60 Tiny tale of love, the ability to make you smile
Stories about love in real life, which will not only make you think, but will warm your heart and even cause a smile
A selection of 60 love stories from real life. Not only did they make us think, and warmed our hearts, and even bring a smile. We hope the same will happen to you!
Today is my 75-year-old grandfather for 15 years blind due to cataracts, she told me: "Your grandmother - the most beautiful woman on earth, right?" I thought for a second and said, "Yes, it is precisely this. Maybe you really lack this beauty - now that you can not see it. " "My dear," replied Grandfather, "I see her every day. To be honest, now I see it much more clearly than when we were young ».
Today I marry my daughter. Ten years ago I pulled out of the flames after a serious accident minivan 14-year old boy. The verdict of doctors was clear - he would never walk again. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then I started to go there without me. And today I saw how in spite of all predictions and smiling broadly, he put the ring on the finger of my daughter - standing firmly on both feet.
Today, to the door of his shop at 7 am (I'm a florist), I saw her waiting for a soldier in uniform. As it turned out, he was on his way to the airport and was due to fly to Afghanistan for a year. He said: "Every Friday I usually bring my wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and do not want it to fail only because of the fact that I would be away from her." After these words, he ordered me 52 bouquet of flowers and asked me to deliver them every Friday night in the office of his wife, until he returns. I gave him a 50% discount for all - that love light filled my whole day.
Today, I told my 18-year-old grandson, that in all my school years I did not get to the school ball because I was there no one has ever invited. And imagine - that night he dressed in a tuxedo, called at my door and invited to the prom as his partner.
Today, when she woke up from the 18-month coma, she kissed me and said, "Thank you stayed with me, telling me that these wonderful stories, and that has always believed in me ... And yes, I'll marry you».
Today I was walking through the park, decided to have a meal on the bench. As soon as I turned my sandwich as under a tree close to an elderly couple stopped the car. They lowered the window and turned on the player jazz music. Then the man got out, opened the door and gave his hand to a woman, and after half an hour they slowly danced thus oak.
Today I made the operation a little girl. She needed the blood of the first group. We did not have it, but her twin brother was also the first group. I explained to him that it is a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment and then said goodbye to her parents and offered his hand. I did not understand why he did it until after we took his blood, he did not ask: "When will I die?" He thought he really sacrificed his life for the sisters. Fortunately, now with both of them will be all right.
Today, my father became a better father to me, which I could only dream of. He is a loving husband, my mom (and always makes her laugh), he came to every football match in which I participated with five years (I am now 17), and it provides all our family, working construction foreman. This morning, when I was looking for in his father's toolbox pliers, I found it on the bottom of a dirty piece of paper folded. It was a page torn from an old diary of his father, and it was designated a month before the date of my birth. It read: "I am nineteen years old, I was dependent on strong drinks, taking off from the institute, an unsuccessful suicide, victim of childhood abuse and former car thief. And next month, will be added to all this, and still "young father". But I swear, I'll do anything to have my baby was all right. I will be a father to her, what I myself never had. " And ... I do not know how, but he did it.
Today, my 8-year-old son hugged me and said, "You're the best mom in the whole world." I smiled and asked him: "How do you know? You do not see all the mothers of the world. " My son is in response to that held me tighter and said, "You is my world».
Today, I was examining an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He could barely remember his own name, and often forgets where he is and what he said a few minutes ago. But by some miracle (and I think it's a miracle called love), every time his wife came to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is, and greets her with the words "Hello, my beautiful Kate».
My 21-year-old Labrador can barely stand up, almost nothing does not see or hear, and even the fact that to bark, she did not have enough strength. But still, when I enter the room, she happily wagging his tail.
Today the 10th anniversary of our life together. My husband and I recently laid off from work, and therefore we have agreed not to spend money on gifts to each other. When I woke up this morning, my husband was on his feet. I went downstairs and saw that our entire house has been lovingly decorated with beautiful wild flowers. I counted more than 400 - and he really did not spend a dime on them.
Today I met with a guy he met in high school and is not expected to meet again. He showed me a picture of the two of us, which is held in the lining of the helmet all those 8 years, while he was serving in the army is far from me.
