10 animals saddled people
The desire to be the first person has always been inherent, but because it is significantly inferior to the speed of the surrounding fauna representatives to outdo fellow tried to bridle, saddle and gallop to put any animals which proved handy. Although today practical significance of race or pack animals are not as great as before, jumps are popular around the world, finding more and show elements.
Letters +10 ph © Vera Mikhailova
1 Ostrich
Place USA, Australia, South Africa
Characteristics of African ostriches - the biggest bird in the world. Their growth reaches 2, 5 m, and weight - 160 kg. Ostrich withstand a load of 200 kg and may develop a speed of about 70 km / h, although the rider, of course, is less - no more than 40 km / h. The nature ostrich obstinate, and it is quite difficult to ride. But the rules of management are very simple: to turn the bird's head should be directed in the right direction, and to stop, you have to pull strongly ostrich neck.
Racing in Europe racing on ostriches banned, but in other countries, they are very popular. The average race distance of 400 m. But even such a short time kept riding on a winged steed is difficult, with the rider's weight must not exceed 70 kg. For those who do not want to take risks, there are races in special wheelchairs.
2 Elephant
Place of Nepal, India, Vietnam
Features In Asia, the elephants, the largest land mammal, are treated with respect. Buddhists believe the elephant sacred animal in India and love for him, and all reached unprecedented proportions: the elephants here corresponded regularly, every even have a passport. These giants have always played a large role in the daily life of the Indians, so there is nothing strange in the fact that they are used in a variety of sports - in addition to the races there are polo on elephants and elephant soccer.
According to the rules of the race animals must cover the distance of 300 m in straight and level tracks. The rider sits on the elephant's neck, without any semblance of a saddle. During the race, he has no right to be customized or stick to beat his mount. And the elephant, and the rider is forbidden to use any kind of performance-enhancing drugs, including alcohol, otherwise both will be removed from the race.
3 Horse
Venue The vast majority of the world
Characteristics horses were the main means of transportation for people up to the beginning of the XX century. They differ from each other on price and quality, as the machines of different brands, and racing have always attracted no less excitement than the race "Formula 1". Today, the competition racehorses are all over the world and are considered prestigious entertainment elite.
There are many horse racing competition - dressage, show jumping, eventing, reining, driving, mileage, vaulting. Considerable crowds collected and entertainment events such as ladies riding, fancy riding, polo, bayga. Horse & Greyhound Racing, which run on the racetrack, do not belong to an officially recognized disciplines of equestrian sports, as are a variety of tests
4 Giraffe
Venue Zimbabwe
Calling Features giraffe popular a mount does not. His height - more than five meters - not too offers for horseback riding, and harnessed to a cart, and a giraffe does not seem possible. So for now, the race giraffes are in the experimental stage.
Racing Hippodrome Bulawayo in Zimbabwe has become a testing ground for the first official race giraffes. Under the rules of the jockeys riding the animals had to cover a distance of 20 km. For the competition were selected six young giraffes at the age of two to five years. For the safety of jockeys were made special seat. The mandatory equipment includes leather kneepads: giraffes, are not accustomed to go under the seat, trying to get rid of people biting their legs. Despite the preliminary training to the finish line I got only one rider. Five others were thrown out of the saddle or gone off the track. Winner - zhirafiha Tsuki overcame the distance in 30 minutes.
5 Goat
Place Australia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago
Features Goat - the perfect pet, also ideal for racing. This is the opinion of champion in the sport John de Groot, author of "Goat racing in Australia - your indispensable guide." The most popular goat racing enjoyed in the early twentieth century, but now a long tradition of carefully preserved. By learning race goats often connect students: a real race distract teenagers from computer simulations and other games.
Racing in the different countries of the rules of racing on the box are very different from each other. In Australia, the sled goat must be equipped with a bridle, while in Guyana jockey has no right to climb on the horse - a man holding the animal on the rope and runs after him barefoot. One of the champions with his goat set a record, running 182 meters za20 seconds.
