An example of recovery and an amazing will power
Sixty seven million four hundred forty four thousand seven hundred thirty three
Diary of Basil, the man who found the strength in his nearly 50 years to turn life from head to foot. What he did to himself for two years, given the original diseased condition, a miracle. The story of the life of Basil — a wonderful example of the human will, and the ability to find strength when circumstances squeeze like a vise.
In brief copied below excerpts of a diary.
47 years went unnoticed. He lived as a jet fighter. Worked 18 hours a day and sometimes more. Work and physical, and nervous all rolled into one. First was, as an expert, then put your company and business, like everything turned out, but here's what I encountered as soon as all turned out... the Head and body ached for about 10 years. Forever red eyes, perpetual fatigue, constantly have to revive yourself coffee and cigarettes, sometimes alcohol, height 172 weight 98 kg, is the difficulties with stooping and dressing shoes. To doctors did not go 25 years, all colds and ailments endured on his feet.
And after celebrating 45 years of age I began to cut down literally. Terrible pain in the head, in the ears constant ringing screaming, eyes bulging. Stomach and lower back ache, the food is not digested and does not go out, leg was limp. In the spring of 2000, I had to turn to doctors immediately found a bunch of different germs and filth. Slapped antibiotics and immune drugs which after 15-20 days got worse. He remembered the youth, when in the construction team picked up jaundice and liver stopped working twice went on the Mineralnye Vody (water baths, mud) and it worked.
Went to Zheleznovodsk. Something like drink water, take a bath, dirt, week two and all, as dead poultices. Fall into the hands of the book Malakhov. Bragg, Shelton, Sadilova, Semenova, goguen, starts something in my head to make sense. Even tried (but it was very scary, nervous, stand or no) 1 day hunger strike and an enema (though more 200 gr. not joined in any way, the pain of hell). Came out, some tar, which I was very surprised.
I came home, the use of any treatment, only use that for books I came across. Tried then once a week to starve and diet vegetable you have (of course, not without meat, etc., as without it, I was such not imagine), and this was out of me, Kal buckets black as oil. And I decided immediately on a hunger strike since 10 days, and turned 30. But made 2 errors. First I have smoked and quit, the second trusts the doctor, which seems to have had the experience of cleansing patients, she stabbed me there are all sorts of intravenous saline solutions, like for the deposition of toxins. Takes place after the hunger strike for another 25-30 days, but health itself has not yet felt, though the pain is gone, my head lightened, chromate has disappeared, but the gut and liver as it should did not work, food is not digested, the stool is not formed, abdominal pain has always been, could not establish a diet. Wanted immediately rebuilt, but the body did not want for some reason. Lost weight, but for 3 months again, weight is almost recovered (95-96 kg). Thus passed the year 2000.
Came 2001. Like it became better, but not healthy, intestine and liver do not work, fat as a pig, a rotten mood, vitality not at all, from a jet plane, one tube left. And then I doubles over hands and neck and part of the thoracic. Pain hell. Give narcotic pain meds. To walk virtually unable, somehow lying in bed, painless situation there. The masseuse and the doctor two weeks conjured, confused. MRI showed protrusion 12 and 2 hernias in the neck and verhnegrudnom Department (as I was told, low back pain is a bulging disc up to 1 mm protrusion to 4 mm, the hernia more than 4 mm). The rest of the spine I haven't researched, but I feel there's the same thing. X-rays and ultrasonography showed tumors and tumors in the head, gastrointestinal tract, liver. Manuals conjured 20 days and 30 days physiotherapy have led to what could live without drugs, but apparently the pain is just dulled, but always was. Complete ischemia of the muscles of the back, neck and arms, they, poor things, every hour was twitching PO1 — 1.5 minutes in agony from oxygen starvation. Arm could not lift the razor, saw the floor under a terrible depression. Sobs the cry from 17-00 to 18-00, and the desire to jump from the 7th floor. Ate like a horse, put on weight up to 100 kg.