And my 88-year-old grandmother and her 17-year-old cat is blind for a long time. Grandma got himself a guide dog, to help her move around the house, which, in general, normal. But recently, he began to drive around the house and the cat! When she meows, he comes and rubs against her, then leads her to bowl, to the box with sand or where she sleeps.
Today, I was horrified to see through the kitchen window, my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I had time to reach it, our retriever Rex jumped after her and pulled the collar of his shirt where small and she was able to stand.
My older brother was already 15 times gave me the bone marrow to help me fight the cancer. He talks about this directly with my doctor, and I do not even know when he does. Today the doctor told me, it seems that the treatment begins to help. "We are seeing a stable remission," he said.
Today, I was driving home from my grandfather, when he suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Who'll pick the corner store and I'll buy her a bouquet. I quickly. "And today, that some special day?" - I asked him. "No, it seems to be no," - said my grandfather. "Every day something special. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her smile ».
Today I re-read the suicide note that I wrote 2 September 1996 two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on my door and said, "I'm pregnant." Suddenly I felt that I want to live again. Today it is - my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I read my suicide note to remind myself how grateful I am that I got a second chance to live and love.
Today, as every day since two months ago, I returned from the hospital with a burn scar on my face (I was there for nearly a month after the fire, which burned our house), I found on his locker glued to it red rose. I still do not know what takes the trouble to arrive early every day to school and leave me the rose. I even tried a couple of times myself to come early and catch this man - but every time I found a rose already in place.
Today, 10 years have passed since the death of my father. When I was little, he often sang me a brief melody when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he was lying in the hospital, fighting cancer, I had him singing that same tune. Ever since then, I have never heard it until now in bed with my fiance, we did not look at each other, and he did not sing it himself. It turned out his mother, too, sang it to him as a child.
Today in my classroom teaching sign language enrolled a woman, who has lost the vocal cords due to cancer. Her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father and fourteen best friends signed me with her to be able to communicate with her, even though she lost her voice.
My 11 year old son is fluent in sign language because his friend Josh, with whom they grew up together from infancy, deaf. I'm so pleased to see how their friendship blossoms every year.
Because Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia in the morning my grandfather did not always recognize his wife. A year ago, when it has only just begun, it is very worried, but now she understands what happens to him and helps him, they can. She did every morning, playing with him, trying to get him to propose to her again before breakfast. And every time she did it.
Today, my father died of natural causes at the age of 92 years. I found his body in a chair in his room. On his hip were three pictures 8 10 within - these were photos of died 10 years ago my mother. She was the love of his life, and, most of all, he felt death approaching, wanted to see her again.
I - proud mother of 17-year-old blind boy. While my son was born blind, this does not prevent him from becoming an excellent student, a fine guitarist (his first album, the group has already exceeded 25,000 downloads on the network), and a great guy to his girlfriend Valerie. Today, his younger sister asked him what he was attracted to Valerie, and he replied: "Everything. She is beautiful ».
Today I served in the restaurant an elderly couple. As they looked at each other ... it was immediately clear that they love each other. My husband mentioned that today they celebrate the anniversary. I smiled and said, "Give me guess. You have been together for many decades. " They laughed, and his wife said: "Not really. Today, our fifth anniversary. Both of us have experienced our second halves, but fate gave us another chance to love and be loved ».
Today, my father found my sister, chained to the wall of the barn. She was abducted near Mexico City for almost 5 months ago. A week later, the police stopped an active search. Mom and I come to terms with the loss and had a funeral. They came to our family, her friends - all except the father. All the while, he never stopped, searching for her. He said that he too loved her to give up. And now she's home again because he had not dropped them.
In my school there are two guys-school student who openly love each other. In the last two years they had to endure a bunch of insults, but they continued to go hand in hand. And despite frequent threats and break-ins of their school lockers, they came today at school ball in identical costumes. And they danced together, smiling from ear to ear, in spite of all envious.
Today, my sister and I had a car accident. At school, my sister - she Miss Popularity. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Well, I'm a little introvert - always talk with the same two girls. My sister immediately sent a message on Facebook about the accident. And while all her friends leave comments and expressed their sympathy, two of my friends were on the scene before the ambulance arrived to both.
