How to use contact lenses

Contact lenses are a real find for people experiencing vision problems! The advantages of this medical invention are obvious: lenses are barely noticeable, they are extremely convenient to wear, but most importantly - they are an excellent alternative to bulky glasses, do not fog, provide excellent visibility regardless of the weather and help get rid of annoying distortions that give annoying glasses.

In short, to find shortcomings in modern models of lenses is almost impossible, but they, unfortunately, there are.


Keratitis, corneal ulcer and dry eye syndrome are just a few diseases that ophthalmologists forget to warn about before prescribing the patient lenses. "Site" He will tell you how harmful it is. eye-lens And how mercilessly they impair the sight of those who wear them day in and day out. These 8 facts will convince you to get rid of lenses and put on glasses!

Whether to wear lenses
  1. Continuous contact
    From the very first day the doctor prescribed you contact lenses, until today, your fingers are constantly cracking around your eyelids, right? At first you stubbornly, through pain and tears, learned to wear and remove miniature optical products, now you are a hostage to the daily procedure of washing the eyes and disinfecting the lenses. Contact lenses create a tremendous load on the organ of vision, significantly limit the access of oxygen to the retina, and daily contact sometimes not quite clean hands with the eyeballs is the key to serious infectious diseases.


  2. Feeling uncomfortable
    Even the most expensive and carefully selected lenses are a foreign body that somehow causes discomfort. Redness, itching, burning, pain in the eyes - all these are unpleasant consequences of everyday wearing contact lenses. If the optical products are not damaged, well cleaned, you carefully observe the mode of wearing, but still experience discomfort, immediately seek help from an ophthalmologist!


  3. Non-compliance
    Some manage not to remove daytime lenses, even at night! Of course, this problem is purely personal and depends on your attentiveness or, conversely, its absence. But the fact is that contact-lensing It requires discipline and adherence to a certain regime – this is an axiom.

  4. Increased infection rate
    Contact lenses several times increase the risk of getting an infectious eye disease. So, the constant touch of the fingers, improper cleaning of the lenses or wearing them for too long lead to the fact that the eyes get a variety of microorganisms that contribute to the imbalance of microflora. The complex interaction of bacteria and other microorganisms can literally destroy the health of your eyes, provoke erosion of the cornea, ulcers and infections that lead to blindness.

  5. Uncertainty about tomorrow
    Getting a tiny grain of sand or eyelashes under the lens - and hello, unbearable pain! And anywhere: on a date, on public transport, in the gym, in short, in those places where it is impossible to remove the lenses, disinfect them, wash your eyes and insert the lenses back. You can wake up in the morning and in a hurry not be able to put on contact lenses, you can stay with friends in a restaurant and forget to take them off, in the end they will dry to your eyes, and in the morning you will hardly peel them off. Most manufacturers claim that contact lenses can sleep without harm, and some products can not be removed for months, but those who wear them not the first year, on their own skin felt that this is not so.

  6. You're a lifelong consumer!
    Moisturizing eye drops, no less moisturizing drops for lenses, storage solution, another bottle with disinfection solution, and do not forget about the new container ... Congratulations, you are now forever immersed in the world of ophthalmology. And if you buy glasses for a long time, then you must change contact lenses regularly, and they cost much more than a pair of high-quality glass lenses in a good frame or laser vision correction.

  7. Dry eye syndrome
    This is one of the most common reasons for visiting an ophthalmologist and the most common consequence of the negative effects of contact lenses on the organ of vision. The loss or decrease in the ability to produce natural tears is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms: redness, irritation, burning and stabbing pain. And although manufacturers of contact lenses unanimously say that in optical products you can work at the computer, swim and literally turn mountains, in fact dry eye syndrome most often occurs in those patients who for a long time peer into the monitor through contact lenses.

    To work at the computer, experienced patients recommend wearing glasses. But, if you wear only lenses and not a step to the side, be sure to use contact lenses with higher moisturizing characteristics and do not forget to use moisturizing eye drops regularly.


  8. Colored contact lenses
    Colored lenses are a great way to add pepper to the image, and therefore this ophthalmic device is abused not only by patients who do not see well, but also by those who are bored with the color of their own eyes. However, due to the presence of dye, such lenses do not transmit oxygen well, and therefore they should be worn for no more than 5 hours in a row. In addition, the diameter of the pupil in some cases may exceed the diameter of the central unstained zone of the lens, leading to blurred images.

    Choosing color contact lenses, you should pass by too cheap options and give preference to better lenses made of biocompatible materials with harmless dyes.


In general, with proper selection, care, compliance with the regime of wearing, as well as a timely visit to the ophthalmologist, the use of contact lenses should not harm health. Any of the ways to correct vision will not adversely affect the health of your eyes, if you do not put a hand in it and create the appropriate adverse conditions.

We wish you good health and clear vision! And if you find our article useful, be sure to share it with your friends.


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