6 Camel
Place Australia, UAE, North Africa
Features Racing camels - a traditional Arabic entertainment. Today, they are held in many countries, and attracted a large number of spectators. In the United Arab Emirates camel racing can be a source of considerable income: prize winner of $ 1 million. The camels themselves are not too good horses, they are more to the liking of the desert crossing calm measured pace. But racing camels are trained and can reach a speed of 60 km / h.
Racing Race can take place both on the racetrack stadium and on a relatively straight stretch of road. Typically, the distance competition has from 1 to 4 km. Ready to go 70 camels. The rider sits high on the backs of animals. It must be very careful - the camel may at any time to show character: to throw the rider to the ground, just spit or bite.
7 Donkey
Venue Croatia, Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Italy
Features Donkeys are capable of speeds up to 70 km / h and carry a 80 kg. Most mass race on donkeys for the past 50 years held in the Croatian town of Sali where spectators come each year from around the world.
Racing By starting pistol shot riders started, cries and kicks hurrying donkeys. Get to the finish is quite difficult. Donkeys are known for their obstinate character, can stay a few steps from the finish line, and then rotate in the opposite direction. Therefore, the competition in Sali give two prizes - one winner, the other - the participant who takes the last place, that is, the owner of the lazy and stubborn donkey.
8 Bull
Venue Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Cambodia
Features Tradition racing bulls numbers in Southeast Asia for centuries. Once they are satisfied with Buddhist monks to thank the farmers who came to help in the field work.
Racing in the race bulls involved pairs. The animals were harnessed in a team, which is commonly used for the farmers in the field. The hardest rider falls - it does not provide any easy wheelchair or seat. It is placed behind the bulls standing in a small circle, and clings to the harness while adjusting cattle sharp bamboo stick. The competition takes place in two stages. Those who did not get to finish the first round, are removed from the competition.
9 Deer
Location North of Russia, Finland
Features Racing on deer - a traditional entertainment and sport of the Far North. Usually competitions are held during the celebration of the Day of the reindeer breeder and hunter. The main participants - the herders themselves, which is carried out in the tundra with herds of most of the year.
Racing strict rules of reindeer races do not exist, they differ depending on the region and local traditions. Deer and you can ride in the snow and on the ground. To sit on a deer horseback riders prepare harness. The seat is mounted in the back, like a horse, but on blades that during the race is an additional difficulty: from the saddle shaking badly shaken. Another kind of racing - in sledding. Fastened to the sledge from one to four deer. Races are held in three groups: men, women and children.
10 Dog
Location North of Russia, the USA, Canada
Driving Characteristics of Sport - the official view, recognized worldwide. Sled dogs are trained from puppyhood. They need to know all the teams: the beginning of the movement, forward, left, right, faster, to stand. Breeds of sled dogs, which are often used in the race - Siberian Husky, Alaskan Husky, Kamchatka sled and cross-breeds of sled dogs and hounds.
Race There are several types of races involving dogs. By the winter disciplines are sled dog race with sleds at various distances: sprints, middle distance of 40-100 km, and the longest - more than 100 km. Also, the competition is held with the participation of skiers and cyclists with a dog. In addition to traditional competitions on snow, there are snow-free races, where the sled is replaced by special trucks - cards.
Letters +10 ph © Vera Mikhailova
1 Ostrich
Place USA, Australia, South Africa
Characteristics of African ostriches - the biggest bird in the world. Their growth reaches 2, 5 m, and weight - 160 kg. Ostrich withstand a load of 200 kg and may develop a speed of about 70 km / h, although the rider, of course, is less - no more than 40 km / h. The nature ostrich obstinate, and it is quite difficult to ride. But the rules of management are very simple: to turn the bird's head should be directed in the right direction, and to stop, you have to pull strongly ostrich neck.
Racing in Europe racing on ostriches banned, but in other countries, they are very popular. The average race distance of 400 m. But even such a short time kept riding on a winged steed is difficult, with the rider's weight must not exceed 70 kg. For those who do not want to take risks, there are races in special wheelchairs.