It took 2 months, I do useless (this should be done not by 1 vertebra, and on all the 33. The doctors said that I will only go for you). Stumbled on the Internet on Bubnovsky — treatment of the movement, learned there, and we in Samara have his supporters, went to their gym, through the scream and an excruciating pain began to do the exercises at first, even with his hands and his feet couldn't move. 3 times a week started doing morning exercises as he could on all fours, and a cold shower. After a month of acute pain passed. Left pain of the situation and stupid. After 3 months began to disappear and pain of the situation, remained stiff and incomplete movements, as well as muscle weakness because of complete atrophy as a result of their anoxia (spasm of the back led to this), and it seems everything is returning to normal, and the mood has improved, and depression began to take place, but it turned out not so simple…
I like to get in the normal rhythm of life, increased load and one day, after a light but prolonged stress (not at the gym, at work) stuck in the chest, such a heart still I didn't know. Pinched so that the pain of hell, in the eyes of the dark, no strength and so 1.5 hours until the ambulance came, something was stabbed, waited and left, but explained nothing. After 3 hours, same thing again, soon, again, stabbed in the ICU for 3 days — extensive penetrating a heart attack. Was in the hospital for 20 days, then in the sanatorium for 21 days. Could barely walk, on 2nd floor, raised 20 minutes. The doctors said that within 4 months for a bypass operation or something there. They say, too early, need to get stronger (or skopytitsya).
And I realized finally that only I will be able to help yourself, no one will help me. Reading hundreds of books a dozen different authors (and still they read and reread, grain find). Start of work on the diet and body cleansing. The walk started from 500 meters and every day added. Leaving the sanatorium, I have in the last days was 35 km (doctors just koseli, I went from 7 to 21 nights, break for lunch, plus an hour to rest), on the 4th floor came in 2 minutes, starving and eating their food. Released from the sanatorium, the winter came, went every day in the cold for 2 hours (I went to work immediately, spat on sick leave for another 4 months), morning charge 1.5 hours, morning and evening cold showers, diet, hunger, constant control of oneself and search the best options in food, hunger and exercise. That was the end of 2001.
Started in 2002, I continued to work on yourself. Refused VTK (that is, from the registration of disability). Got up on skis during the famine, had not the strength nor the hands nor the back, nor legs, was barely moving. Grandmother, 60 years old passed me on the track, going at a speed of 2 km per hour (harder than walking). Weight was improved diet. Went to the gym (where the entire administration got scared, ran after me, did not admit to the shells used after each approach had been taken nitroglycerin). The snow melted, he began to walk again at 25 km on Sunday on day 2 of starvation.
Improving diet. Every morning charging 1 hour, 2 showers cold. 2 times to the gym for 3 hours and Sunday load up on the fresh air. In March I bought a bike and started on Sundays to ride for 50 miles (already at day 3 of starvation). And in April I bought a kayak and went with a partner on may 1 to may 5 in the water campaign. Continued to improve the diet and your cooking skills. Bald my first, stop peeling, and then a nice skin, then cannons, then the bloom turned black and became hard, and then there was still fluff, ie bald spot on 10% now densely overgrown (and my bald head is 70% of the head). Toenails that that year darkened, clouded and partially fell off, began to grow new pink, transparent and flexible, I forgot what a bad mood and fatigue, wounds (cuts during cooking) have become overgrown with wild speed, something that in the past (3-5 years ago) is healing in 2-3 weeks, and with pain now heal for 2 days.
Continued to do all again in June on a kayak for 5 days one trip and leaving for hay, mowed twice in two days, every time it's on the 3rd and 4th day of starvation. Endurance became wild, healthy, well-fed guys not kept pace, especially in the heat, and more relaxed, giving me the ability to edit their health.
Results over 2 years of work gave great results:
Doctors barely sought out the scar and reported that he was surprisingly thin and flexible, and works together with the cardiac muscle. Bear the load 50дж, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and ischemia was found only at a heart rate of 140 and a pressure of 180 (winter pulse rate was 90 I was not available). As the doctors said, not everyone is healthy withstand this load.
Joints started to ache long ago. I just didn't understand. I'm talking about the big joints. It the knees, hip and shoulders. What worked badly and the small joints, fingers, elbows, stop — it was also, but it doesn't hurt much. Knees creaked constantly, the mobility was 30-40 % of the total range of motion. With increasing loads (jump, something to take on the shoulders and be) sick. Hip — hung and beat like a worn out piece of iron, and after a small load was greatly inflamed, and was sick for weeks, even preventing sleep, especially if you sit in the car on the track, even 10 hours, joints ached 3 days and 1 day and night very serious. And the shoulder-joints were knocking, and not holding the load, to pick something up ( not quite heavy to hold the weight of 5-8 kg) have already caused pain.
