Why should you massage your hands more often?

While we are running for help to the nearest pharmacy, Koreans find a panacea for diseases on their own body and literally save themselves from headaches, coughs, high blood pressure and even heart disease.

The method of treatment without injections and tablets is available to anyone and is called su-jok (translated from Korean su - hand, jok - leg). And it was invented not by Tibetan monks, but by Professor Park Jae Wu of Seoul University in the eighties of the last century.

Of course, su-jok therapy did not come from scratch. It has absorbed centuries of experience in Chinese medicine and modern knowledge of reflexology. Proponents of the method claim that on our soles and hands there are bioactive pointscorresponding to the internal organs and parts of the body.

The technique of therapy is based on finding areas of the skin that signal unpleasant sensations and acting on them. For point stimulation, you can use improvised means, for example, a match or a pencil, or you can use plant seeds.

Seeds are living biological objects with their own energy. Attached to the painful point, they absorb disease-causing energy, giving in return the energy of health.

There are no contraindications and side effects in the technique, and there is nothing complicated in the actions - it is enough to delve into it once to understand the principle of the location of the compliance zones. Then why not try?

Learning to influence the body
  1. One or two, no headache.
    With a headache, pull the nail phalanx of the thumb (corresponds to the head) with an ordinary pharmacy gum and wait a couple of minutes. When the upper part of the phalanx turns red, sharply release the rubber band.

    You'll feel like the blood has spilled from your head. If this does not happen the first time, repeat the manipulations for 3-5 minutes until your condition improves.

  2. How to “speak” a toothache
    Points of matching the teeth are located around the nail of the thumb. Put your thumb down with the phalanx and imagine that the nail is an open mouth. Then the upper jaw will correspond to the place where the nail grows, and the lower part of the nail that we cut.

    With a stupid pencil, find a painful point near the nail. If after 3-5 minutes of massage the pain has passed, then the point is found correctly. Put a grain of millet on it and attach a patch to act through it for a longer time.

  3. With a cold.
    Get rid of the common cold will help active points at the ends of the little finger, ring, middle and index fingers. With the help of a patch, attach buckwheat grains to the tips of these fingers. Press on them from time to time – this will help relieve swelling of the nose and allow you to breathe easier.

  4. Squeeze and thin!
    Receptor fields for weight loss are the zone of the navel, pituitary gland, mouth, esophagus, stomach and colon. Stimulate the centers can be massaged (2-3 minutes a day), but it is most convenient to attach buckwheat, apple or any other grains to the points.

    The time of the grains on your palm varies from a few hours to three days. Change them to new ones once a week. Only the best grains are suitable: smooth, intact, with the possibility of sprouting.

    To help lose extra pounds, su-jok can also by reducing appetite. To do this, it is advised to massage carefully before eating the tip of the little finger (its top).

  5. Monthly no problem
    To make periods less painful and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms that sometimes accompany them, find the points corresponding to the uterus and ovaries. Massage them vigorously, and after a few minutes the pain and discomfort should pass.

  6. Massage for knee problems
    With knee problems, especially in the elderly, you need to massage the middle joints of the ring and middle fingers. These are points of correspondence to the knees, and the right knee corresponds to the joint of the ringless, and the left joint of the middle finger.

    With a more pronounced effect on the joints of the middle or ring fingers, seeds of carrots, red pepper or tomatoes can be fixed with a patch.

Trusting or ignoring alternative medicine is everyone’s choice. With some serious problems su-jockey therapy at home to cope, of course, can not, but can serve as a good addition to conventional methods of treatment or help in a situation where there is no opportunity to consult a doctor.

Acupressure of the hands helps with intense mental stress, frequent stress, severe fatigue, relieves tension and fatigue, makes it possible to relax. It can be done both at work and in transport, especially since it does not take much time, and restores strength.

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