Unusual art — camel body art
Twenty three million nine hundred thirty five thousand one hundred fourteen
Camels can be found across India, Pakistan and the Middle East. These domesticated artiodactyls are not just for work. They also give milk and meat. These animals take part in many festivals, including the world famous festival of Bikaner in the Indian state of Rajasthan, as well as a beauty contest among camels in Abu Dhabi and the Cholistan desert in Pakistan. But these camels you have not seen.
To create a similar "hairstyle" camels takes about 3 years. The first two years of hair growing, trimmed and ready. Then, from the hair cut out fine patterns, and then painted to achieve a more spectacular effect.
Source: /users/78
Camels can be found across India, Pakistan and the Middle East. These domesticated artiodactyls are not just for work. They also give milk and meat. These animals take part in many festivals, including the world famous festival of Bikaner in the Indian state of Rajasthan, as well as a beauty contest among camels in Abu Dhabi and the Cholistan desert in Pakistan. But these camels you have not seen.

To create a similar "hairstyle" camels takes about 3 years. The first two years of hair growing, trimmed and ready. Then, from the hair cut out fine patterns, and then painted to achieve a more spectacular effect.

Source: /users/78