Camel body art

Camels can be found all over India, Pakistan and the Middle East. These domesticated even-toed ungulates are created not only for work. They also provide milk and meat. These animals are taking part in many festivals, including the world-famous festival of Bikaner in the Indian state of Rajasthan, as well as a beauty contest among the camels in Abu Dhabi and in the Cholistan desert in Pakistan. But such camels you have not videli.

To create such "haircuts" camel takes about 3 years.

The first two years, grow their hair, trimmed and podgotavlivayut.

Then the wool is cut exquisite patterns, and then later painted to achieve a spectacular effect.

It turns out real live carpet!

See also: 15 little-known facts about giraffes. In the UK, a man robbed the fox. Hungry Bear prevented the family picnic. Penguin and the man rescued dolphin. Festive table lemurs. Long-eared jerboa - the "eared" being on the planet.
Source: mirfactov.com/