Since fifth grade, I have been wearing eye contact lenses, sharing my observations about what not to do.
Recently I have been thinking more and more about moving to eye-lens. First of all, I am very tired of fiddling with constantly fogging glasses in the autumn-winter period. And secondly, I have been suffering for several years when it is very sunny outside. Photochromic lenses that darken in the sun, I don't like. So why not try something new?
GettyImages I'm sure I'm not the only one who's tired of wearing protective mask glasses, but I'm not the only one who's tired of wearing them. If so, Thinking about buying lensesYou need to know a few important things. We'll talk about them today.
I know that many people refuse lenses because they have heard about their harm. They are afraid to walk with something foreign in their eyes. However, the brave ones confidently declare that The lenses divided their lives into “before” and “after”..
Just before you buy eye contact lenses, you need to know the answers to all your questions. After all, around this means for vision are concentrated a lot of myths. Nor have normal security measures been cancelled. Forewarned means armed!
Will the lenses interfere? Your task number 1 is get the right lenses. They will be fixed on the cornea and generally not felt on the eye. The lens is held on the convex part of the eyeball due to external tension. It is formed on a thin layer of tear fluid. So don't worry about the lenses moving out. Physiologically, this is simply impossible.
How many times have I heard that people wear lenses longer than their shelf life allows. For example, one-day lenses use at least a week. This is a cost saving, but is it justified?
© Freepik The point is that Expired lenses change shape. They get smaller and tighter. This can lead to damage and injury to the cornea. Not the best prospect, is it? It turns out that people with their own hands even more spoil their eyesight.
Yeah. lens properties deteriorate. If you wear lenses longer than you should, they will stop 100% of your vision. In addition, changing the lenses on time, you protect yourself from possible infections. Hygiene is very important!
GettyImages Today there are lenses that can be used for as long as 3 months. But they need special regular care. If you do not want to mess with a special solution, “one-day” is ideal for you. Keep in mind that these lenses are more expensive.
Even if you don't wear lenses every day, You need to change the solution in the case every day. They will be able to keep their quality if stored in a warm, moist and dark environment. This trio likes to attract microbes and bacteria. And the solution will not be able to destroy them if the lenses lie there longer. Do not neglect basic hygiene rules and change the solution regularly.
© Freepik Tap water is your main enemy. Never my lenses and case with it, it will protect you from possible infections. Also, experts do not recommend taking a shower or bath in lenses. When resting at sea, it is best to use one-day lenses. And if you are fond of water sports, do not forget about special swimming glasses.
Remember it as "Our Father": Lense case and solution should always be with you. No one knows when you will need to remove your lenses. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself once again.
Of course, a special solution can be bought at any pharmacy. But if for some reason it was not, you will help a simple sterile saline solution. However, remember that it will not clean the lenses, but will not let them dry.
© Freepik Don't fall asleep with your lenses.. Due to closed eyelids, oxygen does not reach the eyes fully. And if they're wearing lenses, it's too much. When you sleep, you don't blink. This reduces the release of tear fluid, which is needed to cleanse the eyes naturally.
Don’t be afraid of newcomers, because eye-lens - a matter of habit. Take care of your eyes because they are very vulnerable. If you see that the eye is red or inflamed, the lens should be removed immediately. Wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry, and then remove the lens from your eye.
If you do not want to carry spare lenses, it will be useful to have with you. spectacle. They will not take up much space, but will help in an emergency. Continuous wearing of lenses can lead to development dry-eye. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, often give yourself a rest. Consult your doctor to use special drops to moisturize the cornea.
However, without a good ophthalmologist, you may not be able to make friends with lenses. So if you want to change your glasses to lenses, check your vision first and consult your doctor. He'll help you find the right tool. The most important thing is not to be afraid and try. This world is worth looking at in a new way!
© Freepik And if you have been wearing for a long time eye-lensShare your experience. Perhaps your words will dispel the fears of one of our readers. We'll see you in the comments!
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GettyImages I'm sure I'm not the only one who's tired of wearing protective mask glasses, but I'm not the only one who's tired of wearing them. If so, Thinking about buying lensesYou need to know a few important things. We'll talk about them today.
I know that many people refuse lenses because they have heard about their harm. They are afraid to walk with something foreign in their eyes. However, the brave ones confidently declare that The lenses divided their lives into “before” and “after”..

Just before you buy eye contact lenses, you need to know the answers to all your questions. After all, around this means for vision are concentrated a lot of myths. Nor have normal security measures been cancelled. Forewarned means armed!
Will the lenses interfere? Your task number 1 is get the right lenses. They will be fixed on the cornea and generally not felt on the eye. The lens is held on the convex part of the eyeball due to external tension. It is formed on a thin layer of tear fluid. So don't worry about the lenses moving out. Physiologically, this is simply impossible.
How many times have I heard that people wear lenses longer than their shelf life allows. For example, one-day lenses use at least a week. This is a cost saving, but is it justified?

© Freepik The point is that Expired lenses change shape. They get smaller and tighter. This can lead to damage and injury to the cornea. Not the best prospect, is it? It turns out that people with their own hands even more spoil their eyesight.
Yeah. lens properties deteriorate. If you wear lenses longer than you should, they will stop 100% of your vision. In addition, changing the lenses on time, you protect yourself from possible infections. Hygiene is very important!

GettyImages Today there are lenses that can be used for as long as 3 months. But they need special regular care. If you do not want to mess with a special solution, “one-day” is ideal for you. Keep in mind that these lenses are more expensive.
Even if you don't wear lenses every day, You need to change the solution in the case every day. They will be able to keep their quality if stored in a warm, moist and dark environment. This trio likes to attract microbes and bacteria. And the solution will not be able to destroy them if the lenses lie there longer. Do not neglect basic hygiene rules and change the solution regularly.

© Freepik Tap water is your main enemy. Never my lenses and case with it, it will protect you from possible infections. Also, experts do not recommend taking a shower or bath in lenses. When resting at sea, it is best to use one-day lenses. And if you are fond of water sports, do not forget about special swimming glasses.
Remember it as "Our Father": Lense case and solution should always be with you. No one knows when you will need to remove your lenses. Therefore, it is better to protect yourself once again.
Of course, a special solution can be bought at any pharmacy. But if for some reason it was not, you will help a simple sterile saline solution. However, remember that it will not clean the lenses, but will not let them dry.

© Freepik Don't fall asleep with your lenses.. Due to closed eyelids, oxygen does not reach the eyes fully. And if they're wearing lenses, it's too much. When you sleep, you don't blink. This reduces the release of tear fluid, which is needed to cleanse the eyes naturally.
Don’t be afraid of newcomers, because eye-lens - a matter of habit. Take care of your eyes because they are very vulnerable. If you see that the eye is red or inflamed, the lens should be removed immediately. Wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry, and then remove the lens from your eye.

If you do not want to carry spare lenses, it will be useful to have with you. spectacle. They will not take up much space, but will help in an emergency. Continuous wearing of lenses can lead to development dry-eye. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, often give yourself a rest. Consult your doctor to use special drops to moisturize the cornea.
However, without a good ophthalmologist, you may not be able to make friends with lenses. So if you want to change your glasses to lenses, check your vision first and consult your doctor. He'll help you find the right tool. The most important thing is not to be afraid and try. This world is worth looking at in a new way!

© Freepik And if you have been wearing for a long time eye-lensShare your experience. Perhaps your words will dispel the fears of one of our readers. We'll see you in the comments!
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