Pumpkin candies without chemical dirtyness and sugar, in appearance can not be distinguished from factory ones, but I give children with a calm soul.
Healthy sweets without sugar attract more and more people. First of all, this is a good way to eat something tasty without the risk of fattening. In addition, natural snacks contain an impressive amount of vitamins and fiber. Which has a good effect on health and gastrointestinal tract separately. Pumpkin candy is just such a product. Cook fast, eat good.
Especially since it’s pumpkin season. Halloween has already passed, and in stores this melon happiness is worth mere pennies. We offer to put it in business and cook a delicious dish according to our recipe. Moreover, additional ingredients will need nothing.
Pumpkin candy ingredients
Fantasy with this recipe can be endless. Make a nut filling, for example, with almonds. Cigarettes, walnuts or something similar, will also add healthy fats and other trace elements. Sweet tooth and honey will be useful. The original candy is sweet in itself.
Piabay So get the pumpkin out of the fridge and get ready! What could be better than a natural treat that will please children and adults? Especially now that the evenings are getting longer. We hope you like our recipe. And enjoy your meal!

Especially since it’s pumpkin season. Halloween has already passed, and in stores this melon happiness is worth mere pennies. We offer to put it in business and cook a delicious dish according to our recipe. Moreover, additional ingredients will need nothing.
Pumpkin candy ingredients
- 150-180g pumpkin
- 50g dates
- 150g dark chocolate
- 20g cocoa
- 40g coconut shavings
- First of all, you need to cut the right piece from the pumpkin. Naturally, washed. Clean it from the skin and the inside with seeds. Now put in the oven and bake. It will take no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. The piece is small and will be ready quickly. The main thing is to check everything with a toothpick.
- Now we whip a baked pumpkin and dates in a blender. They are sweet and healthy in themselves. We recommend taking those that are not sold in sugar glaze. It'll be more useful.
- Sink chocolate in a water bath. Bitter dark chocolate can also be sugar-free. Not everyone likes it because of its taste. Nothing, mixed with pumpkin and dates, it will reveal for real. A huge amount of cocoa beans in it will make our candy more refined. Put hot chocolate in a blender. We sprinkle cocoa on top. Stir it up.
- Now the future candy needs to cool in the refrigerator. Just a few minutes. Take out, form portioned sweets and drop them in coconut shavings. Delicious, fragrant and insanely useful.
Fantasy with this recipe can be endless. Make a nut filling, for example, with almonds. Cigarettes, walnuts or something similar, will also add healthy fats and other trace elements. Sweet tooth and honey will be useful. The original candy is sweet in itself.

Piabay So get the pumpkin out of the fridge and get ready! What could be better than a natural treat that will please children and adults? Especially now that the evenings are getting longer. We hope you like our recipe. And enjoy your meal!
To the sage Jalaladdin Rumi came an alarmed mother, who asked to persuade her son to give up sweets, the sage gave an unexpected answer.
A Chinese friend shared some culinary quirks, and now I'm doing it.