7 little-known facts about Alexander Suvorov
November 24, 1730 was born one of the greatest generals in the history of Russia - Alexander Suvorov. Today, we remember not only the military merits, but also on what the textbooks will not read.
Do not surprise the reader lessons in school days with stories about the Swiss campaign, the Alpine passage and aspiration Suvorov share all the burdens of service with his soldiers. We managed to find a few little-known, but no less curious facts about the life of the great commander, who also loved chudachit.
1. First CHIN
Alexander started the service of a simple ordinary, during the reign of Elizabeth, and the first increase, oddly enough, was not on the battlefield. While serving in office at the Monplaisir summer of 1779, when Semenov regiment stood at Peterhof for guard duty, Suvorov so deftly saluted the Empress that she came by and asked him his name. When he learned that Alexander - son of General Vasily Ivanovich, Elizabeth held an ordinary silver ruble. Suvorov replied that money to take on the post is not necessary, for which he received unexpected praise the Empress, and the ruble has been left at his feet, and Elizabeth told to pick up a coin with the changing of the guard. The next day, the average Suvorov was promoted to the rank of corporal and a silver ruble he kept as a mascot until the end of his days.
2.Oh allies
During the Italian company Alexander could not hide his impartial opinion of the allies of Russia. Austrian policy he considered treacherous, and claimed that the state controlled enemies of not only Russia, but also Austria itself: "We will see what will happen to the Austrians when the scourge of Bonaparte returned to Europe." About English, he said that they envy the success of the Russian troops in Italy, their policies ado, and the state is trying to support other members of enmity against France. According to Suvorov, the Russian army was hopeless sent to Switzerland because of the intrigues of the British, whom he accused of treason just when the British fleet blocking the Genoa missed the convoy with food and weapons to the French garrison.
Alexander fell out of favor at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Paul I, famous for, among other things, a series of innovations in the Russian army. The cause of "disorder" was the disapproval of Paul Suvorov initiatives. They say that in order to introduce the new uniforms of the Prussian sample Alexander violently reacted saying: "Powder not gunpowder, curls are not guns, not spit sword: I am not a German, and the natural hare!". This is just one of the surviving harsh public statements commander extant, and it is because of him, after the manner of historians, Emperor Paul I asked Suvorov lay down the command of the troops.
4.RAZGOVOR with Prince
The Grand Duke Constantine, who is in the squad Rosenberg, forced the latter to make risky crossing to the right bank of the River Po, despite prohibitions Suvorov. Unsuccessful maneuver did not go unnoticed by General Moreau, and soon a detachment Rosenberg was attacked, beaten and put to flight. Enraged Suvorov gave orders troops detachment and Constantine called on the private conversation. Initially Alexander thought report the incident to the Emperor Constantine's father, but for some reason he changed his mind. During the receiving commander and the prince remained behind locked doors, and at the end of the conversation Konstantin Pavlovich Suvorov left the office, being upset and in tears. Until now not known exactly what the commander told the prince, but since then has provided Constantine Alexander Vasilyevich special reverence.
Empress Catherine II often generously of his entourage, and Suvorov once returned from the south, presented a gold snuffbox. The gift was decorated with the monogram of the Empress diamond and precious stones. The commander told his manager: "I received a snuffbox for a walk in seven thousand rubles." Suvorov was always trying to seem unusual in their actions; this course of action has made it the nature of extreme independence. "Keep your head in the cold, the hunger in his stomach and feet warm" - the origin of this saying is also credited with Alexander Vasilyevich. Even in extreme cold great commander dressed quite easily. Once the Empress presented him a luxurious fur coat, which is told to wear. Disobeyed orders was no way, Suvorov did not part with that coat ... carried with him on his knees.
6.STULYA generals
According to tradition, to the rank of Field Marshal increase, bypassing "waiting place" it was similar to leap over the heads of the elders and not practiced. However, in 1794, for the capture of Warsaw and the suppression of the Polish uprising of Catherine II decided to award Alexander, having made it to the field marshal. In response to the message of Suvorov: "Most Gracious Majesty! Hooray! Warsaw ours! "Came the laconic:" Hurrah! Field Marshal Suvorov! ". The Russian army was nine generals, who had a higher rank. Learning about the "increasing" Suvorov began to arrange the room with chairs and childlike jumping through them, bending his fingers and calling names of general-in-chief: "Saltykov behind Dolgoruky behind Kamensky behind, and we are ahead!". Nine Generals - nine chairs.
7.BOLSHAYA and small
In fact, Suvorov always perfectly managed his emotional state, and all its eccentricities were controlled and thought, that does not detract from the effect that they have on others. One day, Alexander Vasilyevich came the Polish delegation on the issue of data promises commander, who later were still rejected Catherine II. Listened to the ambassador, Alexander crouched down, saying: "Suvorov here a little" - and then suddenly jumped to the ceiling, commenting on the act: "And that's how big the Empress!". The Poles were satisfied with the explanation. Less words, more action - that was Suvorov.
Do not surprise the reader lessons in school days with stories about the Swiss campaign, the Alpine passage and aspiration Suvorov share all the burdens of service with his soldiers. We managed to find a few little-known, but no less curious facts about the life of the great commander, who also loved chudachit.

