Su-Jok therapy: heal yourself without needles and pills
On the wave of General interest to naturopathy is becoming more popular acupuncture. With its help, we promise to get rid of pains, chronic diseases, overweight... And if there is no time for the expert, or you are horrified by the mere sight of needles? In this case, you can refer to su-Jok therapy. Su Jok therapy is a method quite young, and, in contrast to the classical Chinese acupuncture, was opened by the Korean Professor Park Jae Woo. Su-Jok (translated from Korean Su – hand, Jok – foot)– ie it is a method of treatment based on the projection of all parts, systems and organs of the body to the hand and foot.
In addition to the above, hands and feet are projected and the so-called meridians (energy lines of the body).
Classic acupuncture is based on the work on the meridians.
Su-Jok can be considered as a special case of classical acupuncture, as well as the work with the meridians and energy flows.
Treatment energy flow, a needle-magnets – a lot of experts. But in su-Jok therapy is quite affordable even for people not experiencing before with this method.
Consider the example hand:
So, the back surface of the brush corresponds to the rear surface of the body, and the palm – front.To determine the position of the projection of the right and left sides on the brush, it needs to have a palm forward and fingers down.
While the left side of the palm will fit the left half of the body, and the right – right.The exception is the big toe and the bump.
The sides of this part are defined in position, palm forward, thumb up.
On the big toe and the bump is projected the organs above the diaphragm on the rest of the brush below.
Lungs and heart are projected on the area of the tubercle of the thumb on the palm.Head –end phalanx of the thumb. Legs – the middle and ring fingers hand– little finger and forefinger.
In this case the distal (ungual) phalanges correspond to the palms and feet, and proximal (nearest to the palm) – shoulders and hips.
Liver, stomach, pancreas and gall userresponse in the upper third of the palm (liver and gall – right, the stomach and pancreas on the left).
The intestine is projected for the remaining part of palm. Matka sex organs are located in the lower third of the palm, in region of the middle and ring fingers.
On the back surface of the internal organs can be found in the kidney.They are located in the dimples on the upper and middle third of the brush at the level of the line drawn between little finger and ring finger and between the index and middle fingers.
How can all this knowledge to use? First of all it is self-help. To influence a diseased organ is possible by finding the pain points in the area of its projection on the brush and stimulate that point.
For example, when you have a headache, that mild any object (a match, a blunt pencil, etc.) find in the area of nail phalanx of the thumb is the most painful points and stimulate them.
The influence on the field as possible the same match, and stuck to the pain point of any stimulus.
For all areas of compliance as a stimulant suitable buckwheat grains. Better if they are untreated (black).
Do not use damaged or immature seeds. They will charge your already sick body of negative energy.
Seeds need to be changed at least once a day. Gluing a stimulant, do not relax: the more you irritate your point, the better the effect.
But the impact on some organs there is a more specific seeds that match the body form, or contain the energy needed to treat a particular disease.
Kidneys it is better to stimulate the beans, and glued on the projection area of the seeds of melon, watermelon or parsley enhance the diuretic effect. Onion seeds are good to use in cystitis to the projection area of the bladder.
On the projection kishechnikom to use fennel seeds and cumin for flatulence and diarrhea – seeds of cherry or blueberry. For constipation used cumin.
Walnuts look like the brain, so the stimulation of mental activity and treatment of diseases mozgalice to hold the nut. Hawthorn seeds on the head will have a calming effect.
Heart can be affected by a seed of buckwheat, cranberry or pumpkin. Hawthorn will help to reduce arrhythmia.
The projection area of the eyes it is better to stimulate peas, black pepper. Pomegranate seeds can help with impaired vision.Marigold helps with inflammation of the eyes.
In the region of the uterus it is better to influence Apple seeds.
Easy most suitable rice grain.
On the projection areas of the joints of gout you can use barley. For the treatment pozvonochnika suitable pepper peas, small peas.
Tooth Bellucci remove the flax seed or buckwheat.
