To the sage Jalaladdin Rumi came an alarmed mother, who asked to persuade her son to give up sweets, the sage gave an unexpected answer.
Famous Sufi sage and poet Jalaladdin Rumi lived in the thirteenth century. People from different countries of Central and South Asia followed his teachings and adopted his spiritual heritage. His poems have been translated into dozens of languages. And he made an integral contribution to the development of not only the literature of that time, but also cultural life in general.
The name of Jalaladdin Rumi appears in many instructive stories, relevant for our time. One of those stories I want to share with you today. We are sure that it will be a worthy food for your thoughts!
To the great Sufi sage and poet Jalaladdin Rumi came a woman with a boy. She said: 'My son eats too much sugar. Please tell him to stop and not do it again. He respects you very much and will certainly obey you.”
Jalaladdin looked closely at the baby and said to the woman, "Please come in three weeks." The woman thought, "How strange why he can't tell a child such a simple thing." But she left and came back three weeks later.
Rumi said again, "Come back in another three weeks." The woman left even more bewildered, but, as was said, returned three weeks later. And then Rumi said, "My boy, listen to my advice: don't eat too much sugar, it's bad for your health."
The boy said, "Teacher, if you say that, I won't do it anymore." The mother asked Rumi, “Master, why didn’t you say this simple thing the first time?”
Rumi replied, “The thing is, I really like sweets myself.” To tell your son to stop eating sugar, I had to get rid of that weakness myself. At first I thought it would take me three weeks, then I realized I was wrong.”
One of the signs of a true master is that he will never teach what he did not go through himself. His words are always his own life. He is one with his realization, his wisdom comes from his own experience, not from books.
An ancient Ch'an saying says, "When a good man preaches a false doctrine, it becomes true." When an evil person preaches a true teaching, it becomes false.”
People who have authority from others should understand that they are responsible for what they say and do. Sometimes it is on them that other people’s decisions or even lives depend. Jalaladdin Rumi is an example of a true teacher. First of all, he is honest with himself and will never allow himself to go against his principles.
We can all be like Rumi. To do this, you need to live according to conscience and be responsible for your actions with your head and heart. Share with others only what they have gone through. Let me give you a very simple example. The father guides his son on the right path, telling about the dangers of addiction. But he himself suffers from them. Will your child follow the instructions?
Nowadays, everything around is ruled by social networks. Very often, well-known bloggers become, as it is commonly called, opinion-makers. They lead people, share advice and recommendations. What do you think they would do in the place of a Sufi sage?
I wonder what emotions this parable caused in you? What thought did you make? Boldly share your thoughts in the comments. And thank you for staying with us!
The name of Jalaladdin Rumi appears in many instructive stories, relevant for our time. One of those stories I want to share with you today. We are sure that it will be a worthy food for your thoughts!
To the great Sufi sage and poet Jalaladdin Rumi came a woman with a boy. She said: 'My son eats too much sugar. Please tell him to stop and not do it again. He respects you very much and will certainly obey you.”
Jalaladdin looked closely at the baby and said to the woman, "Please come in three weeks." The woman thought, "How strange why he can't tell a child such a simple thing." But she left and came back three weeks later.

Rumi said again, "Come back in another three weeks." The woman left even more bewildered, but, as was said, returned three weeks later. And then Rumi said, "My boy, listen to my advice: don't eat too much sugar, it's bad for your health."
The boy said, "Teacher, if you say that, I won't do it anymore." The mother asked Rumi, “Master, why didn’t you say this simple thing the first time?”

Rumi replied, “The thing is, I really like sweets myself.” To tell your son to stop eating sugar, I had to get rid of that weakness myself. At first I thought it would take me three weeks, then I realized I was wrong.”
One of the signs of a true master is that he will never teach what he did not go through himself. His words are always his own life. He is one with his realization, his wisdom comes from his own experience, not from books.
An ancient Ch'an saying says, "When a good man preaches a false doctrine, it becomes true." When an evil person preaches a true teaching, it becomes false.”

People who have authority from others should understand that they are responsible for what they say and do. Sometimes it is on them that other people’s decisions or even lives depend. Jalaladdin Rumi is an example of a true teacher. First of all, he is honest with himself and will never allow himself to go against his principles.

We can all be like Rumi. To do this, you need to live according to conscience and be responsible for your actions with your head and heart. Share with others only what they have gone through. Let me give you a very simple example. The father guides his son on the right path, telling about the dangers of addiction. But he himself suffers from them. Will your child follow the instructions?

Nowadays, everything around is ruled by social networks. Very often, well-known bloggers become, as it is commonly called, opinion-makers. They lead people, share advice and recommendations. What do you think they would do in the place of a Sufi sage?
I wonder what emotions this parable caused in you? What thought did you make? Boldly share your thoughts in the comments. And thank you for staying with us!
Memory increasingly began to fail Grandpa, but on the day of their anniversary with Grandma, he asked to take him to the store.
Pumpkin candies without chemical dirtyness and sugar, in appearance can not be distinguished from factory ones, but I give children with a calm soul.