Sebastian Kneipp: Each step barefoot—an extra minute of life
"Each step barefoot—an extra minute of life." This kind of slogan put forward at the end of the last century, the famous hygienist Sebastian Kneipp. The benefits of basagoitia in various diseases of the spoke ancient Greek, Egyptian and Roman physicians.
In those days children were entitled to wearing shoes only 18 years of age. And Socrates, Seneca and other philosophers thought of walking barefoot and even by deterioration of mental abilities.
Physiologists have proved that the sole is one of the most powerful reflex zones. At 1 square centimeter of the soles are 1.5 times more mechano - and thermoreceptors than 1 square centimeter other areas of the skin. This is confirmed by the studies of Professor I. I. Tikhomirova and English scientist D. R. Kenshalo who are using cold and hot needles were determined by the number of heat and Cold points on the human skin.
Shoes that we wear all life, creates for feet constant and comfortable microclimate and the function of receptors of the soles is gradually reduced, the cooling of the feet causes a cold.
After all, between the sole and the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract there is a close reflex relationship: when local cooling of feet, the temperature of the nasopharynx mucosa decreases after than unseasoned person may experience a runny nose and cough.
A curious experiment was conducted by psychologists M. E. Marshak and N. K. Vereshchagin. A group of men not previously Sakalauskas daily for 10 minutes standing barefoot on the cold cement floor. It lasted 10 days. As expected, the first days all began to sneeze and cough, but gradually towards the end of the experiment, symptoms of flu have disappeared. The body is adapted to local cooling.
The fact is that when walking barefoot increases the activity of thermo - and mechanoreceptors of the soles. This was proved by the experiments carried out in the Voronezh experts under the General guidance of Professor I. D. Benko. Subjects, in particular, put one foot in the water, whose temperature was +4 degrees. At the same time special semiconductor electrotermometria they measured the temperature of the skin of the other foot. It turned out that those who are more years tempered ^a where barefoot walking was told, the cooling of one leg was accompanied by a persistent temperature rise of the other, whereas in the group of soft people, the same rate rose briefly and then fell sharply below the initial level. These studies clearly demonstrate the improvement of the mechanisms of thermoregulation in people who have undergone local hardening of the feet.
Similar results were obtained by other comprehensive studies 250 participants health groups, systematically including in their classes walking barefoot. There is reason to believe that where barefoot walking was told contributed to the increase in the mobility of the neuromuscular processes, the normalization and stabilization of blood pressure, improvement of oxidative processes in the body, in particular the oxygen saturation of tissues.
And besides, all those engaged in the health group noted that walking barefoot they are nice. On the survey question: "What do you feel?"—we got preimushestvo the same type of answers: "the Mood is lifted. It becomes more fun. There is a desire to sing."
An awakening of positive emotions is of great importance for the prevention of many of the "diseases of the century", in particular hypertension, angina pectoris, etc., provoked various stresses. Not accidentally in different countries are popular health resorts, which dosed walking barefoot on different grounds (asphalt track with alternating hot, then cold surface, artificial ice, stubble, sand, stones, grass) is successfully used as a treatment for cardiovascular, nervous and even mental illness.
We must not forget that where barefoot walking was told to prevent and treat different kinds of deformation of the foot, in particular flat feet, subluxation of the thumb. It is known that in countries where people go barefoot a lot (India, Vietnam, Indonesia) with orthopedic pathology doctors almost never encounter.
We often hear that when walking barefoot you could get athlete's foot. However, experts in skin diseases claim that the causative agents of this disease is more dangerous just for the pampered foot.
As with all types of physical training, tempering barefoot walking should be gradual and systematic. Best to start with walking in a warm room on a carpet or rug, then wooden, and subsequently the tile floor, and with the onset of warm days to go outside without fear of weather changes. In the early days, it is sufficient to limit the time of hardening 15-30 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. Well shuffled barefoot through the puddles, as the onset of winter, after sufficient training to run 1-2 minutes in the snow. It is useful to combine this kind of hardening with daily foot baths, consecutively reducing the temperature of the water and then bath with hot and cold water. Contrast baths increase the temperature of the tempering effect.
As shown by EEG studies, different soil types cause different responses of the nerve centers.
Snow, ice, hot sand and asphalt, sharp rocks and slag, cones or pine needles act as strong stimuli. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, road dust, room carpet calming effect.
