Put teen braces
It would seem, is not discussed: if the teeth are uneven (and parents have a financial opportunity) – why not? Let the younger person will have a beautiful smile! However, as shown by medical practice, braces affect not only the teeth, but the skull as a whole, and hence on the posture and even hormonal balance. And, unfortunately, not always favorably.
Inna Novikova, doctor of osteopath, a dentist, over 10 years of experience in osteopathic dental clinic:
Immediately clear: I have no strong opinion on braces. I'm not saying that this is inherently bad, or, conversely, braces are required by all for the beauty of the smile. Everything is good for something: in some cases, without the need for braces is not enough, and some of you want to hop in a time machine and to make the teen about them is not found out.
The jaw and the bones of the skull – a unified system
To understand what to expect from braces, it is necessary to understand how it affects the body as a whole. Braces move the teeth, and the teeth is a part of the skull. All the bones in the skull is also flexible: it is a scientific fact. Their mobility is measured by fractions of millimeters, however, for the body and for our well being – this flexibility is very important.
If you accept the fact that all the components of the head are connected, the change of position of the teeth is reflected on the bones of the skull. The distance between them under pressure on the jaw can change: fraction of a millimeter here, Poltrona there... And our body, it should be noted that most value stability.
Therefore, sudden changes, it generally responds without much enthusiasm. In the end, are possible:
headaches – this is one of the "normal" effects, which, as a rule, orthodontists alert. I write "normal" in quotes because there are methods which allow to avoid it (below).
— the weakening of attention: the person becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand, he quickly gets tired.
— changing the neck position, which is now uncomfortable to hold a new "collected" the head – and thus, a change of posture: in the best case, just a stoop, but with an uneven distribution of pressure until the scoliosis.
— hormonal changes. In the skull, as we remember, is the brain – "remote control", which regulates the work of all organs and systems. When the mobility of the skull bones is limited, disrupted endocrine glands and nuclei of the brain located in the skull. And they are responsible for the growth and development of the young organism, regulate the thyroid gland, are responsible for sexual maturation, growth of mammary glands... In the end the result is the formulation of braces may change the work of the whole body, and hence the quality of life.
Not a fact, but possible
Here's a possible scenario: not required, but very real, which occasionally have osteopaths working with dental patients.
Girl in puberty puts a bracket system and start the headaches. The regular pain, fatigue and inability to concentrate start going wild emotions: tearfulness, mood swings, unreasonable outbursts of aggression. Six months of such suffering (and the braces are put for a long time: 9 months – a year, the average period of wearing), and strays hormonal balance, disturbed cycle. Very often parents write off all of these symptoms at puberty. However, when detailed diagnosis becomes clear that the "horrors of adolescence" began to show itself, for it is against the background of the braces.
So not to put?
If the situation has gone far, and already have described disturbances in the body, the braces will have to be removed and recover the body of osteopathic methods of correction: to help the bones of the skull back into place "restore" the posture, to work with the pelvic area.
And only after the body comes to the job with a bite – perhaps a more gentle manner. However, the described scheme of development – not a pattern. This does not mean that you will put the child's braces, and he's all that happens. As I said, in some cases, braces are really needed.
But to make it work for the benefit, creating a beautiful smile, and not disfiguring posture, it is necessary to approach their play with the mind.
1. Before placing braces consult with not only the orthodontist, but with the osteopath – a specialist who knows a lot about relationships in the body. Depending on what state the body of a teenager now, osteopath is able to predict and prevent possible unpleasant consequences. In some cases, the doctor may advise you to postpone the installation of braces or correct the bite more gentle way. Hormonal storm will pass, the body will enter a normal rhythm of work and correction of malocclusion may pass easily. However, I repeat: all individually may be the best time to correct right now, but it can only be a specialist the results of the examination.
2. While wearing braces – you should regularly visit an osteopath who will relax resulting stress, helping the body to adapt to a bracket system and protects the teenager from complications. In large dental clinics it has become the norm: correction of braces at the orthodontist in the near future (preferably within three days) – visit to the osteopath, that will help the body to adjust to these changes.3
3. After the removal of braces will take some time for osteopathic job of adapting the body to new life conditions with new bite (and without the usual pressure).
