How to germinate pumpkin seeds

Sprouted pumpkin seeds are a great product. It is best to eat them fresh, just as you have prepared them. You don't need to spend a lot of time. Pumpkin seeds are not sprouts, as we call them "locks". Seeds soaked for an hour and during this time they become living and nutrient storage. Pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial to men.
Instructions for sprouting pumpkin seeds
Take 1 Cup shelled pumpkin seeds and prepare them for germination. In the future, you will decide about the optimum number. It is necessary to consider that the mass of the seedlings will grow about 1.5 times by weight of the dry seed.
Rinse thoroughly. Select all that you think it unnecessary fragments, the husks). You can conduct a deep cleaning, if you think it necessary.
Then put in a jar. Soak in 2-3 cups of cool water. Mix seeds for best contact with water. Leave the pumpkin seeds for 1-4 hours. Then rinse.
Here you can stay and enjoy the amazing taste of nutritious seeds. It seems to us that the most delicious pumpkin seeds immediately after soaking. But depending on your preferences, you can continue to germinate seeds. If you continue, then after soaking drain the water.
Rinse thoroughly and dry. Put a jar of seeds away from direct sunlight at room temperature. 21C, the temperature between washes.
Right now the seeds begin to germinate. The sprouts need good air flow so do not hide them in distant corners of the cabinets. It does not matter if they are exposed to scattered sunlight or electric light.
Rinse thoroughly and carefully dry the grains again in 8-12 hours. You can repeat the procedure
Stop here. There is no point in continuing. Pumpkin seeds will not germinate fully, the embryo of the seed will emerge only in the bulge (arrow). That's why pumpkin seeds belong to the soaked seeds, and the seeds we call these "locks".
We offer you to try your seeds after each wash cycle including the first one), immediately after soaking. This will help you to determine the time of a stop of procedure of germination depending on your taste preferences. The swollen seeds are seeds that woke up and intensified processes of growth, revealed the vital energy. From this point they are ready to eat. In swollen seeds have no locking of enzyme inhibitors, so they are easy to digest and nourish your cells without requiring any resources from your body.
Harvest. After the final rinsing, thoroughly dry the seeds. The objective of the final 8-12 hours minimize the surface moisture of your seeds. Dry to the touch seeds are better stored in the refrigerator and keep the natural taste. But usually pumpkin seeds are eaten immediately and do not require further manipulation.
Store in the refrigerator
Move the seeds into a container or jar with a tight lid and refrigerate. Sprouted pumpkin seeds are best consumed fresh, but they can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
Source: aguros.ru/article_info.php/articles_id/52
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