Results of studies of the skull "Star Child" ...
Happens, people find very strange artifacts, and in the most unexpected places. Finding, which will be discussed, it may be a confirmation of the visit of aliens from other worlds on our planet.
In 1930, 15-year-old American woman named Mary with her parents went on vacation with relatives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Rest had 160 kilometers to the south-west of the city of Chihuahua, including the grand beauty of Copper Canyon, surpasses the size and depth of the famous Grand Canyon in the nearby US state of Arizona. After a joyful meeting relatives immediately warned the young senorita, while walking to it in any case did not try to explore the numerous caves and abandoned mines around the village - to local belief, there lived the evil spirits. Of course, she entered the exact opposite.
Mary liked to explore the surrounding countryside, and one day she came across an old mine, like a long tunnel. It found the girl lying on the back of a female skeleton. Next to him was poured a small mound from which could be seen deformed and dead little hand, grabbed her forearm found the skeleton. American excavated mound and found beneath the remains of children with very strange skull. She decided to restore both the skeleton, which folded into a large basket of bone, taken ostensibly to collect berries in the forest, carried her to the house of their relatives and buried in the far corner of the garden. Two days passed, and the night has fallen over the village terrible storm. Heavy rain turned into a flood. The next morning Mary found an inverted basket. Streams of water carried away most of the bones. Managed to find only a few, including both the skull.
Their findings Mary brought home in El Paso, Texas. Strange child's skull is unusually wide, flat occiput and small eye sockets, she thought the product kakogo-
Lloyd Pye mysterious skull
that human ugliness and with a skull alleged mother for many years kept in a cardboard box as a souvenir of an exciting trip to a Mexican family. In the early 90s, feeling the approach of death, Mary gave a box of his close friend, taking his word to protect the relic. He put a box on a shelf in his garage, where he stood for five years. In the end, the new owner of the Copper Canyon skulls told them his friends - Young couples who have had a biological education and interested in ufology, searching for Bigfoot and other non-traditional research. Carefully inspect both the skull, Ray Young said: "This is the skull - the human. And this ... It is very strange and it could belong to an alien. " His wife, Melanie, who at various times worked as a nurse and physiotherapist, also doubted that the child's skull - a typical product of human malformations. And then his wife Yang decided to ask for help.
Attempts to reconstruct image
In 1997, the United States, the publishing house "Adam Press" came out of print publication titled "All your knowledge - is wrong. Book One: The origin of man. " Its author - Lloyd Pye, a writer and researcher of Bigfoot - resulted in the book interesting arguments in favor of the hypothesis of evolution, which is fundamentally at odds with Darwin's theory as well as the views of creationists. This text was of great interest, and the name of Lloyd Pye became popular in America.
In February 1999, Ray Young called the writer and said he wanted him something to show you. At the appointed hour to Paju wife came with a cardboard box. They learned from her two bags, packaging and deployed silently put on the table two skulls. One of them was clearly a human and not aroused much interest in Lloyd Pye, but the other ... The writer looked at him wide-eyed, feeling as his covers of great excitement. Pai says: "The skull was small, oddly shaped, with unusual orbits. I held it in his hands, looked into the eye sockets and felt that come into contact with something alien. " Ray and Melanie asked what he thinks about the turtles and that, in his opinion, it is necessary to do with them? The writer said that one of the skulls may not be human, though like him, and that it is necessary to examine the skull. Visitors then offered Paju take them as a gift, both the skull and take over the organization of research. To which he gladly accepted.
From a medical point of view of the skull, which with a light hand Lloyd Pye called "Starchild" - "Star Child", it could belong to a child who suffered from a variety of diseases: brachycephaly, hydrocephalus, Crouzon syndrome, and possibly anophthalmia. Actually, the original Pye, despite their propensity scientist alternativschika, nevertheless this point of view and adhered to. We explain that brachycephaly - a broad term used to describe a disproportionately broad skull, and hydrocephalus - a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull leads to an increase in internal pressure in it and gives it an unusual "inflated" form.
Crouzon syndrome - an inherited disease that causes children premature fusion of the cranial sutures and can give an incomplete development of the midface and small orbit. When anophthalmia eyeball also unusually low.
As part of a share-scale project "Starchild" both skulls have been radiocarbon dating. Female skull - the University of California at Riverside in 1999, the skull of the child - in Miami in 2004. Both tests have established their age - 900 years with a possible error of 40 years. Age of the child has been identified as a dentist four and a half years - five years. Measurements showed that the amount of brain dityati Star was 1600 cubic inches, whereas even in adult humans it is equal to the average of 1400 cubic centimeters. Starchild skull is distinguished as the absence of frontal sinuses. And held in Vancouver, Canada, in the laboratory BOLD, genetic studies have shown that a woman and a child were not even relatives.
The thickness of the bones of the skull Star child of two to three times less than the average person, despite the fact that these bones are significantly stronger and more durable and structurally more similar to tooth enamel. Under the microscope, it was evident that they contain fiber intertwined as reinforcement in cement, which have human skulls never observed. I must say that the very presence of fibers and unusual. Currently, doctors identify the so-called Morgellons disease when fiber structure - translucent and clearly visible even to the naked eye - are found in the soft tissues of patients. These fibers consist of high density polyethylene and may enter the body from dietary supplements. However, the first description of the disease Morgellons belong to the XVII century.
Starchayldovskie same fibers are opaque and no special equipment is absolutely indistinguishable. They can be seen only with the aid of a scanning electron microscope. In this case, the bones and joints of those who suffer from Morgellons disease, carry all the signs of degeneration, and the bones of the skull Star dityati - extremely durable.
Hydrocephalus skull bone also thinner than normal, but they are brittle and weak. Studies conducted in 2004 by Dr. Ted Robinson, have convincingly shown that the morphology of the skull Starchild is not the result of hydrocephalus. It is curious that while in their reports Dr. Robinson called Skull "humanlike" or "very unusual humanoid».
Finally, in 2003, passed the skull samples of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis. The results surprised scientists really: Mother Star child of an Indian was quite normal, but the father was not really a man or no man. Re-analysis conducted in the past, 2010, on better equipment, confirmed that a significant portion of the genome Starchild analogues in the world has not, though noted, for example, a complete similarity of the first child of the Star chromosomes from a human. So the father of the young owner of a strange skull could well be at least a mutant, and even a real alien from another planet.
via asaratov