A simple technique against sleepiness
9 arguments in favor of washing oil
Most importantly, remember that the correction of malocclusion is a serious procedure that affects not only the teeth. You change the body of the younger man, while he is changing every day – continues to grow and develop, and that these changes do not interfere with each other, the correction of malocclusion should be held under strict supervision of doctors competent orthodontist and a good osteopath.published
Source: www.osteopolyclinic.ru/article/15/
Inna Novikova, doctor of osteopath, a dentist, over 10 years of experience in osteopathic dental clinic:
Immediately clear: I have no strong opinion on braces. I'm not saying that this is inherently bad, or, conversely, braces are required by all for the beauty of the smile. Everything is good for something: in some cases, without the need for braces is not enough, and some of you want to hop in a time machine and to make the teen about them is not found out.
The jaw and the bones of the skull – a unified system
To understand what to expect from braces, it is necessary to understand how it affects the body as a whole. Braces move the teeth, and the teeth is a part of the skull. All the bones in the skull is also flexible: it is a scientific fact. Their mobility is measured by fractions of millimeters, however, for the body and for our well being – this flexibility is very important.
If you accept the fact that all the components of the head are connected, the change of position of the teeth is reflected on the bones of the skull. The distance between them under pressure on the jaw can change: fraction of a millimeter here, Poltrona there... And our body, it should be noted that most value stability.
Therefore, sudden changes, it generally responds without much enthusiasm. In the end, are possible:
headaches – this is one of the "normal" effects, which, as a rule, orthodontists alert. I write "normal" in quotes because there are methods which allow to avoid it (below).
— the weakening of attention: the person becomes difficult to focus on the task at hand, he quickly gets tired.
— changing the neck position, which is now uncomfortable to hold a new "collected" the head – and thus, a change of posture: in the best case, just a stoop, but with an uneven distribution of pressure until the scoliosis.
— hormonal changes. In the skull, as we remember, is the brain – "remote control", which regulates the work of all organs and systems. When the mobility of the skull bones is limited, disrupted endocrine glands and nuclei of the brain located in the skull. And they are responsible for the growth and development of the young organism, regulate the thyroid gland, are responsible for sexual maturation, growth of mammary glands... In the end the result is the formulation of braces may change the work of the whole body, and hence the quality of life.
Not a fact, but possible
Here's a possible scenario: not required, but very real, which occasionally have osteopaths working with dental patients.
Girl in puberty puts a bracket system and start the headaches. The regular pain, fatigue and inability to concentrate start going wild emotions: tearfulness, mood swings, unreasonable outbursts of aggression. Six months of such suffering (and the braces are put for a long time: 9 months – a year, the average period of wearing), and strays hormonal balance, disturbed cycle. Very often parents write off all of these symptoms at puberty. However, when detailed diagnosis becomes clear that the "horrors of adolescence" began to show itself, for it is against the background of the braces.
So not to put?
If the situation has gone far, and already have described disturbances in the body, the braces will have to be removed and recover the body of osteopathic methods of correction: to help the bones of the skull back into place "restore" the posture, to work with the pelvic area.
And only after the body comes to the job with a bite – perhaps a more gentle manner. However, the described scheme of development – not a pattern. This does not mean that you will put the child's braces, and he's all that happens. As I said, in some cases, braces are really needed.
But to make it work for the benefit, creating a beautiful smile, and not disfiguring posture, it is necessary to approach their play with the mind.
1. Before placing braces consult with not only the orthodontist, but with the osteopath – a specialist who knows a lot about relationships in the body. Depending on what state the body of a teenager now, osteopath is able to predict and prevent possible unpleasant consequences. In some cases, the doctor may advise you to postpone the installation of braces or correct the bite more gentle way. Hormonal storm will pass, the body will enter a normal rhythm of work and correction of malocclusion may pass easily. However, I repeat: all individually may be the best time to correct right now, but it can only be a specialist the results of the examination.
2. While wearing braces – you should regularly visit an osteopath who will relax resulting stress, helping the body to adapt to a bracket system and protects the teenager from complications. In large dental clinics it has become the norm: correction of braces at the orthodontist in the near future (preferably within three days) – visit to the osteopath, that will help the body to adjust to these changes.3
3. After the removal of braces will take some time for osteopathic job of adapting the body to new life conditions with new bite (and without the usual pressure).
A simple technique against sleepiness
9 arguments in favor of washing oil
Most importantly, remember that the correction of malocclusion is a serious procedure that affects not only the teeth. You change the body of the younger man, while he is changing every day – continues to grow and develop, and that these changes do not interfere with each other, the correction of malocclusion should be held under strict supervision of doctors competent orthodontist and a good osteopath.published
Source: www.osteopolyclinic.ru/article/15/