Best month to get married

Why do some people get married and live happily ever after, while others leave after a year? Our ancestors believed that marriages were made in heaven. Therefore, it is not surprising that an unfavorable date of marriage in most cases leads to divorce.

There are a lot of folk signs and beliefs that say when to get married (marry), and when it is not worth it. Whether to listen to the age-old wedding wisdom or not, each couple decides for themselves. And we will tell you what every month of the year brings the newlyweds.

Best month to get married
  1. February
    According to folk legends, February is one of the best months for a wedding. It is believed that how strong the frost will be on the wedding day – so the newlyweds will love each other strongly and firmly.

    Even in ancient chronicles, February is called the wedding month, and the weeks from Epiphany to Maslenitsa are called the wedding month. A particularly prosperous period for the wedding in February is considered to be Maslenitsa itself. The belief says that those who have married on Maslenitsa will spend their whole lives “rolling in oil”.

    The least favorable day for marriage is considered, oddly enough, Valentine’s Day. For the Orthodox, this is the eve of the Meeting of the Lord and it is not allowed to sit down at the festive table instead of prayer.

  2. April
    The second spring month promises a very bright and boring, like a roller coaster, family life! Those couples who get married in April may be hampered by an aura of impermanence. The weather in April is often volatile and unpredictable. So can your marriage.

    To avoid the negative impact of April, it is worth paying a lot of attention to feelings. Do not let them fade away in order to preserve love for life. It is recommended to spend weekends together in a romantic setting.

  3. June
    June, as we know from ancient times, promises prosperity. Even those couples who initially have problems in their relationship become happy over the years.

    From married couples who got married in June, it is common to hear that over the years their feelings only grow stronger and they cannot imagine their lives without each other.

  4. Augustus
    August brings brides and grooms great and strong love. In this relationship will be strong memories of the first meeting. In such relationships, it is recommended to keep as many family albums with photos as possible so that every time a winter evening is sad, you can get "memories" from the shelf and draw a lot of positives from them.
  5. September
    Most weddings in the old days played this month, because the harvest was harvested, the fieldwork was completed and it was possible with a clear conscience to walk, celebrate and relax.

    Wedding in September promises the marriage peace, stability and reliability. Whether the velvet weather, or the gentle sun, or the very aura of the first month of autumn turn the wedding into a holiday with a cozy and romantic atmosphere, with a shade of warmth of a real family hearth.

    In addition, there will be plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits on the wedding table, as it is in September that most of the autumn harvest is harvested. Among the downsides of the September wedding is weather variability. It may rain in the morning and the sun is clear at lunchtime.

  6. October.
    Wedding in October promises riches, but these benefits are obtained in diligence and labor. The newlyweds, who connected their lives in October, should remember that only care for each other and the desire to help the loved one in everything will help make the marriage strong and reliable.
  7. November
    From the point of view of religious customs, November is one of the most successful months for marriage. Traditionally, in Russia, the wedding hype began after Pokrov, on October 14, and almost until the end of November, festivities were noisy in the villages. Many Christian holidays are not an obstacle to a wedding. The exception is the days from November 28, when the Christmas fast begins and it is strictly forbidden to get married in church.

  8. December
    Wedding in December It brings a lot of good things to newlyweds. The December marriage will be long and happy. The love of such a couple will become stronger over the years, and adversity will bypass the spouses.

    December also brings many children to the newlyweds. Therefore, women who want a large family are advised to plan their marriage for December.

Which month is better not to have a wedding?
  1. January
    A marriage concluded in January can bring one of the spouses unexpected widowhood. Therefore, couples in January need to be very attentive to each other. Do not quarrel, reduce conflict situations to a minimum. Be careful and monitor your health.

  2. march
    This month promises couples frequent and long separations. To avoid the negative impact of this month, couples should reconsider their lives and try to do everything together. It is even better to work at one job so that there are no unexpected business trips. Either one of the spouses should dedicate himself to the house, to accompany the other always and everywhere, if his work is connected with moving.

  3. May
    The most unfavorable month for a wedding from time immemorial is May: “Whoever marries in May, he will be forever lurking.” Almost no one knows what this sign is about. Perhaps the fact is that May is the month of the most important agricultural works, to break away from them for festivities was considered unacceptable.

    Besides planting, the ancient Slavs had another reason not to play weddings in May. In the middle of the month, on the 11th, the Slavs celebrated the day of remembrance of their ancestors (Vernie Grandfathers) - the rite of resurrection and veneration of the dead. Obviously, it wasn't before the festivities.

    In numerology, five is responsible for May. This is the number of wanderings and independent decisions aimed only at their own well-being, that is, a marriage concluded in May will not be harmonious in numerological terms.

    Modern young couples do not believe in signs, but we still have the lowest number of marriages in May, while, for example, in the United States in May – the wedding boom. Weddings are popular in May and in many European countries.

  4. July
    A marriage concluded in July can bring equal amounts of happiness and adversity. We can say that this month is a golden mean. July opens the second half of the year. It's kind of in the middle. This is why the newlyweds have this energy.

Signs are important, but lucky choice of date It does not guarantee a strong marriage. The formula of happy family life is mutual love and harmony in the intellectual, spiritual and sexual spheres.

Only in this case, we can say for sure that the marriage will be successful, no matter what month it was concluded.

Of course, people can’t promise to love someone 10 or 20 years from now, but they can do their best to make their partner’s life unique. If you plan to tie the knot soon, ask your chosen one or chosen one these 15 questions.

What to do if the relationship has reached a dead end or cracks at the seams? How can marriage be preserved? Not everything is as difficult as it seems at first glance. Read these rules and see what you are doing wrong.


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