15 little-known facts about giraffes!
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The popular hero of many works of art can not yawn, he loves onions (not photographed, and raw) and is able to organize a kindergarten.
1. Giraffes - the only animals that can not yawn. Almost all warm-blooded and cold-blooded periodically plowing fall in an attempt to get enough oxygen - this sin birds, fish and mammals. The average person yawns in his life about 250 thousand times. But the giraffe is not. He is a lifetime do not yawn once. At least in the history of observing giraffes scientists could not catch in the act no long-necked.
2. But giraffes are able to hum, hiss, growl and whistle. This whole set of sounds they use to communicate with relatives.
3. The length of the giraffe's tongue is about 50 centimeters.
4. In addition to the outstanding neck and tongue, giraffes outperform all other mammals along the length of the tail - it can reach a length of 2, 5 meters.
5. Giraffes like raw onion. [next]
6. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the giraffe - it is the fruit of passionate love leopard and camel.
7. Anxious heart giraffe beats 170 times per minute.
8. Mothers of young giraffes often organize kindergarten, one adult female is looking for pups, and all the other friendly crowd go get food.
9. Despite the enormous length of the neck of a giraffe is really too short, so it can reach the ground. Therefore, to pick something up off the floor, they have to kneel or widely set forelegs. So if you scare the giraffe, he physically can not behave like an ostrich.
10. The only predators that dare to hunt giraffes - lions. However, the giraffes have an excellent weapon, which they use to protect their offspring - the hoof.
11. Language giraffe black.
12. In contrast to the human, giraffes are able to rest standing. Usually the session sleep on his feet does not last more than 5 minutes. But when a giraffe need to sleep, he falls to the ground, running out for themselves the front legs, bends his head back and puts her on the rump. The total duration of sleep per night giraffes rarely exceeds 60 minutes.
13. From 16 to 20 hours a day giraffes dedicate this exciting venture, as the food. Thus, they consume huge amounts of food, even though the adult giraffe would be enough to six kilograms per day.
14. An hour later, after the birth of baby giraffe begins to walk.
15. Age giraffe can be identified by the color patches on the skin - darker than they, the older individual. Drawing on the skin of a giraffe as unique as fingerprints in humans.
Text: Nastya Krasil'nikova
The popular hero of many works of art can not yawn, he loves onions (not photographed, and raw) and is able to organize a kindergarten.
1. Giraffes - the only animals that can not yawn. Almost all warm-blooded and cold-blooded periodically plowing fall in an attempt to get enough oxygen - this sin birds, fish and mammals. The average person yawns in his life about 250 thousand times. But the giraffe is not. He is a lifetime do not yawn once. At least in the history of observing giraffes scientists could not catch in the act no long-necked.
2. But giraffes are able to hum, hiss, growl and whistle. This whole set of sounds they use to communicate with relatives.
3. The length of the giraffe's tongue is about 50 centimeters.
4. In addition to the outstanding neck and tongue, giraffes outperform all other mammals along the length of the tail - it can reach a length of 2, 5 meters.
5. Giraffes like raw onion. [next]
6. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that the giraffe - it is the fruit of passionate love leopard and camel.
7. Anxious heart giraffe beats 170 times per minute.
8. Mothers of young giraffes often organize kindergarten, one adult female is looking for pups, and all the other friendly crowd go get food.
9. Despite the enormous length of the neck of a giraffe is really too short, so it can reach the ground. Therefore, to pick something up off the floor, they have to kneel or widely set forelegs. So if you scare the giraffe, he physically can not behave like an ostrich.
10. The only predators that dare to hunt giraffes - lions. However, the giraffes have an excellent weapon, which they use to protect their offspring - the hoof.
11. Language giraffe black.
12. In contrast to the human, giraffes are able to rest standing. Usually the session sleep on his feet does not last more than 5 minutes. But when a giraffe need to sleep, he falls to the ground, running out for themselves the front legs, bends his head back and puts her on the rump. The total duration of sleep per night giraffes rarely exceeds 60 minutes.
13. From 16 to 20 hours a day giraffes dedicate this exciting venture, as the food. Thus, they consume huge amounts of food, even though the adult giraffe would be enough to six kilograms per day.
14. An hour later, after the birth of baby giraffe begins to walk.
15. Age giraffe can be identified by the color patches on the skin - darker than they, the older individual. Drawing on the skin of a giraffe as unique as fingerprints in humans.
Text: Nastya Krasil'nikova