Today, my fiance returned from the Army overseas trips. But yesterday it was just my boyfriend ... well, that is what I thought so. Almost a year ago, he sent me a parcel, who asked not to open until two weeks later he did not return home - but then his trip was extended by 11 months. Today, when he finally returned home, he asked me to open that same parcel, and when I found inside a beautiful ring, he dropped to one knee in front of me and made me an offer.
Today, for the first time in months, I and my 12-year-old son, Sean went on his way home to a nursing home. Usually I go there alone to visit his mother, suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When we entered the hall, the nurse said, "Hello, Sean," and we missed inside. I asked my son, "How does she know your name?" "Oh, yes, I often anticipating here after school to visit his grandmother," - he said. And I have this idea did not have.
Today I found in our mother's old diary papers that she was still in high school. It was specified list of qualities that she hoped to ever find in your guy. This is the list - almost an exact description of my father, and because my mother met him when she was only 27.
Today at school I spent a chemical expertise with one of the most beautiful (and popular) girls in the whole school. And, although I had never even up the courage to talk to her, she was very kind and sweet. We spent time in the laboratory of conversations, jokes, and in the end still got five (yes, she was also smart). Then we gradually began to communicate. Last week, when I learned that she had not chosen with whom to go to the prom, I would ask her if she will not go there with me, but again I did not have the heart. And today, when I was sitting in the school cafe, she came to me and asked if I wanted to go there with her. I agreed, and she kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Yes»!
Today, for our 10th anniversary, my wife gave me a suicide note she wrote when she was 22, the same day when we met. And she said, "All these years, I do not want you to know what I did was stupid and impulsive. But even though you did not know before ... you rescued me. Thank you for all ».
My grandfather always kept on his nightstand an old, faded photograph taken in the 60s, in which he and the grandmother have fun laughing at some party. My grandmother died of cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house, and my grandfather saw how I look at this photograph. He came up to me, hugged and said: "Remember - that nothing lasts forever, does not mean that it's not worth it».
Today I tried to explain to his two daughters, 4 and 6 years old, we have to move out of our house with four bedrooms in an apartment with only two, until I find a new well-paid job. The daughters looked at each other for a moment, and then the younger said, "We will move there all along?" "Yes" - I replied. "Well, all right then," - she said.
Today, on the plane, I met the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Realizing that after landing we can not see each other again, I told her how beautiful she was. It is charmingly smiled at me and said, "I have this 10 years no one spoke." It turned out that we both just over thirty, unmarried children no one, and live just 5 miles away from each other. And the following Sunday, after we get home, we have a date.
I am a mother of 2 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. At 17, I became pregnant with twins. When my boyfriend and friends know that I'm not going to get rid of the child, they turned away from me. But I did not give up, do not quit school, got a job, she graduated from the Institute and it also met the guy who for 50 years love my children as their own.
Today, in my 29 birthday, I came home from my 4th and last military mission to distant lands. The little girl who lives next door to my parents (who have to be honest, not little - she is 22), met me at the airport with a long beautiful rose, a bottle of my favorite vodka, and then invited to a meeting.
Today, my daughter agreed to marry her boyfriend. He is 3 years older than her. They began dating when she was 14, and he was - 17. I then did not like the age difference. When he turned 18 a week before her - 15, my husband insisted that they sever relations. They remained friends, but to meet other people. But now, when she was 24 and he was 27 ... I've never seen a couple that would have been so in love with each other.
Today when I learned that my mother fell ill with the flu, I stopped at the supermarket to buy her some soup ready. I came there with his father, who was lying in the carriage 5 cans of soup, nasal spray, wipes, swabs, 4 DVD of romantic comedies and a bouquet of flowers. It made me stop and think about everything carefully.
Today, I was sitting on the balcony and saw the beach is a couple in love. The way they move, it was clear that they have no mind apart. When they came closer, I was surprised to see that my parents. No one would have said that eight years ago, they almost divorced.
I'm only 17, but with my boyfriend, Jake, we meet for 3 years. Yesterday the first time we spent the night together. No, "that" we did not do either before or night. Instead, we baked cookies, watched two comedy, laugh, played Xbox and fell asleep, hugging each other. Despite fears of my parents, it was a real gentleman and the best guy.

A selection of 60 love stories from real life. Not only did they make us think, and warmed our hearts, and even bring a smile. We hope the same will happen to you!
