Treatment of one hundred diseases: 3 points of eternal youth
Point of longevity and points of treatment and prevention of one hundred diseasesAcupuncture originated in China in the 1-2 century BC. The basis of her methods lay the knowledge that on the surface of the human body there is a huge number of biologically active points. If these points are properly influenced, then you can mobilize the body's defenses to fight various diseases.
It is believed that these points are on the meridians along which the energy of qi (“life energy”) circulates. The method is used to relieve pain or for medicinal purposes.
In 2010, UNESCO included acupuncture in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Is acupuncture safe?
It is very important to seek advice from a qualified practitioner. The doctor must use disposable needles from sealed sterile bags. Disposable needles eliminate the risk of getting AIDS or catching another infection.
Chinese acupuncture should be fast, bloodless and relatively painless. Some people report mild numbness or pinching at the site of each injection and a feeling of deep relaxation. Most practitioners puncture under the skin, while some Chinese doctors prefer deeper injections of three to four inches inside the body.
Doctors' opinions
A number of studies have shown that Chinese acupuncture promotes the production of endorphins - natural painkillers, and significant relief of pain experienced by a patient after acupuncture is directly related to their number.
It is believed that acupuncture is akin to placebo. If a person believes in it, they get results. However, the effective use of this method for children and animals allows us to disagree with this view.
Other studies have found that stimulating nerve endings can block pain signals entering the brain. Acupuncture is believed to work in a similar way.
There is a lot of medical evidence confirming that acupuncture points play an important role in the functioning of the human body. These points can be detected experimentally because they have lower electrical resistance than the skin around them. This effect is based on the action of devices that allow for the diagnosis of diseases and treatment of acupuncture points using electromagnetic influence.
For the purposes of recovery and longevity, you can massage acupuncture points with your fingers. Next, I will cite the points that should be influenced for general healing, rejuvenation, disease prevention and long life.
How to find points
To find points, a measure of length called "cun" is used, the value of which is strictly individual and is determined as the distance between the folds of the extremely bent middle finger in a man on the left hand, and in a woman - on the right, or the size of the diameter of the thumb.
Longevity Points
Point 1 (tzu-san-li) – the point of longevity, or "point of treatment of a hundred diseases" - symmetrical, refers to the meridian of the stomach, is on the lower leg 3 tsun below the patella (with an extended leg) and 1 tsun outside the front edge of the tibia.
And easier this point is under the kneecap. To detect it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand, with the point located opposite the little finger at the distance of the end of the middle finger.
You can feel it differently. But to do this, you need to sit on the floor and tightly press your feet to the floor, then pull them on yourself, without tearing off your heels, and then a bump forms below the patella. Find the highest spot of the bump, put your finger on it, and then take the starting position. The point that your finger points is Tzu-san-li.
Massage simultaneously to the right and left in a sitting position with outstretched legs several times during the day. Duration 1-2 minutes.
Point 2 (gao-huan) - "point of prevention of one hundred diseases" - symmetrical, is 3 tsun away from the posterior middle line at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. It is convenient to count the vertebrae from the seventh cervical vertebra, the spiny process of which protrudes more than others when tilting the head forward.
It is better to massage another person at the same time on the right and left. Your position: lying on your stomach or sitting, leaning forward slightly. Duration 1-2 minutes.
Point 3 (hae-gu) - "point from a hundred diseases" Symmetrical, located in the pit between the first and second fingers on the back of the hand. It refers to the meridian of the large intestine.
Massage comfortably with the thumb of the other hand. Duration 1-2 minutes. Use These Points Every Day! published
Author: Galina Apolonskaya
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness - together we change the world!
Source: //www.prodolgoletie.ru/kitayskaya-akupunktura-dlya-omolozheni/
It is believed that these points are on the meridians along which the energy of qi (“life energy”) circulates. The method is used to relieve pain or for medicinal purposes.

In 2010, UNESCO included acupuncture in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Is acupuncture safe?
It is very important to seek advice from a qualified practitioner. The doctor must use disposable needles from sealed sterile bags. Disposable needles eliminate the risk of getting AIDS or catching another infection.

Chinese acupuncture should be fast, bloodless and relatively painless. Some people report mild numbness or pinching at the site of each injection and a feeling of deep relaxation. Most practitioners puncture under the skin, while some Chinese doctors prefer deeper injections of three to four inches inside the body.
Doctors' opinions
A number of studies have shown that Chinese acupuncture promotes the production of endorphins - natural painkillers, and significant relief of pain experienced by a patient after acupuncture is directly related to their number.
It is believed that acupuncture is akin to placebo. If a person believes in it, they get results. However, the effective use of this method for children and animals allows us to disagree with this view.
Other studies have found that stimulating nerve endings can block pain signals entering the brain. Acupuncture is believed to work in a similar way.
There is a lot of medical evidence confirming that acupuncture points play an important role in the functioning of the human body. These points can be detected experimentally because they have lower electrical resistance than the skin around them. This effect is based on the action of devices that allow for the diagnosis of diseases and treatment of acupuncture points using electromagnetic influence.
For the purposes of recovery and longevity, you can massage acupuncture points with your fingers. Next, I will cite the points that should be influenced for general healing, rejuvenation, disease prevention and long life.
How to find points
To find points, a measure of length called "cun" is used, the value of which is strictly individual and is determined as the distance between the folds of the extremely bent middle finger in a man on the left hand, and in a woman - on the right, or the size of the diameter of the thumb.

Longevity Points
Point 1 (tzu-san-li) – the point of longevity, or "point of treatment of a hundred diseases" - symmetrical, refers to the meridian of the stomach, is on the lower leg 3 tsun below the patella (with an extended leg) and 1 tsun outside the front edge of the tibia.
And easier this point is under the kneecap. To detect it, cover the knee with the palm of the same hand, with the point located opposite the little finger at the distance of the end of the middle finger.
You can feel it differently. But to do this, you need to sit on the floor and tightly press your feet to the floor, then pull them on yourself, without tearing off your heels, and then a bump forms below the patella. Find the highest spot of the bump, put your finger on it, and then take the starting position. The point that your finger points is Tzu-san-li.

Massage simultaneously to the right and left in a sitting position with outstretched legs several times during the day. Duration 1-2 minutes.
Point 2 (gao-huan) - "point of prevention of one hundred diseases" - symmetrical, is 3 tsun away from the posterior middle line at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. It is convenient to count the vertebrae from the seventh cervical vertebra, the spiny process of which protrudes more than others when tilting the head forward.

It is better to massage another person at the same time on the right and left. Your position: lying on your stomach or sitting, leaning forward slightly. Duration 1-2 minutes.
Point 3 (hae-gu) - "point from a hundred diseases" Symmetrical, located in the pit between the first and second fingers on the back of the hand. It refers to the meridian of the large intestine.

Massage comfortably with the thumb of the other hand. Duration 1-2 minutes. Use These Points Every Day! published
Author: Galina Apolonskaya
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consciousness - together we change the world!
Source: //www.prodolgoletie.ru/kitayskaya-akupunktura-dlya-omolozheni/