually, but the fact that this method has a desensitizing, stimulating, tonic effect and can be used with a preventive purpose — has been proven. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: menzyrka.ru/publ/vostochnaja_medicina/zony_tela/97-1-0-24#.WIzRDVOLTIW