List of wedding anniversaries

The wedding anniversary is a great occasion to refresh relations, gather friends and relatives, spend time in a warm family circle. It's no secret that everyone wedding It has a special name that has come down to us from old times. The name of the wedding determines the symbolic gift that should be given to the spouses-anniversaries.

"Site" It will tell you why each wedding anniversary is called special and what to give on this anniversary. Here we go!

Wedding anniversaries
  1. 5 years - wooden wedding
    The first jubilee - a wooden wedding. Wood symbolizes the strength of the union, it is a warm and cozy material. Planting a tree is a good sign on this holiday. It will certainly grow invulnerable and strong, as will the marital union. If you have not celebrated previous wedding dates, then a wooden wedding should definitely be celebrated by inviting friends and family. Well, there is no need to guess with a gift! Wooden dishes or furniture will be the most appropriate present for the 5th anniversary of the wedding.

  2. 10 years - pink or tin wedding
    A tin wedding is a decade of living in a strong union. Tin is flexible and malleable, as is the union of a young family. This beautiful anniversary is filled with the aroma of fragrant flowers. On this wonderful day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet of 10 scarlet and 1 white rose, which symbolizes the bright future of the family.

  3. 15 years - glass wedding
    This holiday is the personification of strong, clean, time-tested relationships. On such a serious anniversary, the spouses are supposed to give valuable gifts with taste: watches, crystal, dishes, souvenirs. Husband and wife swap crystal glassesAnd the feast continues until someone deliberately breaks a glass or plate.

  4. 20 years - porcelain wedding
    After 20 years of marriage, the union of two people is as beautiful and harmonious as the most exquisite Chinese porcelain. An appropriate gift on this significant day is porcelain, of course. A beautiful tea set will be a real decoration of the festive table, because on this day it is supposed to get rid of old and broken dishes, accepting new products as a gift.

  5. 25 Years - Silver Wedding
    A quarter of a century spent together is a real jewel. No wonder the 25th anniversary of the wedding is called silver. Gifts on this bright holiday should also be of silver. Such an anniversary should be celebrated with friends and relatives, taking into account some special traditions: on this day, the spouses need to celebrate. silver-ring Wear them throughout the anniversary year with weddings.

  6. 30 years - a pearl wedding
    Pearls are a symbol of impeccable family relationships, a symbol of love, purity and fertility. The best gift on this holiday is undoubtedly pearls. On this day, the husband is obliged to give his wife a pearl necklace as a symbol of tears shed over the years of marriage.

  7. 35 years – a canvas or coral wedding
    The symbolic attribute of the holiday is a linen tablecloth, which personifies peace and prosperity family. This anniversary is the holiday of his wife, who managed to keep the warmth of the family hearth for all 35 years. On this bright day, spouses are supposed to give bed linen, linen tablecloths, napkins, as well as jewelry from red corals.

  8. 40 years - ruby wedding
    Ruby is a symbol of fiery love and passion. 40 years of marriage transformed into a hot feeling that will never fade away. On this day, the closeness of the spouses became blood, because the color of the ruby is bloody. A great gift from a loving husband will be a ring with a ruby lover. The best gift from friends and relatives will be a jewelry with a ruby or a gift basket of pomegranates and oranges.

  9. 50 Years - Golden Wedding
    It seems that few manage to live to such a significant date, because the celebration is always lush and generous. The symbol of this honorable date is
    Gold represents everything that has been built over years of hard work. People who have lived together for half a century are a real example of sincere love, mutual understanding and trust. The most important gift on this day are wedding rings in exchange for those that were worn on the ring fingers of the couple 50 years ago. And remarriage at such a venerable age will be a real highlight of the holiday and will certainly leave warm memories.

  10. 60 Years of Diamond Wedding
    Diamond is the hardest of the existing gemstones. It is a symbol of a strong and stable family union, which is not afraid of any adversity. Like a diamond, such a long union between two people is incredibly valuable and rare. The main gift on this day are precious stones, and where without a lot of fragrant flowers of all shades of the rainbow!

  11. 70 years - graceful, or platinum wedding
    A happy wedding is a rare phenomenon. 70 years of marriage! On this day, the best gift for elderly spouses will be time spent with children and grandchildren. At such moments you look back and realize that such a long love was sent by heaven itself.

  12. 80 years old - oak wedding
    The Oak Wedding is an 80-year-old union! Oak is a symbol of longevity and wisdom. The family life of a couple who have lived together for so many years is as strong as oak branches and as immortal as an oak tree.

  13. 90 years - granite wedding
    To walk a granite wedding, spouses need to have a hell of a good health, because this holiday is celebrated 90 years after the wedding! Granite. solidifier and longevity, it is not subject to elements or time. Such an anniversary is extremely rare and is found among centenarians who have crossed the 100-year mark.

  14. 100 years is a red wedding
    The wedding anniversary has never been more honorable! Unfortunately, to date, only one case of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the wedding is known. Long-lived spouses They are the real lucky ones from Azerbaijan. At the time of the celebration, Niftullah Aghayev was 126, and his wife Balabei was 116 years old. It is hard to imagine, but they have lived together for a century!

After reading this, I want to believe that true love exists. And the names of wedding anniversaries speak for themselves - now you definitely will not lose with the choice of a cherished gift! The main thing to remember: nothing replaces love, support and strong family ties.

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