Today is my 75-year-old grandfather for 15 years blind due to cataracts, she told me: "Your grandmother - the most beautiful woman on earth, right?" I thought for a second and said, "Yes, it is precisely this. Maybe you really lack this beauty - now that you can not see it. " "My dear," replied Grandfather, "I see her every day. To be honest, now I see it much more clearly than when we were young ».
Today I marry my daughter. Ten years ago I pulled out of the flames after a serious accident minivan 14-year old boy. The verdict of doctors was clear - he would never walk again. My daughter visited him several times with me in the hospital. Then I started to go there without me. And today I saw how in spite of all predictions and smiling broadly, he put the ring on the finger of my daughter - standing firmly on both feet.
Today, to the door of his shop at 7 am (I'm a florist), I saw her waiting for a soldier in uniform. As it turned out, he was on his way to the airport and was due to fly to Afghanistan for a year. He said: "Every Friday I usually bring my wife a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and do not want it to fail only because of the fact that I would be away from her." After these words, he ordered me 52 bouquet of flowers and asked me to deliver them every Friday night in the office of his wife, until he returns. I gave him a 50% discount for all - that love light filled my whole day.
Today, I told my 18-year-old grandson, that in all my school years I did not get to the school ball because I was there no one has ever invited. And imagine - that night he dressed in a tuxedo, called at my door and invited to the prom as his partner.
Today, when she woke up from the 18-month coma, she kissed me and said, "Thank you stayed with me, telling me that these wonderful stories, and that has always believed in me ... And yes, I'll marry you».
Today I was walking through the park, decided to have a meal on the bench. As soon as I turned my sandwich as under a tree close to an elderly couple stopped the car. They lowered the window and turned on the player jazz music. Then the man got out, opened the door and gave his hand to a woman, and after half an hour they slowly danced thus oak.
Today I made the operation a little girl. She needed the blood of the first group. We did not have it, but her twin brother was also the first group. I explained to him that it is a matter of life and death. He thought for a moment and then said goodbye to her parents and offered his hand. I did not understand why he did it until after we took his blood, he did not ask: "When will I die?" He thought he really sacrificed his life for the sisters. Fortunately, now with both of them will be all right.
Today, my father became a better father to me, which I could only dream of. He is a loving husband, my mom (and always makes her laugh), he came to every football match in which I participated with five years (I am now 17), and it provides all our family, working construction foreman. This morning, when I was looking for in his father's toolbox pliers, I found it on the bottom of a dirty piece of paper folded. It was a page torn from an old diary of his father, and it was designated a month before the date of my birth. It read: "I am nineteen years old, I was dependent on strong drinks, taking off from the institute, an unsuccessful suicide, victim of childhood abuse and former car thief. And next month, will be added to all this, and still "young father". But I swear, I'll do anything to have my baby was all right. I will be a father to her, what I myself never had. " And ... I do not know how, but he did it.
Today, my 8-year-old son hugged me and said, "You're the best mom in the whole world." I smiled and asked him: "How do you know? You do not see all the mothers of the world. " My son is in response to that held me tighter and said, "You is my world».
Today, I was examining an elderly patient with Alzheimer's disease. He could barely remember his own name, and often forgets where he is and what he said a few minutes ago. But by some miracle (and I think it's a miracle called love), every time his wife came to visit him for a few minutes, he remembers who she is, and greets her with the words "Hello, my beautiful Kate».
My 21-year-old Labrador can barely stand up, almost nothing does not see or hear, and even the fact that to bark, she did not have enough strength. But still, when I enter the room, she happily wagging his tail.
Today the 10th anniversary of our life together. My husband and I recently laid off from work, and therefore we have agreed not to spend money on gifts to each other. When I woke up this morning, my husband was on his feet. I went downstairs and saw that our entire house has been lovingly decorated with beautiful wild flowers. I counted more than 400 - and he really did not spend a dime on them.
Today I met with a guy he met in high school and is not expected to meet again. He showed me a picture of the two of us, which is held in the lining of the helmet all those 8 years, while he was serving in the army is far from me.
And my 88-year-old grandmother and her 17-year-old cat is blind for a long time. Grandma got himself a guide dog, to help her move around the house, which, in general, normal. But recently, he began to drive around the house and the cat! When she meows, he comes and rubs against her, then leads her to bowl, to the box with sand or where she sleeps.
