Memory increasingly began to fail Grandpa, but on the day of their anniversary with Grandma, he asked to take him to the store.

Spouses can live together for many years without realizing what it is. happy marriage. And there are alliances made as if in heaven. Husband and wife live in the soul, and their relationship becomes stronger. They're not afraid of anything!

Recently in the editorial office. "Site" I received a letter from our reader Alexei. The man told us about his grandfather, who takes care of his beloved wife, despite his own illness. I am sure this story will resonate in your heart.

My grandfather is 85 years old, 60 of which he is married to his grandmother. For as long as I can remember, they have always amazed me with their love. When I was little and slept with them, my grandfather would get up before my grandmother every morning and go somewhere. He managed to return before his grandmother woke up, decorate her bedside table with a fresh bouquet of flowers and prepare a festive breakfast.

Why holiday? My grandfather believed that every day was a holiday. We are alive, healthy and can smile. What else does it take to be happy? When I got older, I asked my grandma one day, "Ba, does Grandpa take care of you when I sleep with you to set an example for me?" He doesn't do that on normal days, does he?

My grandmother looked at me meaningfully and said, "Leshka, he does this a lot more often than you can imagine." And his concern isn't just about flowers and breakfast, trust me. This man showed me the essence of a happy marriage.” I was 15 and didn’t know much about caring or relationships. But I liked what Grandpa did. They had a sense of ease and sincerity.

Now the memory of my grandfather is increasingly failing him. Doctors' predictions are disappointing. I can see how difficult it is for my grandmother sometimes. He forgets what happened 5 minutes ago. Or, on the contrary, start remembering the events of 10 years ago as if it happened yesterday.

At first, his condition frightened me. But I am no longer a child and I fully understand that there is no escape from this process. I support my family as much as I can, and I often visit my grandfather for a walk with him. He rarely agrees, though. He said he had just returned from a walk... Grandma whispers that Grandpa hasn't been out in days.

Grandma always takes care of him. He reads his favorite books, watches old movies and listens to records of their youth. There are moments of enlightenment. It looks like Grandpa is perfectly healthy. But this has been very rare lately.

Love is stronger than illness I recently came to visit my family. I came in the morning: my grandfather was sitting in the living room, and my grandmother was still asleep. Suddenly, my grandfather asked me to take him to the store. I left my grandmother a note and we went.

In the supermarket, my grandfather took a cart and went to the department with sweets. When I saw what he was putting in the cart, tears came to my eyes. There were my grandmother's favorite candy, cookies and chocolate. Then he went for tea and fruit.

I asked my grandfather what the reason was. He looked at me in surprise and said, “Today is your grandma’s anniversary!” Our marriage is 61 years old. Do you mind if we go to the flower shop on the way home? I was amazed by what happened. Despite the illness, Grandpa did not forget about their anniversary.

When we got back, Grandma was waiting for us. Grandfather gave her a luxurious bouquet of her favorite flowers, the rest of the hotel and said: "Sorry I didn't have time to cook breakfast." Happy anniversary, love! Granny burst into tears.

I believe that my grandfather’s memory can come back and he will recover. I haven't seen my family so happy in a long time. What a pity that at that moment could not stop.

Older people very often face lapses in memory. Unfortunately, the ailments that arise against this background can progress rapidly. But glimmers do happen. They can be provoked by loved ones and sincere feelings, which is proved by today’s trembling story.

Tell me in the comments, what is the essence of a happy marriage? It would be great if you could tell us your story!


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