The most productive employee in our office told us what he eats for breakfast.
Productive person He wasn't born that way. He simply learned to fully use the capabilities of his body. And if he should get involved in work in the early morning, then it is by this time that he knows how to quickly disperse both the brain and the body.
And in addition to proper awakening and mandatory morning rituals, you should pay a lot of attention to nutrition. After all, the right products great help to tune in to a productive day, even if the person did not get enough sleep or just got up from the wrong foot.
How do the right products help a person to work more productively? They positively affect his mood, improve memory, allow you to better concentrate on a variety of tasks, increase the ability to correctly assess situations in order to make better decisions. But what miracle products contribute to this?
And even though extremely nervous and constantly tired people start the morning with a cup of coffee, a truly productive person will not go down such a dubious path. After all, he knows that a cup of green tea also adds vigor, but its effect is softer and longer. Green tea helps reduce anxiety, which allows you to put your memory in order and better concentrate on important things. almond
This is a truly legendary product, which due to the high content of vitamin E increases brain activity and has a positive effect on the vascular system of the brain. It also slows down ageing and improves memory. Moreover, almonds can be added both to desserts and, for example, to porridge.
Another product that miraculously affects the brain, but does not enjoy universal love. And in vain, because broccoli perfectly stimulates the brain. And due to the content of choline helps to form new brain cells and new neural connections. Broccoli will be useful not only for those who want to become more productive, but also for children and pregnant women. A couple of times a week, this product should appear on every table. Hot chocolate
A drink that is perfect as a substitute for coffee. It is also invigorating, but makes it much softer (like the green tea already mentioned). The more cocoa beans in the composition, the more useful. The most noticeable effect of drinking hot chocolate is observed in the first 2-3 hours.
What is important for increasing productivity?
We hope that this information will help you become a little more productive every day. After all, then any work will be fun. Also write which of these foods are already in your diet and how noticeable their positive effect.
And in addition to proper awakening and mandatory morning rituals, you should pay a lot of attention to nutrition. After all, the right products great help to tune in to a productive day, even if the person did not get enough sleep or just got up from the wrong foot.

How do the right products help a person to work more productively? They positively affect his mood, improve memory, allow you to better concentrate on a variety of tasks, increase the ability to correctly assess situations in order to make better decisions. But what miracle products contribute to this?
- Beets
A wonderful product in terms of its usefulness, which nevertheless does not always receive deserved recognition. Many people hate beets, and therefore exclude it from their own diet. Which is completely in vain. This product slows down the aging of the brain, as well as improves blood flow to it. As a result, this has a positive effect on memory and concentration. The main thing is to find the right dish for yourself, in which beets will be the main ingredient. - Eggs.
And this product is called simply indispensable for the fruitful work of the brain. And if the effect of coffee or chocolate is temporary, then eggs can charge the brain for the whole day. And even when a person feels general fatigue, interesting scrambled eggs with greens, as well as tea without sugar, can set him up for a productive wave. - Salmon
Red fish due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in it is a natural energy for our brain. And experts advise to take wild fish, not farmed salmon. It's both healthier and cheaper. In addition, to build a morning snack with this product will not be difficult even for an inexperienced cook.
And even though extremely nervous and constantly tired people start the morning with a cup of coffee, a truly productive person will not go down such a dubious path. After all, he knows that a cup of green tea also adds vigor, but its effect is softer and longer. Green tea helps reduce anxiety, which allows you to put your memory in order and better concentrate on important things. almond
This is a truly legendary product, which due to the high content of vitamin E increases brain activity and has a positive effect on the vascular system of the brain. It also slows down ageing and improves memory. Moreover, almonds can be added both to desserts and, for example, to porridge.

Another product that miraculously affects the brain, but does not enjoy universal love. And in vain, because broccoli perfectly stimulates the brain. And due to the content of choline helps to form new brain cells and new neural connections. Broccoli will be useful not only for those who want to become more productive, but also for children and pregnant women. A couple of times a week, this product should appear on every table. Hot chocolate
A drink that is perfect as a substitute for coffee. It is also invigorating, but makes it much softer (like the green tea already mentioned). The more cocoa beans in the composition, the more useful. The most noticeable effect of drinking hot chocolate is observed in the first 2-3 hours.

What is important for increasing productivity?
- Wake up without an alarm clock. This is possible if you go to bed at the same time every day (even on weekends).
- Start the morning with a light warm-up or massage. You can, for example, repeat the morning ritual of Elena Pyatibrat.
- Then a glass of water and a cool shower. And then you can start breakfast and the above products. Just do not forget to observe measure in everything. And with a radical change in lifestyle or eating habits, do not forget to consult your doctor in advance.
We hope that this information will help you become a little more productive every day. After all, then any work will be fun. Also write which of these foods are already in your diet and how noticeable their positive effect.
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