At the moment, my knees do not creak, categorie did not hang out, and not sick and suffering any load, ie I'm not afraid to load to the max (stop — muscle strength). Shoulders. Right shoulder is still a little weaker than the left in terms of exposure loads, although the load is already very high, mobility and flexibility and stretching of all joints was better than it was at age 20 ( though 20 years I specifically mobility and flexibility is not engaged). Fingers bend in any direction and not crack, feet also suffer the burden, jump, run, jump and don't have restrictions in mobility. Limitation is only coordination, now we have to train the nervous system to control body dynamics. A very long time (30 years) was not engaged (games, movement), and nervous system simply has not yet learned to control the body — we need a new way to learn all this.
Light. There was elevated intraocular pressure, always flushed, also the whites are bloodshot, tired, watery. Accurate work could not do, out of focus, even loupe watchmaker did not help, very quickly tired eyes, and there was a small range in distance, when it was abruptly.
Read the book with difficulty. Constantly picking up the angle of view and distance. I.e., eyes, patients and even hyperopia age, needed glasses, but never bought.
Now, not sick, not watery, the whites white, not tired, reading glasses don't need exact work can do ( albeit with a magnifying glass watchmaker), hyperopia are present, but much less than it was.
Do without glasses. Magnifying glass (glasses) is useful when studying the text on the packaging of products when a small package and a lot of text (composition) super small font, and even blue letters on the blue background. I think it would be even better if I was doing eyes specifically (charging, sun, etc), but was not engaged, apparently I have enough of that (like a jeweler's work is not engaged).
Yeah! Eyes of grey pale steel blue again !!!
Skin, hair, nails. Was: the skin is flabby, wrinkled, inflamed places, look a little nice. The nails are dry, hard, brittle, on the feet, generally two large nail fell off and grew grey, clouded and not strigosa (burst, break). The hair limp, soft, on his head a large bald spot.
Was the skin smooth, taut, even on my chin was much better, clean, free of redness and inflammation, wrinkles murdered and smoothed, interestingly, even on the eyes and the ears (smile)
Nails thin, transparent, flexible, easily cut and quickly growing (beautiful) and on the legs too (I grew up a new good).
Hair is hard, strong, bald head was covered with fuzz, and then there was sparse hair, at the moment 80% of the bald head covered with fuzz and 30 % of them have stiff hair.
Examination at the time of the disease showed the presence of tumors in the liver, pancreas, the head and also on the back, on the spine, under the shoulder blades was a lipoma the size of a pack of cigarettes. So here it is now about the size of half a pack of chewing gum "Orbit". Other entities are not yet interested.
Heart, blood vessels. Was: shortness of breath, burning sensation in the chest, high pulse (90), high blood pressure (140-150 90-110 on), and then a massive heart attack. Could not walk, could not rise to the 1st floor (only 10 minutes). My heart hurts constantly, not controlled by fear. When asleep, woke up 5 times and drank the nitroglycerin I was prescribed 5 medicines to drink the rest of my life, and apart from them I always used the nitroglycerin of attacks (per day to 6-8 times).
Now the last time meds 2. 5 years ago, nitroglycerin heart attack 2 years ago. Heart is not sick, not tired, quietly train at a heart rate 130-135 bumps, only when the pulse 155-165 beats more than 2 minutes there is a slight burning sensation in the chest, but can tolerate it and prolong training, while the pulse 125-130 can work up to 3-4 hours without a break. Heart rate at rest 56-60, pressure 110-120 60-75, on the floors running, winter skiing safely run 30 miles in 3 hours 10 minutes, bike in the summer to 70 km on asphalt roads in 2 hours and 20 minutes on the treadmill 15 km in a ragged pace for 1 hour and 40 minutes. And all this on the 2nd or 3rd day of hunger.
It's amazing how improved blood flow to skin and extremities. Now don't get cold in winter and hot in summer. I am surprised myself.
So in conclusion, photos of Basil two years of life given in the diary.
Twenty two million four hundred fifty six thousand four hundred fifty five
Hard to imagine how changed the attitude to life of this man after the second birth. I think these people have a lot to learn for all of us.