Given this, it is recommended that, if possible, after the warm sand go to the grass, then to suffer tingling fresh-mown stubble and to complete the exercise on the earthen path in the soft road dust. In the city you can combine the room where barefoot walking was told by the floor, stone stairs, snow and ice (return home in reverse order) to complete the workout to warm up, several physical exercises. If desired, one can make for themselves different combinations.
Of course, systematic walk barefoot requires compliance with certain rules of hygiene. Obviously, it is not necessary to explain why after each workout to wash legs, better with room temperature water, preferably with soap and brush, especially carefully rubbing the skin between the toes.
It is best to get used to the where barefoot walking was told from a young age. A renowned expert in physical therapy Professor S. M. Ivanov believes that children of all ages at home and in the summer, if possible, outside the city, on the square, on the green lawn to walk better without shoes. To teach children to walk barefoot should be consistently and gradually. Not necessarily to wear all day long stockings and tights, and rubber sneakers, sneakers and Slippers are allowed only during sports.
Of course, we are not for a complete failure of the Shoe. And we didn't want to let the reader think we advocate that people do forget about the shoes and walked barefoot. No, we only encourage to use every opportunity of hardening of the body through such effective means as where barefoot walking was told. Do not miss the opportunity. Experience the fun and excitement from the touch of dewy grass, or cool on a hot day, loose sand, enveloping velvet earthen dust!
The phenomenon of walking on fire (research Koltsova I. E.)
For many it remains an unexplained mystery of the dancing and walking people on fire and hot coals without getting burn feet. The temperature of the layer of coals is in the range of 300 ºC. Thrown on the coals to pieces of skin charred instantly. Yourself Bulgarian dancers (the fire-dancers) explain the abilities of the gradual training. With the sound of music before the dance they have the feeling that the blood leaves the legs, feet as if woody and like a dream flying above the heated ground.
Like walking on hot ground and rocks are observed in the other Nations of the world. So, on the Islands of Fiji in the Pacific ocean, the local population holds a special colorful ceremony fire test, which has been cultivated there for centuries. Fiji ritual dances performed by the dancers (asteroide) on hot pieces of basalt.
In order to clarify the mystery of this process, the German physicist F. Karger used the scientific approach in the study. Before the ceremony he struck on the sole of one of the dancers of the paint layer-indicator, sensitive to thermal effects. Such paint was coated and the surface of pieces of basalt, visited by participants of the ceremony. On the color change of the indicator (dye) found that the highest temperature of rocks in contact with the sole of the dancer was about 330 ° C, and the color painted the soles of a dancer no more than 83 ºC. On feet burn marks was not.
Human skin is at the forefront of protecting the body from external destructive influences. In fact, in the protection of the physical body involves the invisible subtle bodies and energy fields, which are almost not studied. In Russia, in the Urals, before the XX century was practiced more mysterious taking the protection of metallurgists-Plavilshchikov from the molten metal. Metallurg have had special training. During training, person had to possess the ability to create around the arm or leg energy gauntlets, boots. When ordained to the title of master he had to lower his arm for a moment in the ladle with metal, getting no burn. In case of failure, the burn is eliminated dedicated, controlled trial. Training this ability is passed from generation to generation inherited.
It is known that man consists of physical body and invisible subtle structures that together provide our livelihoods from birth to death. In extreme conditions, they automatically and consistently mobilized to protect the body from outside influence.
Before the fire-dancers (astanacity) will start the fire themselves internally, they are configured at extreme dance, thus on a subconscious level there is a reorganization of the entire organism with the inclusion of protective mechanisms.
Our studies show that while dancing around the dancer compacted security field, and all around aura generated an additional protective energoblock, descending from the feet into the ground to 0.5 m and more. Thin energetic body (mental, казуальное1, etc.) is also sealed around the physical body. There's energy restructuring in the legs, especially in the feet and legs. In addition, under the soles of the feet is formed a multilayer (7 layers), energy pillow ("boots"), which ensures the safety of feet from the high temperature. An important role in this case performs a grounding part of the aura under his feet, through which flows the feet of the flow of earth energy. It is fixed by the instrument.
Somewhat different is observed protective system of the human body when running in the snow (ice). In this case, his aura condenses, decreasing in size around the physical body. Decrease subtle energy system, formed by the energy of the lower legs. Under each foot is formed multi-layered energopodachi that protect legs from hypothermia. The lower part of the aura is significantly down to the ground, to the place of danger. To feet there is an influx of blood. Legs would burn. In this case, the main flow to man from the outside is supplied from the space to the head. The security field is also compacted in height and horizontally, but not completely (see Fig.). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.kramola.info/vesti/neobyknovennoe/hozhdenie-bosikom
In those days children were entitled to wearing shoes only 18 years of age. And Socrates, Seneca and other philosophers thought of walking barefoot and even by deterioration of mental abilities.