Today, I was horrified to see through the kitchen window, my 2-year-old daughter slipped and fell into our pool. But before I had time to reach it, our retriever Rex jumped after her and pulled the collar of his shirt where small and she was able to stand.
My older brother was already 15 times gave me the bone marrow to help me fight the cancer. He talks about this directly with my doctor, and I do not even know when he does. Today the doctor told me, it seems that the treatment begins to help. "We are seeing a stable remission," he said.
Today, I was driving home from my grandfather, when he suddenly turned around and said, "I forgot to buy flowers for your grandmother. Who'll pick the corner store and I'll buy her a bouquet. I quickly. "And today, that some special day?" - I asked him. "No, it seems to be no," - said my grandfather. "Every day something special. And your grandmother loves flowers. They make her smile ».
Today I re-read the suicide note that I wrote 2 September 1996 two minutes before my girlfriend knocked on my door and said, "I'm pregnant." Suddenly I felt that I want to live again. Today it is - my beloved wife. And my daughter, who is already 15 years old, has two younger brothers. From time to time I read my suicide note to remind myself how grateful I am that I got a second chance to live and love.
Today, as every day since two months ago, I returned from the hospital with a burn scar on my face (I was there for nearly a month after the fire, which burned our house), I found on his locker glued to it red rose. I still do not know what takes the trouble to arrive early every day to school and leave me the rose. I even tried a couple of times myself to come early and catch this man - but every time I found a rose already in place.
Today, 10 years have passed since the death of my father. When I was little, he often sang me a brief melody when I went to bed. When I was 18 and he was lying in the hospital, fighting cancer, I had him singing that same tune. Ever since then, I have never heard it until now in bed with my fiance, we did not look at each other, and he did not sing it himself. It turned out his mother, too, sang it to him as a child.
Today in my classroom teaching sign language enrolled a woman, who has lost the vocal cords due to cancer. Her husband, four children, two sisters, brother, mother, father and fourteen best friends signed me with her to be able to communicate with her, even though she lost her voice.
My 11 year old son is fluent in sign language because his friend Josh, with whom they grew up together from infancy, deaf. I'm so pleased to see how their friendship blossoms every year.
Because Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia in the morning my grandfather did not always recognize his wife. A year ago, when it has only just begun, it is very worried, but now she understands what happens to him and helps him, they can. She did every morning, playing with him, trying to get him to propose to her again before breakfast. And every time she did it.
Today, my father died of natural causes at the age of 92 years. I found his body in a chair in his room. On his hip were three pictures 8 10 within - these were photos of died 10 years ago my mother. She was the love of his life, and, most of all, he felt death approaching, wanted to see her again.
I - proud mother of 17-year-old blind boy. While my son was born blind, this does not prevent him from becoming an excellent student, a fine guitarist (his first album, the group has already exceeded 25,000 downloads on the network), and a great guy to his girlfriend Valerie. Today, his younger sister asked him what he was attracted to Valerie, and he replied: "Everything. She is beautiful ».
Today I served in the restaurant an elderly couple. As they looked at each other ... it was immediately clear that they love each other. My husband mentioned that today they celebrate the anniversary. I smiled and said, "Give me guess. You have been together for many decades. " They laughed, and his wife said: "Not really. Today, our fifth anniversary. Both of us have experienced our second halves, but fate gave us another chance to love and be loved ».
Today, my father found my sister, chained to the wall of the barn. She was abducted near Mexico City for almost 5 months ago. A week later, the police stopped an active search. Mom and I come to terms with the loss and had a funeral. They came to our family, her friends - all except the father. All the while, he never stopped, searching for her. He said that he too loved her to give up. And now she's home again because he had not dropped them.
In my school there are two guys-school student who openly love each other. In the last two years they had to endure a bunch of insults, but they continued to go hand in hand. And despite frequent threats and break-ins of their school lockers, they came today at school ball in identical costumes. And they danced together, smiling from ear to ear, in spite of all envious.
Today, my sister and I had a car accident. At school, my sister - she Miss Popularity. She knows everyone and everyone knows her. Well, I'm a little introvert - always talk with the same two girls. My sister immediately sent a message on Facebook about the accident. And while all her friends leave comments and expressed their sympathy, two of my friends were on the scene before the ambulance arrived to both.