2 Elephant
Place of Nepal, India, Vietnam
Features In Asia, the elephants, the largest land mammal, are treated with respect. Buddhists believe the elephant sacred animal in India and love for him, and all reached unprecedented proportions: the elephants here corresponded regularly, every even have a passport. These giants have always played a large role in the daily life of the Indians, so there is nothing strange in the fact that they are used in a variety of sports - in addition to the races there are polo on elephants and elephant soccer.
According to the rules of the race animals must cover the distance of 300 m in straight and level tracks. The rider sits on the elephant's neck, without any semblance of a saddle. During the race, he has no right to be customized or stick to beat his mount. And the elephant, and the rider is forbidden to use any kind of performance-enhancing drugs, including alcohol, otherwise both will be removed from the race.

3 Horse
Venue The vast majority of the world
Characteristics horses were the main means of transportation for people up to the beginning of the XX century. They differ from each other on price and quality, as the machines of different brands, and racing have always attracted no less excitement than the race "Formula 1". Today, the competition racehorses are all over the world and are considered prestigious entertainment elite.
There are many horse racing competition - dressage, show jumping, eventing, reining, driving, mileage, vaulting. Considerable crowds collected and entertainment events such as ladies riding, fancy riding, polo, bayga. Horse & Greyhound Racing, which run on the racetrack, do not belong to an officially recognized disciplines of equestrian sports, as are a variety of tests

4 Giraffe
Venue Zimbabwe
Calling Features giraffe popular a mount does not. His height - more than five meters - not too offers for horseback riding, and harnessed to a cart, and a giraffe does not seem possible. So for now, the race giraffes are in the experimental stage.
Racing Hippodrome Bulawayo in Zimbabwe has become a testing ground for the first official race giraffes. Under the rules of the jockeys riding the animals had to cover a distance of 20 km. For the competition were selected six young giraffes at the age of two to five years. For the safety of jockeys were made special seat. The mandatory equipment includes leather kneepads: giraffes, are not accustomed to go under the seat, trying to get rid of people biting their legs. Despite the preliminary training to the finish line I got only one rider. Five others were thrown out of the saddle or gone off the track. Winner - zhirafiha Tsuki overcame the distance in 30 minutes.

5 Goat
Place Australia, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago
Features Goat - the perfect pet, also ideal for racing. This is the opinion of champion in the sport John de Groot, author of "Goat racing in Australia - your indispensable guide." The most popular goat racing enjoyed in the early twentieth century, but now a long tradition of carefully preserved. By learning race goats often connect students: a real race distract teenagers from computer simulations and other games.
Racing in the different countries of the rules of racing on the box are very different from each other. In Australia, the sled goat must be equipped with a bridle, while in Guyana jockey has no right to climb on the horse - a man holding the animal on the rope and runs after him barefoot. One of the champions with his goat set a record, running 182 meters za20 seconds.

6 Camel
Place Australia, UAE, North Africa
Features Racing camels - a traditional Arabic entertainment. Today, they are held in many countries, and attracted a large number of spectators. In the United Arab Emirates camel racing can be a source of considerable income: prize winner of $ 1 million. The camels themselves are not too good horses, they are more to the liking of the desert crossing calm measured pace. But racing camels are trained and can reach a speed of 60 km / h.
Racing Race can take place both on the racetrack stadium and on a relatively straight stretch of road. Typically, the distance competition has from 1 to 4 km. Ready to go 70 camels. The rider sits high on the backs of animals. It must be very careful - the camel may at any time to show character: to throw the rider to the ground, just spit or bite.

7 Donkey
Venue Croatia, Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Italy
Features Donkeys are capable of speeds up to 70 km / h and carry a 80 kg. Most mass race on donkeys for the past 50 years held in the Croatian town of Sali where spectators come each year from around the world.
Racing By starting pistol shot riders started, cries and kicks hurrying donkeys. Get to the finish is quite difficult. Donkeys are known for their obstinate character, can stay a few steps from the finish line, and then rotate in the opposite direction. Therefore, the competition in Sali give two prizes - one winner, the other - the participant who takes the last place, that is, the owner of the lazy and stubborn donkey.

8 Bull
Venue Vietnam, Pakistan, Indonesia, Cambodia
Features Tradition racing bulls numbers in Southeast Asia for centuries. Once they are satisfied with Buddhist monks to thank the farmers who came to help in the field work.
Racing in the race bulls involved pairs. The animals were harnessed in a team, which is commonly used for the farmers in the field. The hardest rider falls - it does not provide any easy wheelchair or seat. It is placed behind the bulls standing in a small circle, and clings to the harness while adjusting cattle sharp bamboo stick. The competition takes place in two stages. Those who did not get to finish the first round, are removed from the competition.

9 Deer
Location North of Russia, Finland
Features Racing on deer - a traditional entertainment and sport of the Far North. Usually competitions are held during the celebration of the Day of the reindeer breeder and hunter. The main participants - the herders themselves, which is carried out in the tundra with herds of most of the year.
Racing strict rules of reindeer races do not exist, they differ depending on the region and local traditions. Deer and you can ride in the snow and on the ground. To sit on a deer horseback riders prepare harness. The seat is mounted in the back, like a horse, but on blades that during the race is an additional difficulty: from the saddle shaking badly shaken. Another kind of racing - in sledding. Fastened to the sledge from one to four deer. Races are held in three groups: men, women and children.

10 Dog
Location North of Russia, the USA, Canada
Driving Characteristics of Sport - the official view, recognized worldwide. Sled dogs are trained from puppyhood. They need to know all the teams: the beginning of the movement, forward, left, right, faster, to stand. Breeds of sled dogs, which are often used in the race - Siberian Husky, Alaskan Husky, Kamchatka sled and cross-breeds of sled dogs and hounds.
Race There are several types of races involving dogs. By the winter disciplines are sled dog race with sleds at various distances: sprints, middle distance of 40-100 km, and the longest - more than 100 km. Also, the competition is held with the participation of skiers and cyclists with a dog. In addition to traditional competitions on snow, there are snow-free races, where the sled is replaced by special trucks - cards.