In 1930, 15-year-old American woman named Mary with her parents went on vacation with relatives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Rest had 160 kilometers to the south-west of the city of Chihuahua, including the grand beauty of Copper Canyon, surpasses the size and depth of the famous Grand Canyon in the nearby US state of Arizona. After a joyful meeting relatives immediately warned the young senorita, while walking to it in any case did not try to explore the numerous caves and abandoned mines around the village - to local belief, there lived the evil spirits. Of course, she entered the exact opposite.

Mary liked to explore the surrounding countryside, and one day she came across an old mine, like a long tunnel. It found the girl lying on the back of a female skeleton. Next to him was poured a small mound from which could be seen deformed and dead little hand, grabbed her forearm found the skeleton. American excavated mound and found beneath the remains of children with very strange skull. She decided to restore both the skeleton, which folded into a large basket of bone, taken ostensibly to collect berries in the forest, carried her to the house of their relatives and buried in the far corner of the garden. Two days passed, and the night has fallen over the village terrible storm. Heavy rain turned into a flood. The next morning Mary found an inverted basket. Streams of water carried away most of the bones. Managed to find only a few, including both the skull.

Their findings Mary brought home in El Paso, Texas. Strange child's skull is unusually wide, flat occiput and small eye sockets, she thought the product kakogo-
Lloyd Pye mysterious skull
that human ugliness and with a skull alleged mother for many years kept in a cardboard box as a souvenir of an exciting trip to a Mexican family. In the early 90s, feeling the approach of death, Mary gave a box of his close friend, taking his word to protect the relic. He put a box on a shelf in his garage, where he stood for five years. In the end, the new owner of the Copper Canyon skulls told them his friends - Young couples who have had a biological education and interested in ufology, searching for Bigfoot and other non-traditional research. Carefully inspect both the skull, Ray Young said: "This is the skull - the human. And this ... It is very strange and it could belong to an alien. " His wife, Melanie, who at various times worked as a nurse and physiotherapist, also doubted that the child's skull - a typical product of human malformations. And then his wife Yang decided to ask for help.
Attempts to reconstruct image

