Story KGB man: "blood atonement"

It was in Lviv in the late '70s.
There once was a street vagrant - PTUshnik named Skull. Inveterate guy, who had a criminal record for theft and a whole heap of "drives" for draki.Vse neighbors only and waited, and when it has finally caulked on -cereznomu.
One day it all began ...
Skull drunk walked into the grocery store under the house and climbed the queue for cigarettes, all became agitated and pushed out of their bowels most ferocious buyer.
Skull sent him to hell and then he got from the guy on morde.Vstal, shook his head against and instead of disgrace removed, pulled out a pocketknife and put the peasant in the belly ...
Threw a gun, jumped out and ran into the wide glyadyat.No his problem was that in the queue were ten people who knew him since childhood.
Capture the Skull was a matter of a few hours.
At home, in the garage, in many friends and all cereal field waiting for the police zasady.No our boy was not so foolish as to run up to them, did not even go home, just called my mother to hide pasport.Beglets spent the night two nights in the basement, wondering how and where to go next. While it was not clear that the man died clipped, not you? (Actually the victim quickly recovered lucky) The idea luminaries Skull "tower" for youngsters - 10 years.
I thought he was thinking, sitting in the basement, went through all the options and suddenly remembered a friend who once sold a stolen moped.Hot and no one, but there just is not an ambush, and suddenly be able to cut down a couple of rubles from the old "friend". late at night skull rang the doorbell and opened drunk disgruntled "friend", his name was Bogdan.
Bogdan long remembered Skulls, barely remembered. Listened to the story of his misadventures and cut off:
- You know, Cherepan, I'm not up your garbage, I care pohlesche, tomorrow I'm going to the army. In 6.00. with a spoon and mug to the draft board, so check back in two years. So Long.
And then it struck Skull ...
The next day in the military enlistment office, appeared on the agenda Bogdan Durko, with a mug with a spoon, but without pasporta.Razumeetsya for passport his home was not released. Only scolded.
Sfotkali our skulls, military ID card issued to the name and sent Durko sluzhit.Plan turtles with Bogdan was simple, but a win-win: The skull is in the army (though he was only 16, but looked at all 19) and Bogdan sat in the morning train and drove off in Kherson to his deaf-mute grandfather-rybaku.Ded was shell-shocked from the war and did not elaborate. Favorite grandson came to him to live, well, well, welcome ...
Guys have thought and communication system: Bogdan wrote a letter home, sends it to the skull in part, he sends to the city. Similarly, in the reverse order: received a letter from the city of parents Bogdan sent in Kherson.
True so each letter went a whole month, but so what? Six months later, Skull served in uchebke and sent him - 16-year-old patsanchika in "Afghan" with all its consequences in the form of a concussion and a bullet right through ...
We must pay tribute to the Skull, he fought not worse comrades and even earned two battle nagrady.Proleteli two years sluzhby.Cherep and deserter met in Moscow, Bogdan took uniforms and awards, gave his skull passport and the boys went as ships at sea, not shake hands ...
"Soldiers-internationalists," Durko came to the draft board to stand on military records, saying that the military card was stolen on the train, the recruitment office sent the request in part: whether you served Bogdan Durko? Part of the answer that yes, this guy is really heroic fighting them in Afghanistan. PT.
Bogdan issued a new "voennik" and wished success in their work.
It took two months and turtles accidentally caught the verification of documents.
The investigator began to pile it on a bunch of different "visyakov", and most importantly with the murder of a robbery occurred a month after he was two years ago, and leaned on the run. There's even a "witnesses" nashlis.Hochesh not want, and the skull had all tell the story of "Afghan" and about Kherson.
And as things have gone so far as to connect the KGB, so it got into my field zreniya.My quickly found out "who's who" and I connected all their communications, cake crashed, but had managed to Skull received less less - only one year general regime, but his "accomplice" Bogdan thundered into four, for willful evasion of military duty. Me it just was no sorry, but that's skull, and another thing. I do not recall that my staff who have seen over the years of service of all collected for the accused grub, clothes and money, shook his hand goodbye and wished udachi.Ne know what it was before, but then he really and we all priglyanulsya.Hot was on the run, but Bega Begum strife: honestly fought, earned awards bullet wound and wild headaches in bad weather, the rest of his days. But the kid just knocked 18 ...
I once asked Skulls: "What was the most difficult in Afghanistan?»
He answered without hesitation: "When we were handed fighting nagrady.Vse boys were happy, and I'm the one crying ...»