The dramatic story of a safari
It all started at a time when the two photographers have decided to go on a safari in northern Botswana ...
... They stumbled on a group of approximately thirty baboons who were persecuted lioness. Unfortunately, the lion caught one of the baboons. Photographers decided to watch, because they noticed that on a dead baboon was still young ...
When the lion was going to carry a dead baboon, baby baboon suddenly let go of the body of his dead mother and ran to a nearby tree to climb on it ...
... But he was too weak to do so. Lioness beginning to approach him. This is a time when everyone expects the massacre, but ...
To everyone's surprise, in relation to a small baboon lioness did not show anything but gentle lyubopytstva.I she started playing with a frightened little baboon. Young was injured and is pretty weak ...
... And the next frame was just a surprise to everyone.
Cub calmed down and started playing with lioness
Other lioness came and showed curiosity, no aggression was not until I came to the male ...
... But he got an unexpected answer to the wild roar of indignation.
On a nearby tree were males and monitor the situation ...
... And as soon as an opportunity, one jumped down and dragged the cub along.
Here is a sudden and dramatic story
... They stumbled on a group of approximately thirty baboons who were persecuted lioness. Unfortunately, the lion caught one of the baboons. Photographers decided to watch, because they noticed that on a dead baboon was still young ...

When the lion was going to carry a dead baboon, baby baboon suddenly let go of the body of his dead mother and ran to a nearby tree to climb on it ...

... But he was too weak to do so. Lioness beginning to approach him. This is a time when everyone expects the massacre, but ...

To everyone's surprise, in relation to a small baboon lioness did not show anything but gentle lyubopytstva.I she started playing with a frightened little baboon. Young was injured and is pretty weak ...
... And the next frame was just a surprise to everyone.

Cub calmed down and started playing with lioness

Other lioness came and showed curiosity, no aggression was not until I came to the male ...
... But he got an unexpected answer to the wild roar of indignation.

On a nearby tree were males and monitor the situation ...

... And as soon as an opportunity, one jumped down and dragged the cub along.

Here is a sudden and dramatic story