August 12, 8 years ago during exercises of the Northern Fleet in the Barents Sea sank the submarine "Kursk". At the same time killed the entire crew of the submarine, which consists of 118 people. A criminal investigation into the death of the submarine was discontinued in July 2002 for lack of evidence.
The text of the note found in the wreckage of the Kursk raised
15.45. It's dark to write, but try to touch. Chances seem not. 10-20 percent. Let's hope that at least someone will read. Here lists the personnel compartments, some are in the ninth and will try to get out. Hello everyone, no need to despair. Kolesnikov.
In this regard, there are various interpretations of the chronology of events represents the actual based reliable sources, the analysis of media reports, statements and presentations by representatives of the military-political leadership, the data on the progress of the rescue operation:
11.30 - Norwegian seismic institute has registered two strong explosions in the Barents Sea.
23.30 - due to absenteeism link at the scheduled time nuclear submarine "Kursk" is considered an emergency, launched an operation to search and rescue submarine.
04.30 - Square found lying on the ground. Ships and rescue ships arrived in the area of the accident.
0700 - the beginning of the accident and rescue operations reported to the President of the Russian Federation.
11.09 - the first official announcement of the TV channel RTR that the nuclear submarine "Kursk" lay on the ground in the Barents Sea, nuclear weapons on board the boat is missing. Informal request from Norway about the radiation environment and the possibility of assistance.
Officially offered assistance by foreign military attaches Norway and the UK. The Navy reported willingness to accept any foreign aid.
English deep-sea vehicle LR-5 delivered to the Norwegian port of Trondheim Russian aircraft "AN-124". Because of the need for a support vessel for LR-5 and the associated delay, Norway offered its deep-sea divers. Telephone conversation US and Russian presidents.
Supply vessel "Normand Pioneer" with the machine LR-5, a group of rescuers and members of the Royal Navy departed from Trondheim to the area of the accident. In the United States prepared for shipping deep Rescue Vehicle DSRV. Officially offered assistance by Germany and the Netherlands. In Brussels, a meeting of representatives of the Russian Navy Command and NATO.
Ship "Seaway Eagle" with a group of divers international company "Stolt Offshore" and members of the armed forces of Norway came from Tromsø and headed to the area of the accident.
Late in the evening of the court "Normand Pioneer" and "Seaway Eagle" arrived in the area of the accident. In connection with the ongoing work of the Russian submersibles on the scene to secure the start of work scheduled for the next morning.
Early in the morning made a survey of nuclear submarine "Kursk" from the ship "Seaway Eagle" unmanned vehicles. On the afternoon of deep-sea divers of "Stolt Offshore" fell to the submarine, examined the door and give signals to check whether the people living on a boat. They confirmed damage to the hatch, and therefore the use of the English unit LR-5 considered unwise. In the evening, attempted to open the door. Divers instructors from the ship "Seaway Eagle" delivered by helicopter to the same submarine "Eagle" in one of the bases of the Northern Fleet for the study of the structure and ways of opening the escape hatch.
In the morning, divers discovered the upper escape hatch lock chamber was opened by noon the lower chamber hatch. Confirmed that the crew of the submarine was killed. Due to the fact that the contract with the company "Stolt Offshore" Norwegian Sun concluded for the rescue operation, which is considered complete after the discovery of the escape hatch and confirm the death of the entire crew, further work stopped. In the evening, negotiations Command fleet with the company continuing to work with the goal of removing the bodies of sailors from the boat. The company refused to continue such work.
In the afternoon, after the failure of the leadership of the company to continue operations at the site of the accident, the court & quot; «Normand Pioneer" and "Seaway Eagle" loss from the area of the accident.
As raised Kursk. Next & gt; & gt;
Let us remember?
- As everyone knows ASMC "Kursk", also known as the submarine project 949A (for the eyes "loaf") died in combat shooting in the Barents Sea at a depth of about 100 meters.
Here are some photos taken during the examination of the boat after lifting.
Mamut barge lifting
Boat dock PD-50
General view of the destruction of the nose. The bulkhead between 1m and 2m compartments is 22 frames. Bulkhead compartments 2 and 3 on the 43m trowels. In reality, the bulkhead 22nd trowels. found at 43 frames, ie, it killed the whole bay.
In fact, the compacted 2 and 3 in one compartment.
22shp bulkhead hatch. Metal edge vertically on a solid body - all that was left of the frame 43.
View from outside
Torn edges of the outer hull. The upper part of the boat.
View from the bow to the stern. Are the ruins of decking.
Drawer. The thickest - 430 mm.
Most of the cleaned. Seen decks. Vvaryshi Wall - cut off the explosion.
Part of missiles tore blow the rails, so they are filled with foam and cut out along with the mines for disposal.
By torpedoes (of exploded about 80%) were only shanks and flattened the battery. Power of the explosion is estimated about 8 kilotons.
Here you can see how the flooring (steel up to 22 mm thick) and the explosion pressure has developed in the corrugation. Imagine what happened with the equipment and people.
View of boats on the nose.
Onboard clock (most likely 3 compartment).
Do not bring the other compartments, photos, because they are not of particular interest. Were flooded all but the reactor (6th). In the reactor, and in the desert of the visited, nothing special, background 7-9 micro-roentgen.
Residential compartments blurred (walls made of particleboard). Was a shock to find work Wrist electronic clock that shows the time and date at the time of inspection, ie a year after the tragedy, after lying at a depth of 100 meters.
Note that the military prosecutor's office worked very honestly and sensibly. Sort of "black box" found. He was disconnected from the network during a training exercise. So there is nothing you can not get out of it, except for records "Lube" (the device worked and reproduction).