In 1997, the United States, the publishing house "Adam Press" came out of print publication titled "All your knowledge - is wrong. Book One: The origin of man. " Its author - Lloyd Pye, a writer and researcher of Bigfoot - resulted in the book interesting arguments in favor of the hypothesis of evolution, which is fundamentally at odds with Darwin's theory as well as the views of creationists. This text was of great interest, and the name of Lloyd Pye became popular in America.
In February 1999, Ray Young called the writer and said he wanted him something to show you. At the appointed hour to Paju wife came with a cardboard box. They learned from her two bags, packaging and deployed silently put on the table two skulls. One of them was clearly a human and not aroused much interest in Lloyd Pye, but the other ... The writer looked at him wide-eyed, feeling as his covers of great excitement. Pai says: "The skull was small, oddly shaped, with unusual orbits. I held it in his hands, looked into the eye sockets and felt that come into contact with something alien. " Ray and Melanie asked what he thinks about the turtles and that, in his opinion, it is necessary to do with them? The writer said that one of the skulls may not be human, though like him, and that it is necessary to examine the skull. Visitors then offered Paju take them as a gift, both the skull and take over the organization of research. To which he gladly accepted.

From a medical point of view of the skull, which with a light hand Lloyd Pye called "Starchild" - "Star Child", it could belong to a child who suffered from a variety of diseases: brachycephaly, hydrocephalus, Crouzon syndrome, and possibly anophthalmia. Actually, the original Pye, despite their propensity scientist alternativschika, nevertheless this point of view and adhered to. We explain that brachycephaly - a broad term used to describe a disproportionately broad skull, and hydrocephalus - a condition in which an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the skull leads to an increase in internal pressure in it and gives it an unusual "inflated" form.
Crouzon syndrome - an inherited disease that causes children premature fusion of the cranial sutures and can give an incomplete development of the midface and small orbit. When anophthalmia eyeball also unusually low.
As part of a share-scale project "Starchild" both skulls have been radiocarbon dating. Female skull - the University of California at Riverside in 1999, the skull of the child - in Miami in 2004. Both tests have established their age - 900 years with a possible error of 40 years. Age of the child has been identified as a dentist four and a half years - five years. Measurements showed that the amount of brain dityati Star was 1600 cubic inches, whereas even in adult humans it is equal to the average of 1400 cubic centimeters. Starchild skull is distinguished as the absence of frontal sinuses. And held in Vancouver, Canada, in the laboratory BOLD, genetic studies have shown that a woman and a child were not even relatives.
The thickness of the bones of the skull Star child of two to three times less than the average person, despite the fact that these bones are significantly stronger and more durable and structurally more similar to tooth enamel. Under the microscope, it was evident that they contain fiber intertwined as reinforcement in cement, which have human skulls never observed. I must say that the very presence of fibers and unusual. Currently, doctors identify the so-called Morgellons disease when fiber structure - translucent and clearly visible even to the naked eye - are found in the soft tissues of patients. These fibers consist of high density polyethylene and may enter the body from dietary supplements. However, the first description of the disease Morgellons belong to the XVII century.
Starchayldovskie same fibers are opaque and no special equipment is absolutely indistinguishable. They can be seen only with the aid of a scanning electron microscope. In this case, the bones and joints of those who suffer from Morgellons disease, carry all the signs of degeneration, and the bones of the skull Star dityati - extremely durable.
Hydrocephalus skull bone also thinner than normal, but they are brittle and weak. Studies conducted in 2004 by Dr. Ted Robinson, have convincingly shown that the morphology of the skull Starchild is not the result of hydrocephalus. It is curious that while in their reports Dr. Robinson called Skull "humanlike" or "very unusual humanoid».
Finally, in 2003, passed the skull samples of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis. The results surprised scientists really: Mother Star child of an Indian was quite normal, but the father was not really a man or no man. Re-analysis conducted in the past, 2010, on better equipment, confirmed that a significant portion of the genome Starchild analogues in the world has not, though noted, for example, a complete similarity of the first child of the Star chromosomes from a human. So the father of the young owner of a strange skull could well be at least a mutant, and even a real alien from another planet.
via asaratov