Source: truehealth.ru/pro-vasiliya-primer-ozdorovleniya-i-voli-dostojnyj-voshishheniya/
Diary of Basil, the man who found the strength in his nearly 50 years to turn life from head to foot. What he did to himself for two years, given the original diseased condition, a miracle. The story of the life of Basil — a wonderful example of the human will, and the ability to find strength when circumstances squeeze like a vise.
In brief copied below excerpts of a diary.
47 years went unnoticed. He lived as a jet fighter. Worked 18 hours a day and sometimes more. Work and physical, and nervous all rolled into one. First was, as an expert, then put your company and business, like everything turned out, but here's what I encountered as soon as all turned out... the Head and body ached for about 10 years. Forever red eyes, perpetual fatigue, constantly have to revive yourself coffee and cigarettes, sometimes alcohol, height 172 weight 98 kg, is the difficulties with stooping and dressing shoes. To doctors did not go 25 years, all colds and ailments endured on his feet.
And after celebrating 45 years of age I began to cut down literally. Terrible pain in the head, in the ears constant ringing screaming, eyes bulging. Stomach and lower back ache, the food is not digested and does not go out, leg was limp. In the spring of 2000, I had to turn to doctors immediately found a bunch of different germs and filth. Slapped antibiotics and immune drugs which after 15-20 days got worse. He remembered the youth, when in the construction team picked up jaundice and liver stopped working twice went on the Mineralnye Vody (water baths, mud) and it worked.
Went to Zheleznovodsk. Something like drink water, take a bath, dirt, week two and all, as dead poultices. Fall into the hands of the book Malakhov. Bragg, Shelton, Sadilova, Semenova, goguen, starts something in my head to make sense. Even tried (but it was very scary, nervous, stand or no) 1 day hunger strike and an enema (though more 200 gr. not joined in any way, the pain of hell). Came out, some tar, which I was very surprised.
I came home, the use of any treatment, only use that for books I came across. Tried then once a week to starve and diet vegetable you have (of course, not without meat, etc., as without it, I was such not imagine), and this was out of me, Kal buckets black as oil. And I decided immediately on a hunger strike since 10 days, and turned 30. But made 2 errors. First I have smoked and quit, the second trusts the doctor, which seems to have had the experience of cleansing patients, she stabbed me there are all sorts of intravenous saline solutions, like for the deposition of toxins. Takes place after the hunger strike for another 25-30 days, but health itself has not yet felt, though the pain is gone, my head lightened, chromate has disappeared, but the gut and liver as it should did not work, food is not digested, the stool is not formed, abdominal pain has always been, could not establish a diet. Wanted immediately rebuilt, but the body did not want for some reason. Lost weight, but for 3 months again, weight is almost recovered (95-96 kg). Thus passed the year 2000.
Came 2001. Like it became better, but not healthy, intestine and liver do not work, fat as a pig, a rotten mood, vitality not at all, from a jet plane, one tube left. And then I doubles over hands and neck and part of the thoracic. Pain hell. Give narcotic pain meds. To walk virtually unable, somehow lying in bed, painless situation there. The masseuse and the doctor two weeks conjured, confused. MRI showed protrusion 12 and 2 hernias in the neck and verhnegrudnom Department (as I was told, low back pain is a bulging disc up to 1 mm protrusion to 4 mm, the hernia more than 4 mm). The rest of the spine I haven't researched, but I feel there's the same thing. X-rays and ultrasonography showed tumors and tumors in the head, gastrointestinal tract, liver. Manuals conjured 20 days and 30 days physiotherapy have led to what could live without drugs, but apparently the pain is just dulled, but always was. Complete ischemia of the muscles of the back, neck and arms, they, poor things, every hour was twitching PO1 — 1.5 minutes in agony from oxygen starvation. Arm could not lift the razor, saw the floor under a terrible depression. Sobs the cry from 17-00 to 18-00, and the desire to jump from the 7th floor. Ate like a horse, put on weight up to 100 kg.