1. First CHIN
Alexander started the service of a simple ordinary, during the reign of Elizabeth, and the first increase, oddly enough, was not on the battlefield. While serving in office at the Monplaisir summer of 1779, when Semenov regiment stood at Peterhof for guard duty, Suvorov so deftly saluted the Empress that she came by and asked him his name. When he learned that Alexander - son of General Vasily Ivanovich, Elizabeth held an ordinary silver ruble. Suvorov replied that money to take on the post is not necessary, for which he received unexpected praise the Empress, and the ruble has been left at his feet, and Elizabeth told to pick up a coin with the changing of the guard. The next day, the average Suvorov was promoted to the rank of corporal and a silver ruble he kept as a mascot until the end of his days.

2.Oh allies
During the Italian company Alexander could not hide his impartial opinion of the allies of Russia. Austrian policy he considered treacherous, and claimed that the state controlled enemies of not only Russia, but also Austria itself: "We will see what will happen to the Austrians when the scourge of Bonaparte returned to Europe." About English, he said that they envy the success of the Russian troops in Italy, their policies ado, and the state is trying to support other members of enmity against France. According to Suvorov, the Russian army was hopeless sent to Switzerland because of the intrigues of the British, whom he accused of treason just when the British fleet blocking the Genoa missed the convoy with food and weapons to the French garrison.

Alexander fell out of favor at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Paul I, famous for, among other things, a series of innovations in the Russian army. The cause of "disorder" was the disapproval of Paul Suvorov initiatives. They say that in order to introduce the new uniforms of the Prussian sample Alexander violently reacted saying: "Powder not gunpowder, curls are not guns, not spit sword: I am not a German, and the natural hare!". This is just one of the surviving harsh public statements commander extant, and it is because of him, after the manner of historians, Emperor Paul I asked Suvorov lay down the command of the troops.

4.RAZGOVOR with Prince
The Grand Duke Constantine, who is in the squad Rosenberg, forced the latter to make risky crossing to the right bank of the River Po, despite prohibitions Suvorov. Unsuccessful maneuver did not go unnoticed by General Moreau, and soon a detachment Rosenberg was attacked, beaten and put to flight. Enraged Suvorov gave orders troops detachment and Constantine called on the private conversation. Initially Alexander thought report the incident to the Emperor Constantine's father, but for some reason he changed his mind. During the receiving commander and the prince remained behind locked doors, and at the end of the conversation Konstantin Pavlovich Suvorov left the office, being upset and in tears. Until now not known exactly what the commander told the prince, but since then has provided Constantine Alexander Vasilyevich special reverence.

Empress Catherine II often generously of his entourage, and Suvorov once returned from the south, presented a gold snuffbox. The gift was decorated with the monogram of the Empress diamond and precious stones. The commander told his manager: "I received a snuffbox for a walk in seven thousand rubles." Suvorov was always trying to seem unusual in their actions; this course of action has made it the nature of extreme independence. "Keep your head in the cold, the hunger in his stomach and feet warm" - the origin of this saying is also credited with Alexander Vasilyevich. Even in extreme cold great commander dressed quite easily. Once the Empress presented him a luxurious fur coat, which is told to wear. Disobeyed orders was no way, Suvorov did not part with that coat ... carried with him on his knees.

6.STULYA generals
According to tradition, to the rank of Field Marshal increase, bypassing "waiting place" it was similar to leap over the heads of the elders and not practiced. However, in 1794, for the capture of Warsaw and the suppression of the Polish uprising of Catherine II decided to award Alexander, having made it to the field marshal. In response to the message of Suvorov: "Most Gracious Majesty! Hooray! Warsaw ours! "Came the laconic:" Hurrah! Field Marshal Suvorov! ". The Russian army was nine generals, who had a higher rank. Learning about the "increasing" Suvorov began to arrange the room with chairs and childlike jumping through them, bending his fingers and calling names of general-in-chief: "Saltykov behind Dolgoruky behind Kamensky behind, and we are ahead!". Nine Generals - nine chairs.

7.BOLSHAYA and small
In fact, Suvorov always perfectly managed his emotional state, and all its eccentricities were controlled and thought, that does not detract from the effect that they have on others. One day, Alexander Vasilyevich came the Polish delegation on the issue of data promises commander, who later were still rejected Catherine II. Listened to the ambassador, Alexander crouched down, saying: "Suvorov here a little" - and then suddenly jumped to the ceiling, commenting on the act: "And that's how big the Empress!". The Poles were satisfied with the explanation. Less words, more action - that was Suvorov.
