Morning Practices for a Productive Day
To get everything done. routineIt is not enough to wake up in time and gallop to turn mountains. It’s not about how early you wake up. It is better to choose a slightly different strategy. As the Chinese say, “Hurry slowly.”
Tune in to life.. Yeah, that's right. As you guide yourself, you will reap such fruits. Editorial "Site" Takes the issue into your own hands again and is ready to give you some interesting tips that will help gain energy for the whole day. But everything in order.
Before you six points that will allow you to take a different look at the shameful life in general. If you feel that daily It's tiring and your goals are blurry, try to rebuild your morning. It only takes one hour. Needless to say, this hour is the most important?
The setup will take you at first only 6 minutes, for each point a minute. When you are in full control of this process, those six minutes are transformed into full-timeYou will spend 10 minutes on each item. Or you will vary according to your settings.
Setting up
In the future, you can organize these items in a different sequence, allocate more or less time to them. For example: exercise for half an hour, read a book for ten minutes, fill out a diary for five minutes, and so on. It is important that you do the adjustment every day. You'll need it all. little To understand, everything has changed. Because you've changed.
It can be difficult. psychologicallyIt's true. But sometimes it is enough to take only one small step in order to move from a dead point. It doesn't matter what you do. Drive away whining and idleness, learn to create, be useful, love loved ones. The rest will come of itself, like a magic wand! Share this article with others, let more people enjoy life and try to make it even better.

Tune in to life.. Yeah, that's right. As you guide yourself, you will reap such fruits. Editorial "Site" Takes the issue into your own hands again and is ready to give you some interesting tips that will help gain energy for the whole day. But everything in order.

Before you six points that will allow you to take a different look at the shameful life in general. If you feel that daily It's tiring and your goals are blurry, try to rebuild your morning. It only takes one hour. Needless to say, this hour is the most important?

- To use this practice, you need to prepare for it. The first step is to assess motivation immediately after waking up. You want to wake up and meet me. day Would you rather go to sleep or whatever?
- A good option is to keep the alarm clock away. Especially if you have an active Facebook phone. In order to turn off the alarm and make sure there are new messages, you will have to stand up. I got out of bed, you know, on horseback.
- Drink a shot. glassto finally wake up. Water will restore balance and double your energy. Now that you perform these actions without any problems, you can move on to setup. You're ready.
The setup will take you at first only 6 minutes, for each point a minute. When you are in full control of this process, those six minutes are transformed into full-timeYou will spend 10 minutes on each item. Or you will vary according to your settings.

Setting up
- Minute one.
Stay quiet. Even if it’s noisy, learn how to create it. You should be quiet inside. Try to suppress obsessive thoughts that do not go out of your mind, now you should not be distracted by them. Silence. - Minute two.
Affirmation. Imagine a goal or a desire for today, for tomorrow, for the year. It may be a global goal, but you must clearly see all the steps that lead to it. Tell yourself that out loud. Talk about it out loud for a minute. - Three minutes.
Tell yourself why today will be a good day. Why was he good yesterday and will be so tomorrow? For example, the day will be beautiful because it gives you the opportunity to move towards your goal. - Minute four.
Do some physical exercises. Squats, abs, push-ups - all good. If you hold the bar for a minute, that'll be fine, too. Just one minute and this is just the beginning of a long journey. - Five minutes.
Read one page of the book. It is best to cook it in the evening. A great choice would be a thematic book about what you would like to put into practice. Don't read Facebook or mail. The book. That's what's gonna turn you on more tired social media. - Six minutes.
Write your thoughts and ideas in a journal. If nothing is certain, just write a few words of gratitude for living. A short list of goals for today will also work.
In the future, you can organize these items in a different sequence, allocate more or less time to them. For example: exercise for half an hour, read a book for ten minutes, fill out a diary for five minutes, and so on. It is important that you do the adjustment every day. You'll need it all. little To understand, everything has changed. Because you've changed.

It can be difficult. psychologicallyIt's true. But sometimes it is enough to take only one small step in order to move from a dead point. It doesn't matter what you do. Drive away whining and idleness, learn to create, be useful, love loved ones. The rest will come of itself, like a magic wand! Share this article with others, let more people enjoy life and try to make it even better.