It took 2 months, I do useless (this should be done not by 1 vertebra, and on all the 33. The doctors said that I will only go for you). Stumbled on the Internet on Bubnovsky — treatment of the movement, learned there, and we in Samara have his supporters, went to their gym, through the scream and an excruciating pain began to do the exercises at first, even with his hands and his feet couldn't move. 3 times a week started doing morning exercises as he could on all fours, and a cold shower. After a month of acute pain passed. Left pain of the situation and stupid. After 3 months began to disappear and pain of the situation, remained stiff and incomplete movements, as well as muscle weakness because of complete atrophy as a result of their anoxia (spasm of the back led to this), and it seems everything is returning to normal, and the mood has improved, and depression began to take place, but it turned out not so simple…
I like to get in the normal rhythm of life, increased load and one day, after a light but prolonged stress (not at the gym, at work) stuck in the chest, such a heart still I didn't know. Pinched so that the pain of hell, in the eyes of the dark, no strength and so 1.5 hours until the ambulance came, something was stabbed, waited and left, but explained nothing. After 3 hours, same thing again, soon, again, stabbed in the ICU for 3 days — extensive penetrating a heart attack. Was in the hospital for 20 days, then in the sanatorium for 21 days. Could barely walk, on 2nd floor, raised 20 minutes. The doctors said that within 4 months for a bypass operation or something there. They say, too early, need to get stronger (or skopytitsya).
And I realized finally that only I will be able to help yourself, no one will help me. Reading hundreds of books a dozen different authors (and still they read and reread, grain find). Start of work on the diet and body cleansing. The walk started from 500 meters and every day added. Leaving the sanatorium, I have in the last days was 35 km (doctors just koseli, I went from 7 to 21 nights, break for lunch, plus an hour to rest), on the 4th floor came in 2 minutes, starving and eating their food. Released from the sanatorium, the winter came, went every day in the cold for 2 hours (I went to work immediately, spat on sick leave for another 4 months), morning charge 1.5 hours, morning and evening cold showers, diet, hunger, constant control of oneself and search the best options in food, hunger and exercise. That was the end of 2001.
Started in 2002, I continued to work on yourself. Refused VTK (that is, from the registration of disability). Got up on skis during the famine, had not the strength nor the hands nor the back, nor legs, was barely moving. Grandmother, 60 years old passed me on the track, going at a speed of 2 km per hour (harder than walking). Weight was improved diet. Went to the gym (where the entire administration got scared, ran after me, did not admit to the shells used after each approach had been taken nitroglycerin). The snow melted, he began to walk again at 25 km on Sunday on day 2 of starvation.
Improving diet. Every morning charging 1 hour, 2 showers cold. 2 times to the gym for 3 hours and Sunday load up on the fresh air. In March I bought a bike and started on Sundays to ride for 50 miles (already at day 3 of starvation). And in April I bought a kayak and went with a partner on may 1 to may 5 in the water campaign. Continued to improve the diet and your cooking skills. Bald my first, stop peeling, and then a nice skin, then cannons, then the bloom turned black and became hard, and then there was still fluff, ie bald spot on 10% now densely overgrown (and my bald head is 70% of the head). Toenails that that year darkened, clouded and partially fell off, began to grow new pink, transparent and flexible, I forgot what a bad mood and fatigue, wounds (cuts during cooking) have become overgrown with wild speed, something that in the past (3-5 years ago) is healing in 2-3 weeks, and with pain now heal for 2 days.
Continued to do all again in June on a kayak for 5 days one trip and leaving for hay, mowed twice in two days, every time it's on the 3rd and 4th day of starvation. Endurance became wild, healthy, well-fed guys not kept pace, especially in the heat, and more relaxed, giving me the ability to edit their health.
Results over 2 years of work gave great results:
Doctors barely sought out the scar and reported that he was surprisingly thin and flexible, and works together with the cardiac muscle. Bear the load 50дж, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and ischemia was found only at a heart rate of 140 and a pressure of 180 (winter pulse rate was 90 I was not available). As the doctors said, not everyone is healthy withstand this load.
Joints started to ache long ago. I just didn't understand. I'm talking about the big joints. It the knees, hip and shoulders. What worked badly and the small joints, fingers, elbows, stop — it was also, but it doesn't hurt much. Knees creaked constantly, the mobility was 30-40 % of the total range of motion. With increasing loads (jump, something to take on the shoulders and be) sick. Hip — hung and beat like a worn out piece of iron, and after a small load was greatly inflamed, and was sick for weeks, even preventing sleep, especially if you sit in the car on the track, even 10 hours, joints ached 3 days and 1 day and night very serious. And the shoulder-joints were knocking, and not holding the load, to pick something up ( not quite heavy to hold the weight of 5-8 kg) have already caused pain.