For the best fusion of fractures on the projection area of the overlay it is recommended that seeds of hot pepper
Nature is very wise. And she has taken care of our health. Just need to see, understand and use her gifts. published
Author: Alla Grigoreva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: health.passion.ru/khoroshee-samochuvstvie/lechenie-bez-tabletok/su-dzhok-terapiya-lechit-sebya-bez-igl-i-tabletok.htm
In addition to the above, hands and feet are projected and the so-called meridians (energy lines of the body).
Classic acupuncture is based on the work on the meridians.

Su-Jok can be considered as a special case of classical acupuncture, as well as the work with the meridians and energy flows.
Treatment energy flow, a needle-magnets – a lot of experts. But in su-Jok therapy is quite affordable even for people not experiencing before with this method.
Consider the example hand:
So, the back surface of the brush corresponds to the rear surface of the body, and the palm – front.To determine the position of the projection of the right and left sides on the brush, it needs to have a palm forward and fingers down.
While the left side of the palm will fit the left half of the body, and the right – right.The exception is the big toe and the bump.
The sides of this part are defined in position, palm forward, thumb up.
On the big toe and the bump is projected the organs above the diaphragm on the rest of the brush below.
Lungs and heart are projected on the area of the tubercle of the thumb on the palm.Head –end phalanx of the thumb. Legs – the middle and ring fingers hand– little finger and forefinger.
In this case the distal (ungual) phalanges correspond to the palms and feet, and proximal (nearest to the palm) – shoulders and hips.
Liver, stomach, pancreas and gall userresponse in the upper third of the palm (liver and gall – right, the stomach and pancreas on the left).
The intestine is projected for the remaining part of palm. Matka sex organs are located in the lower third of the palm, in region of the middle and ring fingers.
On the back surface of the internal organs can be found in the kidney.They are located in the dimples on the upper and middle third of the brush at the level of the line drawn between little finger and ring finger and between the index and middle fingers.
How can all this knowledge to use? First of all it is self-help. To influence a diseased organ is possible by finding the pain points in the area of its projection on the brush and stimulate that point.
For example, when you have a headache, that mild any object (a match, a blunt pencil, etc.) find in the area of nail phalanx of the thumb is the most painful points and stimulate them.
The influence on the field as possible the same match, and stuck to the pain point of any stimulus.
For all areas of compliance as a stimulant suitable buckwheat grains. Better if they are untreated (black).
Do not use damaged or immature seeds. They will charge your already sick body of negative energy.
Seeds need to be changed at least once a day. Gluing a stimulant, do not relax: the more you irritate your point, the better the effect.
But the impact on some organs there is a more specific seeds that match the body form, or contain the energy needed to treat a particular disease.
Kidneys it is better to stimulate the beans, and glued on the projection area of the seeds of melon, watermelon or parsley enhance the diuretic effect. Onion seeds are good to use in cystitis to the projection area of the bladder.
On the projection kishechnikom to use fennel seeds and cumin for flatulence and diarrhea – seeds of cherry or blueberry. For constipation used cumin.
Walnuts look like the brain, so the stimulation of mental activity and treatment of diseases mozgalice to hold the nut. Hawthorn seeds on the head will have a calming effect.
Heart can be affected by a seed of buckwheat, cranberry or pumpkin. Hawthorn will help to reduce arrhythmia.
The projection area of the eyes it is better to stimulate peas, black pepper. Pomegranate seeds can help with impaired vision.Marigold helps with inflammation of the eyes.
In the region of the uterus it is better to influence Apple seeds.
Easy most suitable rice grain.
On the projection areas of the joints of gout you can use barley. For the treatment pozvonochnika suitable pepper peas, small peas.
Tooth Bellucci remove the flax seed or buckwheat.
For the best fusion of fractures on the projection area of the overlay it is recommended that seeds of hot pepper
Nature is very wise. And she has taken care of our health. Just need to see, understand and use her gifts. published
Author: Alla Grigoreva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: health.passion.ru/khoroshee-samochuvstvie/lechenie-bez-tabletok/su-dzhok-terapiya-lechit-sebya-bez-igl-i-tabletok.htm