Physiologists have proved that the sole is one of the most powerful reflex zones. At 1 square centimeter of the soles are 1.5 times more mechano - and thermoreceptors than 1 square centimeter other areas of the skin. This is confirmed by the studies of Professor I. I. Tikhomirova and English scientist D. R. Kenshalo who are using cold and hot needles were determined by the number of heat and Cold points on the human skin.
Shoes that we wear all life, creates for feet constant and comfortable microclimate and the function of receptors of the soles is gradually reduced, the cooling of the feet causes a cold.
After all, between the sole and the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract there is a close reflex relationship: when local cooling of feet, the temperature of the nasopharynx mucosa decreases after than unseasoned person may experience a runny nose and cough.
A curious experiment was conducted by psychologists M. E. Marshak and N. K. Vereshchagin. A group of men not previously Sakalauskas daily for 10 minutes standing barefoot on the cold cement floor. It lasted 10 days. As expected, the first days all began to sneeze and cough, but gradually towards the end of the experiment, symptoms of flu have disappeared. The body is adapted to local cooling.
The fact is that when walking barefoot increases the activity of thermo - and mechanoreceptors of the soles. This was proved by the experiments carried out in the Voronezh experts under the General guidance of Professor I. D. Benko. Subjects, in particular, put one foot in the water, whose temperature was +4 degrees. At the same time special semiconductor electrotermometria they measured the temperature of the skin of the other foot. It turned out that those who are more years tempered ^a where barefoot walking was told, the cooling of one leg was accompanied by a persistent temperature rise of the other, whereas in the group of soft people, the same rate rose briefly and then fell sharply below the initial level. These studies clearly demonstrate the improvement of the mechanisms of thermoregulation in people who have undergone local hardening of the feet.
Similar results were obtained by other comprehensive studies 250 participants health groups, systematically including in their classes walking barefoot. There is reason to believe that where barefoot walking was told contributed to the increase in the mobility of the neuromuscular processes, the normalization and stabilization of blood pressure, improvement of oxidative processes in the body, in particular the oxygen saturation of tissues.
And besides, all those engaged in the health group noted that walking barefoot they are nice. On the survey question: "What do you feel?"—we got preimushestvo the same type of answers: "the Mood is lifted. It becomes more fun. There is a desire to sing."
An awakening of positive emotions is of great importance for the prevention of many of the "diseases of the century", in particular hypertension, angina pectoris, etc., provoked various stresses. Not accidentally in different countries are popular health resorts, which dosed walking barefoot on different grounds (asphalt track with alternating hot, then cold surface, artificial ice, stubble, sand, stones, grass) is successfully used as a treatment for cardiovascular, nervous and even mental illness.
We must not forget that where barefoot walking was told to prevent and treat different kinds of deformation of the foot, in particular flat feet, subluxation of the thumb. It is known that in countries where people go barefoot a lot (India, Vietnam, Indonesia) with orthopedic pathology doctors almost never encounter.
We often hear that when walking barefoot you could get athlete's foot. However, experts in skin diseases claim that the causative agents of this disease is more dangerous just for the pampered foot.
As with all types of physical training, tempering barefoot walking should be gradual and systematic. Best to start with walking in a warm room on a carpet or rug, then wooden, and subsequently the tile floor, and with the onset of warm days to go outside without fear of weather changes. In the early days, it is sufficient to limit the time of hardening 15-30 minutes, gradually increasing the duration. Well shuffled barefoot through the puddles, as the onset of winter, after sufficient training to run 1-2 minutes in the snow. It is useful to combine this kind of hardening with daily foot baths, consecutively reducing the temperature of the water and then bath with hot and cold water. Contrast baths increase the temperature of the tempering effect.
As shown by EEG studies, different soil types cause different responses of the nerve centers.
Snow, ice, hot sand and asphalt, sharp rocks and slag, cones or pine needles act as strong stimuli. On the contrary, warm sand, soft grass, road dust, room carpet calming effect.
Given this, it is recommended that, if possible, after the warm sand go to the grass, then to suffer tingling fresh-mown stubble and to complete the exercise on the earthen path in the soft road dust. In the city you can combine the room where barefoot walking was told by the floor, stone stairs, snow and ice (return home in reverse order) to complete the workout to warm up, several physical exercises. If desired, one can make for themselves different combinations.
