A magical point, eliminating the spasmodic cough
Harmonizing effect on the point of Ying-Chuan helps to eliminate spasmodic cough, preventing a person to sleep.
Impact on this point also resolves the shortness of breath, feeling of fullness in the chest or suffocation, helps with bronchial asthma.
Point Ying-Chuan is located in the third intercostal space, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.
What is CUN
CUN is an ancient Chinese unit of distance. In another way, it is called "Chinese inch". Similar measures of length were applied and continue to apply also to other peoples of the Far East, such as Japan and Hong Kong.
At different times and in different parts of the celestial Empire CUN had different length. In the 19th century and early 20th century length CUN was 3,73 see since 1984 in the people's Republic of China, the length of the CUN is taken equal to 1/30 of a meter or 3.33 cm
For conducting acupuncture and acupressure need to know the location of acupuncture points. As people differ from each other in their size, to describe the location of biologically active points on the human body it is impossible to use the ordinary measures of length. In ancient China, for this purpose they applied "individual CUN middle finger" — the distance between the skin folds of the bent middle finger at the man on his left hand, and the woman on the right.
In recent decades, along with the individual tsunam widely used proportional CUN. It is obtained by dividing the distances between certain points of the body at the standard for every area of the body the number of equal parts.
For example, the arm from elbow crease to wrist band 12 contains a proportional inch, and axillary folds to the elbow – proportional 9 inch.
For leg is also determined by anatomical landmarks and the distance between them in Coniah.
Typically, for a human individual CUN is approximately the same as proportional. Therefore be used for measurement can be any of them.
Interesting method for finding acupuncture points suggested by L. D. Filson. Rubber band of the same width and thickness is marked with 15 equal divisions is the maximum number proportional to inch. To the ends of the tape are attached the handle. The tape is stretched between the extreme points of the area of the body to the mark corresponding to the number of inch on this site. Noting on the tape the distance to the target point in cunah, discover her whereabouts.
Thus, describing the position of points, we can say, for example, that the point of the channel (line, Meridian) of the bladder is located 1.5 CUN away from the midline of the spine.
How to find out CUN
There are many definitions of the CUN; in fact, every author gives his own. Sometimes there are "female" and "male" zone (for right and left hand of the individual, respectively). In addition, different parts of the body can be measured in different tsunami.
Methodologically similar concepts also exist in European culture, in the Russian language known unit of length "in the finger (in the palm) width (thickness)", "step", "me", etc.
CUN on the middle finger
To connect the ends of the bent average and big fingers of the left hand so that they form a ring. For CUN is the distance between the outer ends of the transverse folds of the 2nd phalanx of the middle finger.
CUN on big toe
The width of the thumb of the left hand along a line that passes through the corner of the nail bed.
CUN four fingers
Total width of 4 fingers close together, straightened his left hand is equal to 3-m tsunam. (Niles baksi and H Asrani "let's Talk about alternative medicine — Acupuncture", 1986 Ed.: New Delhi, Who Goes To Bangalore.) (CUN is very large, can reach up to 10 cm, sometimes it is divided by 4, but still called zonem).
Proportional CUN
Distance from elbow crease to crease of the carpal joint is divided into 12.5 parts. Equal CUN thumb.published
Also interesting: Magic points that turns off appetite
The most IMPORTANT point for energy throughout the body
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_4153
Impact on this point also resolves the shortness of breath, feeling of fullness in the chest or suffocation, helps with bronchial asthma.
Point Ying-Chuan is located in the third intercostal space, 4 CUN away from the midline of the chest.

What is CUN
CUN is an ancient Chinese unit of distance. In another way, it is called "Chinese inch". Similar measures of length were applied and continue to apply also to other peoples of the Far East, such as Japan and Hong Kong.
At different times and in different parts of the celestial Empire CUN had different length. In the 19th century and early 20th century length CUN was 3,73 see since 1984 in the people's Republic of China, the length of the CUN is taken equal to 1/30 of a meter or 3.33 cm
For conducting acupuncture and acupressure need to know the location of acupuncture points. As people differ from each other in their size, to describe the location of biologically active points on the human body it is impossible to use the ordinary measures of length. In ancient China, for this purpose they applied "individual CUN middle finger" — the distance between the skin folds of the bent middle finger at the man on his left hand, and the woman on the right.
In recent decades, along with the individual tsunam widely used proportional CUN. It is obtained by dividing the distances between certain points of the body at the standard for every area of the body the number of equal parts.
For example, the arm from elbow crease to wrist band 12 contains a proportional inch, and axillary folds to the elbow – proportional 9 inch.
For leg is also determined by anatomical landmarks and the distance between them in Coniah.

Typically, for a human individual CUN is approximately the same as proportional. Therefore be used for measurement can be any of them.
Interesting method for finding acupuncture points suggested by L. D. Filson. Rubber band of the same width and thickness is marked with 15 equal divisions is the maximum number proportional to inch. To the ends of the tape are attached the handle. The tape is stretched between the extreme points of the area of the body to the mark corresponding to the number of inch on this site. Noting on the tape the distance to the target point in cunah, discover her whereabouts.
Thus, describing the position of points, we can say, for example, that the point of the channel (line, Meridian) of the bladder is located 1.5 CUN away from the midline of the spine.
How to find out CUN
There are many definitions of the CUN; in fact, every author gives his own. Sometimes there are "female" and "male" zone (for right and left hand of the individual, respectively). In addition, different parts of the body can be measured in different tsunami.
Methodologically similar concepts also exist in European culture, in the Russian language known unit of length "in the finger (in the palm) width (thickness)", "step", "me", etc.
CUN on the middle finger
To connect the ends of the bent average and big fingers of the left hand so that they form a ring. For CUN is the distance between the outer ends of the transverse folds of the 2nd phalanx of the middle finger.

CUN on big toe
The width of the thumb of the left hand along a line that passes through the corner of the nail bed.

CUN four fingers
Total width of 4 fingers close together, straightened his left hand is equal to 3-m tsunam. (Niles baksi and H Asrani "let's Talk about alternative medicine — Acupuncture", 1986 Ed.: New Delhi, Who Goes To Bangalore.) (CUN is very large, can reach up to 10 cm, sometimes it is divided by 4, but still called zonem).

Proportional CUN
Distance from elbow crease to crease of the carpal joint is divided into 12.5 parts. Equal CUN thumb.published

Also interesting: Magic points that turns off appetite
The most IMPORTANT point for energy throughout the body
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_4153
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