The text of the note found in the wreckage of the Kursk raised
15.45. It's dark to write, but try to touch. Chances seem not. 10-20 percent. Let's hope that at least someone will read. Here lists the personnel compartments, some are in the ninth and will try to get out. Hello everyone, no need to despair. Kolesnikov.

In this regard, there are various interpretations of the chronology of events represents the actual based reliable sources, the analysis of media reports, statements and presentations by representatives of the military-political leadership, the data on the progress of the rescue operation:
11.30 - Norwegian seismic institute has registered two strong explosions in the Barents Sea.
23.30 - due to absenteeism link at the scheduled time nuclear submarine "Kursk" is considered an emergency, launched an operation to search and rescue submarine.
04.30 - Square found lying on the ground. Ships and rescue ships arrived in the area of the accident.
0700 - the beginning of the accident and rescue operations reported to the President of the Russian Federation.
11.09 - the first official announcement of the TV channel RTR that the nuclear submarine "Kursk" lay on the ground in the Barents Sea, nuclear weapons on board the boat is missing. Informal request from Norway about the radiation environment and the possibility of assistance.
Officially offered assistance by foreign military attaches Norway and the UK. The Navy reported willingness to accept any foreign aid.
English deep-sea vehicle LR-5 delivered to the Norwegian port of Trondheim Russian aircraft "AN-124". Because of the need for a support vessel for LR-5 and the associated delay, Norway offered its deep-sea divers. Telephone conversation US and Russian presidents.
Supply vessel "Normand Pioneer" with the machine LR-5, a group of rescuers and members of the Royal Navy departed from Trondheim to the area of the accident. In the United States prepared for shipping deep Rescue Vehicle DSRV. Officially offered assistance by Germany and the Netherlands. In Brussels, a meeting of representatives of the Russian Navy Command and NATO.
Ship "Seaway Eagle" with a group of divers international company "Stolt Offshore" and members of the armed forces of Norway came from Tromsø and headed to the area of the accident.
Late in the evening of the court "Normand Pioneer" and "Seaway Eagle" arrived in the area of the accident. In connection with the ongoing work of the Russian submersibles on the scene to secure the start of work scheduled for the next morning.
Early in the morning made a survey of nuclear submarine "Kursk" from the ship "Seaway Eagle" unmanned vehicles. On the afternoon of deep-sea divers of "Stolt Offshore" fell to the submarine, examined the door and give signals to check whether the people living on a boat. They confirmed damage to the hatch, and therefore the use of the English unit LR-5 considered unwise. In the evening, attempted to open the door. Divers instructors from the ship "Seaway Eagle" delivered by helicopter to the same submarine "Eagle" in one of the bases of the Northern Fleet for the study of the structure and ways of opening the escape hatch.
In the morning, divers discovered the upper escape hatch lock chamber was opened by noon the lower chamber hatch. Confirmed that the crew of the submarine was killed. Due to the fact that the contract with the company "Stolt Offshore" Norwegian Sun concluded for the rescue operation, which is considered complete after the discovery of the escape hatch and confirm the death of the entire crew, further work stopped. In the evening, negotiations Command fleet with the company continuing to work with the goal of removing the bodies of sailors from the boat. The company refused to continue such work.
In the afternoon, after the failure of the leadership of the company to continue operations at the site of the accident, the court & quot; «Normand Pioneer" and "Seaway Eagle" loss from the area of the accident.
As raised Kursk. Next & gt; & gt;
Let us remember?
- As everyone knows ASMC "Kursk", also known as the submarine project 949A (for the eyes "loaf") died in combat shooting in the Barents Sea at a depth of about 100 meters.
Here are some photos taken during the examination of the boat after lifting.

Mamut barge lifting

Boat dock PD-50

General view of the destruction of the nose. The bulkhead between 1m and 2m compartments is 22 frames. Bulkhead compartments 2 and 3 on the 43m trowels. In reality, the bulkhead 22nd trowels. found at 43 frames, ie, it killed the whole bay.
In fact, the compacted 2 and 3 in one compartment.

22shp bulkhead hatch. Metal edge vertically on a solid body - all that was left of the frame 43.

View from outside

Torn edges of the outer hull. The upper part of the boat.

View from the bow to the stern. Are the ruins of decking.

Drawer. The thickest - 430 mm.

Most of the cleaned. Seen decks. Vvaryshi Wall - cut off the explosion.

Part of missiles tore blow the rails, so they are filled with foam and cut out along with the mines for disposal.

By torpedoes (of exploded about 80%) were only shanks and flattened the battery. Power of the explosion is estimated about 8 kilotons.
Here you can see how the flooring (steel up to 22 mm thick) and the explosion pressure has developed in the corrugation. Imagine what happened with the equipment and people.

View of boats on the nose.

Onboard clock (most likely 3 compartment).
Do not bring the other compartments, photos, because they are not of particular interest. Were flooded all but the reactor (6th). In the reactor, and in the desert of the visited, nothing special, background 7-9 micro-roentgen.
Residential compartments blurred (walls made of particleboard). Was a shock to find work Wrist electronic clock that shows the time and date at the time of inspection, ie a year after the tragedy, after lying at a depth of 100 meters.
Note that the military prosecutor's office worked very honestly and sensibly. Sort of "black box" found. He was disconnected from the network during a training exercise. So there is nothing you can not get out of it, except for records "Lube" (the device worked and reproduction).