Of course, systematic walk barefoot requires compliance with certain rules of hygiene. Obviously, it is not necessary to explain why after each workout to wash legs, better with room temperature water, preferably with soap and brush, especially carefully rubbing the skin between the toes.
It is best to get used to the where barefoot walking was told from a young age. A renowned expert in physical therapy Professor S. M. Ivanov believes that children of all ages at home and in the summer, if possible, outside the city, on the square, on the green lawn to walk better without shoes. To teach children to walk barefoot should be consistently and gradually. Not necessarily to wear all day long stockings and tights, and rubber sneakers, sneakers and Slippers are allowed only during sports.
Of course, we are not for a complete failure of the Shoe. And we didn't want to let the reader think we advocate that people do forget about the shoes and walked barefoot. No, we only encourage to use every opportunity of hardening of the body through such effective means as where barefoot walking was told. Do not miss the opportunity. Experience the fun and excitement from the touch of dewy grass, or cool on a hot day, loose sand, enveloping velvet earthen dust!
The phenomenon of walking on fire (research Koltsova I. E.)
For many it remains an unexplained mystery of the dancing and walking people on fire and hot coals without getting burn feet. The temperature of the layer of coals is in the range of 300 ºC. Thrown on the coals to pieces of skin charred instantly. Yourself Bulgarian dancers (the fire-dancers) explain the abilities of the gradual training. With the sound of music before the dance they have the feeling that the blood leaves the legs, feet as if woody and like a dream flying above the heated ground.
Like walking on hot ground and rocks are observed in the other Nations of the world. So, on the Islands of Fiji in the Pacific ocean, the local population holds a special colorful ceremony fire test, which has been cultivated there for centuries. Fiji ritual dances performed by the dancers (asteroide) on hot pieces of basalt.
In order to clarify the mystery of this process, the German physicist F. Karger used the scientific approach in the study. Before the ceremony he struck on the sole of one of the dancers of the paint layer-indicator, sensitive to thermal effects. Such paint was coated and the surface of pieces of basalt, visited by participants of the ceremony. On the color change of the indicator (dye) found that the highest temperature of rocks in contact with the sole of the dancer was about 330 ° C, and the color painted the soles of a dancer no more than 83 ºC. On feet burn marks was not.
Human skin is at the forefront of protecting the body from external destructive influences. In fact, in the protection of the physical body involves the invisible subtle bodies and energy fields, which are almost not studied. In Russia, in the Urals, before the XX century was practiced more mysterious taking the protection of metallurgists-Plavilshchikov from the molten metal. Metallurg have had special training. During training, person had to possess the ability to create around the arm or leg energy gauntlets, boots. When ordained to the title of master he had to lower his arm for a moment in the ladle with metal, getting no burn. In case of failure, the burn is eliminated dedicated, controlled trial. Training this ability is passed from generation to generation inherited.
It is known that man consists of physical body and invisible subtle structures that together provide our livelihoods from birth to death. In extreme conditions, they automatically and consistently mobilized to protect the body from outside influence.
Before the fire-dancers (astanacity) will start the fire themselves internally, they are configured at extreme dance, thus on a subconscious level there is a reorganization of the entire organism with the inclusion of protective mechanisms.
Our studies show that while dancing around the dancer compacted security field, and all around aura generated an additional protective energoblock, descending from the feet into the ground to 0.5 m and more. Thin energetic body (mental, казуальное1, etc.) is also sealed around the physical body. There's energy restructuring in the legs, especially in the feet and legs. In addition, under the soles of the feet is formed a multilayer (7 layers), energy pillow ("boots"), which ensures the safety of feet from the high temperature. An important role in this case performs a grounding part of the aura under his feet, through which flows the feet of the flow of earth energy. It is fixed by the instrument.
Somewhat different is observed protective system of the human body when running in the snow (ice). In this case, his aura condenses, decreasing in size around the physical body. Decrease subtle energy system, formed by the energy of the lower legs. Under each foot is formed multi-layered energopodachi that protect legs from hypothermia. The lower part of the aura is significantly down to the ground, to the place of danger. To feet there is an influx of blood. Legs would burn. In this case, the main flow to man from the outside is supplied from the space to the head. The security field is also compacted in height and horizontally, but not completely (see Fig.). published

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.kramola.info/vesti/neobyknovennoe/hozhdenie-bosikom