At the moment, my knees do not creak, categorie did not hang out, and not sick and suffering any load, ie I'm not afraid to load to the max (stop — muscle strength). Shoulders. Right shoulder is still a little weaker than the left in terms of exposure loads, although the load is already very high, mobility and flexibility and stretching of all joints was better than it was at age 20 ( though 20 years I specifically mobility and flexibility is not engaged). Fingers bend in any direction and not crack, feet also suffer the burden, jump, run, jump and don't have restrictions in mobility. Limitation is only coordination, now we have to train the nervous system to control body dynamics. A very long time (30 years) was not engaged (games, movement), and nervous system simply has not yet learned to control the body — we need a new way to learn all this.
Light. There was elevated intraocular pressure, always flushed, also the whites are bloodshot, tired, watery. Accurate work could not do, out of focus, even loupe watchmaker did not help, very quickly tired eyes, and there was a small range in distance, when it was abruptly.
Read the book with difficulty. Constantly picking up the angle of view and distance. I.e., eyes, patients and even hyperopia age, needed glasses, but never bought.
Now, not sick, not watery, the whites white, not tired, reading glasses don't need exact work can do ( albeit with a magnifying glass watchmaker), hyperopia are present, but much less than it was.
Do without glasses. Magnifying glass (glasses) is useful when studying the text on the packaging of products when a small package and a lot of text (composition) super small font, and even blue letters on the blue background. I think it would be even better if I was doing eyes specifically (charging, sun, etc), but was not engaged, apparently I have enough of that (like a jeweler's work is not engaged).
Yeah! Eyes of grey pale steel blue again !!!
Skin, hair, nails. Was: the skin is flabby, wrinkled, inflamed places, look a little nice. The nails are dry, hard, brittle, on the feet, generally two large nail fell off and grew grey, clouded and not strigosa (burst, break). The hair limp, soft, on his head a large bald spot.
Was the skin smooth, taut, even on my chin was much better, clean, free of redness and inflammation, wrinkles murdered and smoothed, interestingly, even on the eyes and the ears (smile)
Nails thin, transparent, flexible, easily cut and quickly growing (beautiful) and on the legs too (I grew up a new good).
Hair is hard, strong, bald head was covered with fuzz, and then there was sparse hair, at the moment 80% of the bald head covered with fuzz and 30 % of them have stiff hair.
Examination at the time of the disease showed the presence of tumors in the liver, pancreas, the head and also on the back, on the spine, under the shoulder blades was a lipoma the size of a pack of cigarettes. So here it is now about the size of half a pack of chewing gum "Orbit". Other entities are not yet interested.
Heart, blood vessels. Was: shortness of breath, burning sensation in the chest, high pulse (90), high blood pressure (140-150 90-110 on), and then a massive heart attack. Could not walk, could not rise to the 1st floor (only 10 minutes). My heart hurts constantly, not controlled by fear. When asleep, woke up 5 times and drank the nitroglycerin I was prescribed 5 medicines to drink the rest of my life, and apart from them I always used the nitroglycerin of attacks (per day to 6-8 times).
Now the last time meds 2. 5 years ago, nitroglycerin heart attack 2 years ago. Heart is not sick, not tired, quietly train at a heart rate 130-135 bumps, only when the pulse 155-165 beats more than 2 minutes there is a slight burning sensation in the chest, but can tolerate it and prolong training, while the pulse 125-130 can work up to 3-4 hours without a break. Heart rate at rest 56-60, pressure 110-120 60-75, on the floors running, winter skiing safely run 30 miles in 3 hours 10 minutes, bike in the summer to 70 km on asphalt roads in 2 hours and 20 minutes on the treadmill 15 km in a ragged pace for 1 hour and 40 minutes. And all this on the 2nd or 3rd day of hunger.
It's amazing how improved blood flow to skin and extremities. Now don't get cold in winter and hot in summer. I am surprised myself.
So in conclusion, photos of Basil two years of life given in the diary.
Twenty two million four hundred fifty six thousand four hundred fifty five
Hard to imagine how changed the attitude to life of this man after the second birth. I think these people have a lot to learn for all of us.
Source: truehealth.ru/pro-vasiliya-primer-ozdorovleniya-i-voli-dostojnyj-voshishheniya/