Today, my fiance returned from the Army overseas trips. But yesterday it was just my boyfriend ... well, that is what I thought so. Almost a year ago, he sent me a parcel, who asked not to open until two weeks later he did not return home - but then his trip was extended by 11 months. Today, when he finally returned home, he asked me to open that same parcel, and when I found inside a beautiful ring, he dropped to one knee in front of me and made me an offer.
Today, for the first time in months, I and my 12-year-old son, Sean went on his way home to a nursing home. Usually I go there alone to visit his mother, suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When we entered the hall, the nurse said, "Hello, Sean," and we missed inside. I asked my son, "How does she know your name?" "Oh, yes, I often anticipating here after school to visit his grandmother," - he said. And I have this idea did not have.
Today I found in our mother's old diary papers that she was still in high school. It was specified list of qualities that she hoped to ever find in your guy. This is the list - almost an exact description of my father, and because my mother met him when she was only 27.
Today at school I spent a chemical expertise with one of the most beautiful (and popular) girls in the whole school. And, although I had never even up the courage to talk to her, she was very kind and sweet. We spent time in the laboratory of conversations, jokes, and in the end still got five (yes, she was also smart). Then we gradually began to communicate. Last week, when I learned that she had not chosen with whom to go to the prom, I would ask her if she will not go there with me, but again I did not have the heart. And today, when I was sitting in the school cafe, she came to me and asked if I wanted to go there with her. I agreed, and she kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Yes»!
Today, for our 10th anniversary, my wife gave me a suicide note she wrote when she was 22, the same day when we met. And she said, "All these years, I do not want you to know what I did was stupid and impulsive. But even though you did not know before ... you rescued me. Thank you for all ».
My grandfather always kept on his nightstand an old, faded photograph taken in the 60s, in which he and the grandmother have fun laughing at some party. My grandmother died of cancer when I was 7 years old. Today I looked into his house, and my grandfather saw how I look at this photograph. He came up to me, hugged and said: "Remember - that nothing lasts forever, does not mean that it's not worth it».
Today I tried to explain to his two daughters, 4 and 6 years old, we have to move out of our house with four bedrooms in an apartment with only two, until I find a new well-paid job. The daughters looked at each other for a moment, and then the younger said, "We will move there all along?" "Yes" - I replied. "Well, all right then," - she said.
Today, on the plane, I met the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Realizing that after landing we can not see each other again, I told her how beautiful she was. It is charmingly smiled at me and said, "I have this 10 years no one spoke." It turned out that we both just over thirty, unmarried children no one, and live just 5 miles away from each other. And the following Sunday, after we get home, we have a date.
I am a mother of 2 children and grandmother of 4 grandchildren. At 17, I became pregnant with twins. When my boyfriend and friends know that I'm not going to get rid of the child, they turned away from me. But I did not give up, do not quit school, got a job, she graduated from the Institute and it also met the guy who for 50 years love my children as their own.
Today, in my 29 birthday, I came home from my 4th and last military mission to distant lands. The little girl who lives next door to my parents (who have to be honest, not little - she is 22), met me at the airport with a long beautiful rose, a bottle of my favorite vodka, and then invited to a meeting.
Today, my daughter agreed to marry her boyfriend. He is 3 years older than her. They began dating when she was 14, and he was - 17. I then did not like the age difference. When he turned 18 a week before her - 15, my husband insisted that they sever relations. They remained friends, but to meet other people. But now, when she was 24 and he was 27 ... I've never seen a couple that would have been so in love with each other.
Today when I learned that my mother fell ill with the flu, I stopped at the supermarket to buy her some soup ready. I came there with his father, who was lying in the carriage 5 cans of soup, nasal spray, wipes, swabs, 4 DVD of romantic comedies and a bouquet of flowers. It made me stop and think about everything carefully.
Today, I was sitting on the balcony and saw the beach is a couple in love. The way they move, it was clear that they have no mind apart. When they came closer, I was surprised to see that my parents. No one would have said that eight years ago, they almost divorced.
I'm only 17, but with my boyfriend, Jake, we meet for 3 years. Yesterday the first time we spent the night together. No, "that" we did not do either before or night. Instead, we baked cookies, watched two comedy, laugh, played Xbox and fell asleep, hugging each other. Despite fears of my parents, it was a real gentleman and the best guy.