The baby Masai giraffe at the animal reserve Safari West
American wildlife Safari West, Safari West, in California, new born baby Masai giraffe. Grafeneck, male, was born on April 14, and became a real decoration of the sanctuary.
Photo: Safari West
Lanky, nearly six-foot calf was called Phoenix. According to staff, the Phoenix is a gentle, playful and very active creature!
Phoenix was born just on the eve of the total lunar Eclipse, which makes its appearance even more unique and unforgettable Safari West. This is the third calf for 11-year-old Tufani (Tufani) and fourth in female by the name of Jamal Jamala), which, incidentally, is also the darling of the reserve.
Maasai giraffe or Kilimanjaro giraffe (G. c. tippelskirchi) is one of nine subspecies of giraffes that live in southern Kenya and Tanzania. Giraffes are divided into subtypes based on their pattern and habitat.
The Masai giraffe is the largest subspecies and has the darkest color. Giraffes (lat. Giraffa camelopardalis) is the tallest land mammals living on our planet.
The Rangers tell us that childbirth is Jamala began early in the morning: about 9 hours the first thought of the feet of a calf, and at 9:30, I got head. Around 10:30 grafeneck was standing on all four leg and tried to slowly suck. Fortunately, the birth went smoothly without any hiccups.
— Jamal is an experienced mother and knows what and when to do it, — says one of the caretakers of the preserve, Safari West. – This baby became the 27th giraffe born in our sanctuary, as well as third Masai giraffe. According to the Director, Safari West is trying to do everything possible and impossible to the number of these beautiful animals is constantly increasing.
According to the latest International special information systems (International Species Information system) Masai giraffes to appear in 20 different zoos and sanctuaries in North America.
In the wild their population is about 40 thousand individuals, making the Maasai giraffe among the most numerous among the nine subspecies. Although in recent years its population has decreased significantly.
Source: zoopicture.ru
Photo: Safari West
Lanky, nearly six-foot calf was called Phoenix. According to staff, the Phoenix is a gentle, playful and very active creature!
Phoenix was born just on the eve of the total lunar Eclipse, which makes its appearance even more unique and unforgettable Safari West. This is the third calf for 11-year-old Tufani (Tufani) and fourth in female by the name of Jamal Jamala), which, incidentally, is also the darling of the reserve.
Maasai giraffe or Kilimanjaro giraffe (G. c. tippelskirchi) is one of nine subspecies of giraffes that live in southern Kenya and Tanzania. Giraffes are divided into subtypes based on their pattern and habitat.
The Masai giraffe is the largest subspecies and has the darkest color. Giraffes (lat. Giraffa camelopardalis) is the tallest land mammals living on our planet.
The Rangers tell us that childbirth is Jamala began early in the morning: about 9 hours the first thought of the feet of a calf, and at 9:30, I got head. Around 10:30 grafeneck was standing on all four leg and tried to slowly suck. Fortunately, the birth went smoothly without any hiccups.
— Jamal is an experienced mother and knows what and when to do it, — says one of the caretakers of the preserve, Safari West. – This baby became the 27th giraffe born in our sanctuary, as well as third Masai giraffe. According to the Director, Safari West is trying to do everything possible and impossible to the number of these beautiful animals is constantly increasing.
According to the latest International special information systems (International Species Information system) Masai giraffes to appear in 20 different zoos and sanctuaries in North America.
In the wild their population is about 40 thousand individuals, making the Maasai giraffe among the most numerous among the nine subspecies. Although in recent years its population has decreased significantly.
Source: zoopicture.ru