Manuli difficult childhood.
Rajan says Rygzynova - environmental education specialist reserve "Dauria»:
"On Sunday, the first day of summer, the apartment is the director of the reserve" Dauria "the phone rang:" Alexander, hello, it's because Kulusutaya. They found four kittens Man'ula. What should I do? "- With this call kittens entered the life of the" office "of the reserve.
Getting it was so. Near Torey lakes, in an old abandoned livestock parked under the floor cat manul he made their lair, where she appeared four kittens, two girls and two boys. At this time, we decided to dismantle the old park. Frightened by the noise, the bustle of people and the cat ran away, leaving another young blind.
9 photos + text.
After graduating from the parking lot to disassemble, kittens left in place, in the hope that the mother would come after them. Gone day. Unfortunately, the female manul not returned. Inspectors reserve to find "orphaned" in the same place, and took them with him. Little kittens were very hungry and shivering by feeding fresh milk, they were sent to the office of the reserve in the village of Lower Tsasuchei.
Small Man'ula immediately won the hearts of the entire team. Tiny, yet blind, like striped fluffy lumps, they are snorting, hissing at strangers. The fate of the kittens decided together where they keep, what to feed, how to do it, and can find a house cat. Option: Manuli put a domestic cat liked everything, in fact the best milk for cats - cat. The same is said and professionals grow Pallas' cats in zoos.
Almost immediately, there were good people - family Fedotov, who lived in nursing cats. Cats had two, one of which with a kitten. Both cats Manuli taken at once, but they felt the mother's milk and heat calmed down and began to feed. Currently cat Pallas' cats are small, family, take care and feed them one by one. Manulyata full, Washed feel fine. In the future, when the kittens grow up and get stronger, the staff reserve "Dauria" wild cats will try to return to nature. But no matter how developed, they are already saved, and this - the main thing. »
That was the beginning of the story "wild pets." A month later in young Pallas' cats began to show symptoms of toxoplasmosis. The carriers of the disease are domestic cats, they also suffer from a mild but wild kittens it was a serious test. Manuli immediately isolated, by which time they had already lapped own milk and the meat tasted. To treatment started immediately. Mom has become their Svetlana Balzhimaeva - Researcher Reserve. Light fed, poila Pallas' cats were treated, check-ups. His "foster mother" kittens recognized from a distance, but no one else did not allow familiarity. As soon as a stranger to appear, then immediately hides, warily watching eyes. Try to touch these!
It was interesting to see how rising manulyata. In the first six months, they have changed the eye color - from turquoise to a piercing golden yellow.
Like all children, they are playing every day learned a new way: hunting, tracking down the brothers and sisters fight, undertaking a brawl, in knowledge of the world around us. So quietly flew summer Man'ula become part of the "office." But two kittens, a boy and a girl, is too weak and unable to cope with the disease. The other two, a boy - and girl Myrgen - Masha, went on the mend.
In autumn, in late October, Man'ula already grown up, and it's time to let them go to his home - Dauria Steppe.
"Ladies first" - the first Masha fell right to try to adapt to the wild, a month later it was the turn Myrgena. Of course, the reserve staff were unable to leave their pets without care Pallas' cats, have radio collars decorated with wild cats.
At first, Pallas' cats were found with the help of the signal, and Svetlana Balzhimaeva together with other members of once a week checking the "pets" favorite chicken fed. Then the kittens have grown thin and easily removed radio collars. After some time, I found Myrgen grown at home, he could not support themselves on their own harsh winters and therefore returned to the office. In the spring, when food has become much more of his re-released into the wild in the radio-collared, and then took off again Myrgen collar.
Now, at every meeting with Manuli reserve staff are trying to find familiar features. But it is difficult to know quite matured "wild pets", they are not helpless little lumps and dangerous predators steppe. Myrgen and Masha is not suitable for people looking for food that's right for free steppe wild cats.
"On Sunday, the first day of summer, the apartment is the director of the reserve" Dauria "the phone rang:" Alexander, hello, it's because Kulusutaya. They found four kittens Man'ula. What should I do? "- With this call kittens entered the life of the" office "of the reserve.
Getting it was so. Near Torey lakes, in an old abandoned livestock parked under the floor cat manul he made their lair, where she appeared four kittens, two girls and two boys. At this time, we decided to dismantle the old park. Frightened by the noise, the bustle of people and the cat ran away, leaving another young blind.
9 photos + text.

After graduating from the parking lot to disassemble, kittens left in place, in the hope that the mother would come after them. Gone day. Unfortunately, the female manul not returned. Inspectors reserve to find "orphaned" in the same place, and took them with him. Little kittens were very hungry and shivering by feeding fresh milk, they were sent to the office of the reserve in the village of Lower Tsasuchei.
Small Man'ula immediately won the hearts of the entire team. Tiny, yet blind, like striped fluffy lumps, they are snorting, hissing at strangers. The fate of the kittens decided together where they keep, what to feed, how to do it, and can find a house cat. Option: Manuli put a domestic cat liked everything, in fact the best milk for cats - cat. The same is said and professionals grow Pallas' cats in zoos.
Almost immediately, there were good people - family Fedotov, who lived in nursing cats. Cats had two, one of which with a kitten. Both cats Manuli taken at once, but they felt the mother's milk and heat calmed down and began to feed. Currently cat Pallas' cats are small, family, take care and feed them one by one. Manulyata full, Washed feel fine. In the future, when the kittens grow up and get stronger, the staff reserve "Dauria" wild cats will try to return to nature. But no matter how developed, they are already saved, and this - the main thing. »

That was the beginning of the story "wild pets." A month later in young Pallas' cats began to show symptoms of toxoplasmosis. The carriers of the disease are domestic cats, they also suffer from a mild but wild kittens it was a serious test. Manuli immediately isolated, by which time they had already lapped own milk and the meat tasted. To treatment started immediately. Mom has become their Svetlana Balzhimaeva - Researcher Reserve. Light fed, poila Pallas' cats were treated, check-ups. His "foster mother" kittens recognized from a distance, but no one else did not allow familiarity. As soon as a stranger to appear, then immediately hides, warily watching eyes. Try to touch these!

It was interesting to see how rising manulyata. In the first six months, they have changed the eye color - from turquoise to a piercing golden yellow.

Like all children, they are playing every day learned a new way: hunting, tracking down the brothers and sisters fight, undertaking a brawl, in knowledge of the world around us. So quietly flew summer Man'ula become part of the "office." But two kittens, a boy and a girl, is too weak and unable to cope with the disease. The other two, a boy - and girl Myrgen - Masha, went on the mend.

In autumn, in late October, Man'ula already grown up, and it's time to let them go to his home - Dauria Steppe.

"Ladies first" - the first Masha fell right to try to adapt to the wild, a month later it was the turn Myrgena. Of course, the reserve staff were unable to leave their pets without care Pallas' cats, have radio collars decorated with wild cats.

At first, Pallas' cats were found with the help of the signal, and Svetlana Balzhimaeva together with other members of once a week checking the "pets" favorite chicken fed. Then the kittens have grown thin and easily removed radio collars. After some time, I found Myrgen grown at home, he could not support themselves on their own harsh winters and therefore returned to the office. In the spring, when food has become much more of his re-released into the wild in the radio-collared, and then took off again Myrgen collar.

Now, at every meeting with Manuli reserve staff are trying to find familiar features. But it is difficult to know quite matured "wild pets", they are not helpless little lumps and dangerous predators steppe. Myrgen and Masha is not suitable for people looking for food that's right for free steppe wild cats.
