Flowering cover plants — perfect for a shady garden

A low-growing plant useful to plant in shady places, on slopes and rocky soil where grass is difficult to grow and care for her. To flowering cover plants are all odeleye low-growing, perennial, twining shrub, which grow and are covered by variegated flowers. Before choosing cover plants from many available varieties, will rate your needs and growing conditions.

Look at the area you intend planting the cover plants, and note how much sunlight it gets. Check the drain and slide a soil analysis to find out what is the soil acid or alkaline it is, fertile or depleted.

Stations are considered lightly shaded if the sun shines at least six hours a day or penetrates to the site through the trees. The structure and many evergreen trees cast a deep shadow. To enliven shady areas, select thenewlayout cover plants with light colors. Flowering bulbs are among the cover plants give the site a special flavor.
Under trees and shrubs plant cover plants such as periwinkle, which grows well in the shade.

On the slopes the soil is often dry. For such slopes, choose drought-resistant plants — for example, the noble chamomile (Roman or Italian chamomile), which tolerates direct sunlight.

For lowlands with poor drainage are preferable to plants such as airny root, which is useful moisture.

Start by making a list of plants that meet Your needs. Visit the garden center, a Conservatory, ask the advice of a competent seller. Considering the possible options, take into account the endurance, the color of the buds, the foliage, the height, speed of growth, the aggressiveness of the plants. Ask about what care needs a particular plant, how often need to water and prune it, if it needs protection in winter, and protection from diseases and pests.
Source: modern-garden.ru/tsvetushhie-pokrovnyie-rasteniya/